The Forum > Article Comments > Flotilla sailed for confrontation, not for aid > Comments
Flotilla sailed for confrontation, not for aid : Comments
By Bren Carlill, published 3/6/2010Israeli soldiers simply defended themselves and their country.
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Posted by Formersnag, Friday, 4 June 2010 8:54:10 AM
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The comments from Israeli-apologists on this thread expose the derangement that accompanies fanatical religious belief.
To claim that Israel is the victim in the atrocity that killed 10 activists with 9 others unaccounted for (probably thrown overboard or killed elsewhere), is to completely ignore the facts. Religion is a sickness. The people who suffer from it are a danger to themselves and the world! Posted by David G, Friday, 4 June 2010 9:34:30 AM
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How ingenious, ex-snag:
Rape is a survival device (it mixes genes from otherwise unlikely sources). Snatching young negroes and chaining them to boats is a survival device (who else would work in the cotton fields?) Doctors agree that laughter is an essential survival device, so kick some people out of their homes (doesn't really matter whom), for no fun is possible otherwise. Let all Un Australians (I guess that means white-people?) enjoy a harmonious cultural-reform in Baxter while Middle-Eastern Jews and Christians kindly house-sit their homes. If indeed explusion is the only solution, then it is best to continue having no solution. If indeed conscription is mandatory for survival, then perhaps it is better to give up surviving. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 June 2010 10:00:46 AM
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Jones, of course is more than just a parrot, he is a well paid parrot and he knows on what side the bread is buttered. People like Jones have been around for years running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds making every post a winner. A few cliches to make the point of his trite little world. He is about as sincere as a snake and capitalises on all manner of dramas but truthfully knows nothing. He is not bright and this point is obvious every day. Has some personal characteristics that are somewhat distasteful as well. He, like Sheridan in The Jewish Paper of Record, The Australian owned by a Jew and with Sheridan as the Jewish mouthpiece in the print media are the same as Jones on the crass commercial airways. The Jews make sure they cover all avenues. Fools, like Jones do not even realise that they are being used by cunning operators, the same people involved in the recent passport fraud. The world is full of people that have been compromised by lobby groups. The recent stupid comments by the feckless Abbott and the naivete Bishop indicate the level of penetration that such groups have made. It is the way they are. They unfortunately have all the characteristice of parasites clinging on to anything that gives them a free ride. Jones is one of those, giving his so-called 'sponsors' all the coverage he can. In the USI, that is the United States of Israel, 80% of the Congress has been compromised by an evil Jewish lobby group called AIPAC, controlling elections, advertising funding, support and policy. Look them up but be careful, what you might see there is guaranteed to make any person interested in justice and eliminating hypocrisy very nauseous indeed. As you can tell by comments made by the likes of Jones, Abbott and Sheridan, they are active here as well, a cancer in the Australian body. Sounds dramatic? It is, very much so. Posted by rexw, Friday, 4 June 2010 10:07:04 AM
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David G and his like are to blind to see themselves being used by terrorist to spread their propaganda. Maybe you need a bit of religion to stop you from being so blind.
Posted by runner, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:06:55 AM
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To CJ Morgan and others with similar views I would suggest a few
minutes thought along these lines. It is generally considered that there is a war like status between Gaza and Israel. Israel should to clarify matters declare a state of war with Gaza. Baby Boomers and those younger do not seem to realise the nature of war at sea. In a war, blockade runners are likely to be torpedoed without notice. If Israel had sunk the ships with all on board there is plenty of precedence to support their action. As much as you all are appalled at that, that is the way it is so live with it ! Posted by Bazz, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:13:04 AM
ALGOREisRICH, Propaganda is all the red/green/getup/labour coalition knows what to do.
This video demonstrates them in action, the aim of the exercise is to achieve a giddy, or trance like, or meditative state, where upon you fall down & then get up "Believing your own Bulls*%#". As we know from your "Frankfurt School" video, this is the basis for all left wing politics or the "lie repeatedly, till you are blue in the face" principle.
In fact i have come to the conclusion that all left wing politics is pure, stone, cold, evil, devil worship.
Yuyutsu, an interesting take on things but there is nothing at all, or even slightly wrong with conscription. Israel is a numerically small nation surrounded by neighbours committed to its destruction.
Compulsory conscription for all, is a pure, simple, survival device. They would have been destroyed decades ago without it.
Australia needs conscription just as much, if not more than Israel.
I don't even disagree with the settlements anymore.
There are only 2 possible solutions to the Middle East Problem.
1, remove all Muslims from both Israel & Lebanon, leaving them both entirely to Jews & Christians, together with going back to the 1967 borders for Israel.
2, Or, go the opposite way, give Israel back to the Muslim, Palestinians & provide another Homeland, or New Israel, to the Jews somewhere else. Like Australia. We could return to racial harmony, here, if we expelled all Muslims to the new Palestine & offered a new safe haven to Jews & Christians from the Middle East.