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Are boat-people real people? : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 1/4/2010

Hostility towards boat people and political point-scoring can only get in the way of finding a better solution.

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Just when when you thought the Politically Correct trolls had gone on easter holidays, they again return.
Posted by ozzie, Monday, 5 April 2010 6:57:34 PM
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ozzie, you and your fellow travellers should read this article, authored by Peter van Onselen and published in 'The Australian' on Saturday. Please note that neither van Onselen nor 'The Australian' could be described as remotely 'left-wing'.

<< Who's afraid of 4500 boatpeople?

BOTH of the main political parties are keen to display their toughness on border protection, so much so that they seem to have lost sight of the plight of the people who are trying to make their way here in rickety boats. >>
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 5 April 2010 7:19:36 PM
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Who's afraid of 4500 boat people?

It's only 4500, is it? Someone must have confided the final tally to you,pal. We'll wait and see if that's all we have to contend with.

The people in the UK,Belgium Holland and France etc were once also fed the same line by do-gooders and politically correct and social engineers that they should be compassionate to such reasonably small, similar numbers. Guess what the head count is today?
Only 4000 eh? LOL.
All these do-gooders and politically correct sob's have to worry about is which end of the turd is the cleanest to hold.

Posted by socratease, Monday, 5 April 2010 7:51:55 PM
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CJ, please stop your Politically Correct trolling.

The article you refer to is well summarised in the last sentence which reads "It's time our politicians started to lead public opinion on this issue instead of following it." I do not deny the author his right to express an opinion, which is however one of over 22 million, all with equal weight, no matter how wrong or right others think those opinions to be.

And here was I in my ignorance thinking that in our supposedly democratic country the political parties were there to represent the views of ordinary Australians. How very ignorant of me. Thanks for helping me to see the light.

Now CJ, go away, do a little reading, get a proper education, then come back and express a more balanced logical point of view, that is more in line with what I think.
Posted by ozzie, Monday, 5 April 2010 8:16:46 PM
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Ozzie,I was talking to an Indian student the other day. he is highly connected to a VIP Indian diplomatic person so I can't use names over the internet. We were talking about the numbers of Tamil refugees. He said the Indian giovernment set up a couple of camps to accomodate some few thousand but that was all they were prepared to admit once the camps were full.Ther other later arrivals were eccorted back by armed escorts and repatriated to jaffa. Once the camps were full!
They were smart and compassionate.
When I asked if that wasnt contravening the UN Conventiuon on Human Rights he said that they had followed it to the extent that their resources permitted and if the UN wanted more then the3 UN had better take them in themselves in any other camp they may have in mind.
(1) They had complied.
(2) As far as their resources permitted.
(3) Then the tough stand...that was it. The others were turned away. That implied that other countries should be asked to come to the party. India wasnt going to play the conscience of the Human Rights Commission.
It's easy for the UN to play the enforcer when they had no obligatiuons to the people of the country that was made to play host to the refugees.
Smart and ballsy people these Indians. Why cant we learn from them?

Posted by socratease, Monday, 5 April 2010 8:57:24 PM
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As you say, Brian Holden is polite and thoughtful, unlike poor old Cheryl whose attitude is not likely to win anyone over. I wonder how she correlates ‘racism’ with a stance against anyone at all turning up illegally. I’m against the idea of anyone, white, black or polka-dotted turning up in boats.

It would be of little use asking Cheryl herself to explain what racism has to do with a belief in orderly immigration, and refugee intake, controlled by the Australian Government, and not by people smugglers and so-called refugees with enough money to pay the people smugglers; she would serve up more epithets and ignorance.

Having called people like us ‘racists’ without telling us why, Cheryl then advises that she doesn’t “much care” if people go about, “screaming 'I hate blacks, Muslims, Asians,' etc”. So, if out and out racists (which they would be) did that on OLO, Cheryl ‘wouldn’t much mind’. What she really doesn’t like is people using “condescending rhetoric that (we) give a damn.” Note that well. Cheryl, who resorts to abuse, and doesn’t know what she herself is talking about, claims to know when total strangers write something, they actually mean something else, but they are hiding it!

Cheryl also misinterprets as ‘Fascism’ democratic law and order, freedom of speech and the right of any government and its people to decide who it does or does not allow to enter the country it is responsible for.

There are people like Brian Holden, with whom you can disagree but still respect; then there are people like Cheryl, who probably deserve pity rather than scorn.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 5 April 2010 9:16:03 PM
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