The Forum > Article Comments > The IPCC needs to change, but the science remains sound > Comments
The IPCC needs to change, but the science remains sound : Comments
By Robert Watson, published 3/3/2010A few errors by the IPCC doesn't mean climate change is an illusion or that CO2 emissions don't need to be cut.
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Clearly the issue has been resolved it's all rubbish! Hasbeen has spoken.
That's it! sack all the scientists . All knowing Hasbeen knows better than all of them and has spoken.
Has been, your topic proves you have no idea about AGW (ACC) theory or that the science has move since the 1950/60. *In fact it's a moving feast*.
Fred Singer is dead his work is out of date it has been superseded by later information. Site, like Science daily and EurekaAllert publish about 5-10 new climate specific scientific papers weekly. Goodness knows how many on those with oblique relevance.
NB The IPCC reports are the equivalent of researching, reading and writing and producing a totally new windows O/S. We all know how perfect that isn't, when first released. We don't discard the entire workable package because of bugs...Get real.
Like windows the report is a snap shot of the science at that time.
The problem with the IPCC reports are the fallibilities of the bureaucratic methodology that sifts the mountains of data, papers, observations etc.
Like the man said the science is sound it is how it gets to the report in a form that non scientists can digest it that is the problem.
-Glacier-gate's error was the 35 year time frame not the fact that the Himalayan Glaciers that feed the four main eastern rivers have/are retreating at unprecedented rates. (a bureaucratic error not a science one).
- Climate gate was one man's sloppiness. It DIDN'T alter the conclusions.
NB all the information data measurement and their model's source code are available from NASA on their New combined Climate Change web site for ready access.
-The melting Poles some of this conformational data, maps, pictures are available from several sources.
NB a lot of this data is new from new satellites l after and not accounted for in Plimer's book, Fred singer's Opus and the scientifically dubious theory hawked by Monckton.