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Are boat-people real people? : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 1/4/2010

Hostility towards boat people and political point-scoring can only get in the way of finding a better solution.

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So, why did this ‘Hakim’ character “escape” from Iraq if it was OK to leave his wife and child behind? What sort of man runs away from his family, leaving them to the purported dangers of a country like Iraq and comes illegally to Australia? Why do some Australians express sympathy for the relatively few people who claim they ‘have to leave’ their counties and head for Australia, while most of their countrymen, who perhaps cannot afford the price of a people smuggler, remain behind?

“They were Muslims and the traditional family structure meant everything to them.”

Bah and humbug! They strip the old parents of their savings, and hubby runs off to Australia. And the tragic ‘Asera’ hopes that ‘Hakim’ will be “able to support his family as a man must.”

That’s a give-away, surely. Perhaps there is no real danger; ‘Hakim’ just can’t get work in Iraq. Asylum is meant only for people in fear of their lives, not for economic migrants. But, they lie to Australian immigration and Bob’s your uncle. Anyone with a good yarn can come to live in Australia, even if they come illegally.

“Hakim is angered that so many were judging asylum seekers to be of low character.” Well, poor old ‘Hakim’ ! What does he expect when he jumps the queue ahead of thousands of others waiting in camps already processed by the UN? Australia is a land of integrity and a fair-go; we don’t live by Middle Eastern values.

However, we can’t blame ‘Hakim’ for wishing that “Australia had a more intelligent government…”; that seems to be pure Brian Holden. Our government was doing what was expected of it: trying to protect our borders from uninvited and illegal entrants.

This article is a too-long tear jerker, inappropriate for a time when 80% of Australians are fed up with Rudd’s inaction on illegal boats, and immigration’s inability or unwillingness to repatriate liars and cheats.

Rudd has failed Australia in not dealing with illegals as he promised prior to his election
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:20:26 AM
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There are close to 2 million Muslims already in Australia. Let enough of these tear-jerking cases in as well from all parts of the Islamic world and soon 30% of our population will be Muslim. Those who think this is ok please take the trouble to read the contemporary histories of Europe with special reference to the UK,Belgium holland and france and italy.

There are equally sad stories out of African refugee camps. Why treat Muslim refugees preferentially? At least the African,Sri Lankans and Chinese lay no further demands like shatria law on us and our institutuions and way of life are not threatened. Imams are openly preaching the overthrow of infidel ASustralia.

just be careful in your appraisals.

Posted by socratease, Thursday, 1 April 2010 1:10:58 PM
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Well done "socratease"

Thanks for your "Facts" - where on Earth did you pull 30% from?!!

"In Australia, Muslims account for about 1.5 per cent of the population."

Number %
Muslim 340,397 1.7

Try to stop talking bullsh1t.
Posted by Alyssa KT, Thursday, 1 April 2010 1:32:31 PM
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Alyssa KT writes

"In Australia, Muslims account for about 1.5 per cent of the population."

I wonder if anybody has ever done an honest study on the crime rate among this very small population base. If you went to some of the prisons you might be surprised at their 'over representation' which social engineers call disadvantage while others would say they are over represented in the amount of crime committed. One wonders why with only 1.5% representation they also get such a say. In some places even beaches close so they can use them exclusively.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 April 2010 2:17:46 PM
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"Hakim wished that Australia had a more intelligent government..." Geez Hakim, I wished we had a few more of the same on OLO.

Don't know whether I would have used that narrative style Brian, but who am I to say? Hard to sustain for 1000 words.

Basically mate the boat arrivals are secretly staged by News Corporation to provide fantasic pics of, well, boat arrivals.

This has been going on since post the Vietnam war. They represent bugger all as a total percentage of refugees. But our media is 'aqua minded' which means, if you're a dumb bunny, that some think we're being invaded by Muslims (Saracens carrying scimitars!) from the East with their weird Muslim ways such as praying.

Why do we think that? We keep seeing the same pictures of boat arrivals. Why? Because boat arrivals tell a story. What story Cheryl? Well, if you're a moron, they tell the story of INVASION.

Racism takes many forms. It can be small comments such as 'I'm not racist but..', to the antipopulation efforts of the dingbat greenies and recycled Malthisians who pair off nicely with the National Front.

Good on you Brian.
Posted by Cheryl, Thursday, 1 April 2010 3:04:21 PM
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You are right, these illegal immigrants are real people.

They are also aliens.

The entry of aliens into another country without leave constitutes invasion. If in doubt, ask the aborigines.

The ultimate tragedy that will come in future years is that these people will have to be declared enemy aliens, with all that that implies.

The starry-eyed idealists, who seem to think that there should be no restriction on entry, need to remember that if we were to take 120 million, and reduce our standard of living to that in Bangladesh, with Sydney and Melbourne reduced to stinking, heaving slum cities like Dacca, we would only absorb 18 months of the world's population increase.

The real problem is over-population. Relax, nature is very good at taking care of this. The sad thing is that it involves four horsemen.
Posted by plerdsus, Thursday, 1 April 2010 3:26:07 PM
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