The Forum > Article Comments > The IPCC needs to change, but the science remains sound > Comments
The IPCC needs to change, but the science remains sound : Comments
By Robert Watson, published 3/3/2010A few errors by the IPCC doesn't mean climate change is an illusion or that CO2 emissions don't need to be cut.
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The problem is public perception and the recent fiascos re IPCC have done great damage to the climate change lobby.
Posted by Cheryl, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 12:22:30 PM
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Andy1 "Why don't they go to climate change affected regions to witness the evidence for themselves?"
How will we know when we visit these sites, whether the evidence is of Man-made or Natural climate change? Can you tell the difference Andy1? Please enlighten us with the science behind the ability to distinguish between the two. Frightening the children time ... look, over there, AGW did that! Science indeed. Posted by Amicus, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 12:44:18 PM
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The issue of Anthropogenic Global Warming is suspiciously like a world wide hoax. Prof S. Fred Singer of SEPP described it as “a way to extract money from poor people in rich countries to give it to rich people in poor countries
1. Prof Phil Jones of ‘ClimateGate’ fame says that there has been no global warming for fifteen years. Is this really the result of carbon pollution? 2. The US Senate criticises the ClimateGate scientists. Quote ‘In our view, the CRU documents and emails reveal .. unethical and potentially illegal behaviour by some of the world’s pre eminent climate scientists’ 3. Dr Joseph D’Aleo and Dr Anthony Watts who are very highly qualified in this work, undertook a detailed examination of the temperature readings and found that the raw data had been extensively compromised. Quote “Instrumental .temperature data . have been so widely tampered with that it cannot be credibly asserted there has been any significant global warming in the 20th Century. All ..temperature databases exhibit very serious problems that render them useless for determining accurate long-term temperature trends. 4. Commerce has problems but so do States in the USA. a Quote "With billions of dollars at stake, EPA outsourced the scientific basis for its greenhouse gas regulation to a scandal-plagued international organization that cannot be considered objective or trustworthy," said Greg Abbott, Texas's Attorney General. b ` Quote "(Virginia’s) Attorney General Cuccinelli believes that the EPA acted in an arbitrary and capricious fashion and failed to properly exercise its judgment Posted by phoenix94, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 1:03:34 PM
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The IPCC played us for suckers , they insulted our intelligence , they Snarled Slurs at us , they Lied to us , they Ripped us off costing us millions of Dollars , they locked up our Peoples farms and harmed our Farming People .
We should call an inquiry , a Royal Commission to find out Where all these Climate Scientists and Professors came from check the Term out is there any such "Thing"? How so suddenly did we find thousands of these integrity compromised Professors ? With the exception of Pilmer I am not prepared to see them as anything less than petulant Frauds , passionate Liars and Dunces . I find it terribly disappointing that we , us Aussies are to tolerate people , politicians included who are prepared to confiscate Farmers Farms ? Apparently all the Dinkum Aussies are all gone ? Climate Change Bastards know no bounds . Yet we were all set up by Rudd&Wong to hand over Megga Millions to the IPCC Dreamers , Despots from third world Countries etc. and a hoard of Bureaucrats like Godwin . Strange things happen like a five installment ululate is happening on "The Drum" begging that we desist being nasty to the CC Fanatics and Frauds, it's on the ABC website . Telling People Lies will Never be Seen as a Goodwill Gesture ! Posted by ShazBaz001, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 1:56:23 PM
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"That is why I applaud the University of East Anglia - affiliated with the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research, where I work as strategic director - for rapidly establishing an independent review of the whole issue"
yep, I'd be proud too, set up a self assesing enqquirey like the show Yes Minister did .. oh "Nature Editor-in-Chief Philip Campbell, who withdrew last month over challenges to his impartiality based on a December 2009 interview in which he said "The scientists [involved in the CRU emails] have not hidden the data. . . . they have behaved as researchers should." oh dang .. "independent .. a new definition? Critics have also questioned Geoffrey Boulton's place on that CRU review panel. Mr. Boulton, today a professor emeritus at the University of Edinburgh, has in the past worked at the University of East Anglia's School of Environmental Science, which established CRU in 1972. More recently, Mr. Boulton signed a December 2009 petition, orchestrated by the U.K. Meteorological Office that has collaborated with CRU, declaring "the utmost confidence in the observational evidence for global warming and the scientific basis for concluding that it is due primarily to human activities." CRU investigating CRU, hardly going to be "independent" is it, it is set up to deceive and absolve - and go on treating the public as idiots who can be deceived. Well some can and some cannot, those that cannot must be attacked and ridiculed .. oh On the IPCC's investigation into the CRU emails "we stand firmly behind the rigor and robustness of the 4th Assessment Report's conclusions. . . . based on an overwhelming body of evidence from thousands of peer-reviewed and independent scientific studies." That is to say, the outcome of Mr. Pachauri's inquiry has already been determined—the science will be found to be sound. Too bad for him that the IPCC is likely past the point where it can salvage its tattered reputation." Posted by Amicus, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 2:18:25 PM
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Re the IPCC, yes, some intellecual fraud there. I remember back in the 70s the Victorian police held an investigation in to graft and fraud in that state. Once they realised that a considerable amount of graft and fraud was being perpetrated by the Graft and Fraud squad of the Victorian police, they closed the inquiry down. Such is life.
I have little doubt that there is some man made climate warming. I'm just far from certain that I want the 'Graft and Fraud' squad carrying out the investigation. Posted by Cheryl, Wednesday, 3 March 2010 2:50:52 PM