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Two years on, the ‘great moral challenge’ just leaves people in the cold : Comments
By Graham Young, published 16/2/2010Global warming won't again be the winner for the government that it was in 2007.
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Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 7:40:48 PM
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Have you noticed something significant about all the 'errors', 'typos', 'mistakes' and similar in IPCC reports?
ALL of them are in the direction of "OMG, its worse than we thought". Not a single instance that I have seen (I may have missed one or two) is in the direction of understating the 'problem'. Why is this so?? Posted by Herbert Stencil, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 8:20:11 PM
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<< Like many others, I feel that if the rest of the world is doing close to b*gger all, why should we tax everything to make 0.1% difference to the world. >>
Good point Shadow Minister. This is a huge reason why the motivation for action needs to be changed. Notwithstanding the fact that anthropogenic global warming is probably very real and significant, we should be concentrating on much more tangible things, as I outlined in my last post. In so doing, we would be addressing AGW a whole lot more effectively than we are now or would be with a Rudd-style ETS. Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 8:23:14 PM
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Well explained Arjay. At least you have done your homework on this subject. Few really understand how close we came to disaster though not one brought about by Climate Change.
I notice the new pro AGW line is either "lets discuss it" or "its a long way off but still a problem". Where has the urgency gone? What happened to the imminent disaster/its already too late scenario or even "the science is settled" line? Seriously quanda, if you do not remember the widely publicised statements from Scientists that Global Warming disaster was not only imminent but was already causing problems then your memory is very selective. Let me quote one example from Greenpeace: "The 0.6 degree rise we’ve experienced already kills 150,000 people every year." from: So, please stop pretending that AGW scientists were saying the disaster was a long way off. That is just nonsense. They clearly stated problems were happening NOW. Phil, people, even prominent Scientists, are abandoning the cause at an alarming rate. Surely, you have noticed your fellow pro AGW people becoming more interested in discussion and less frantic about imminent action? They now strangely have time to work it all out with the non-believers. Even Dr Phil"ClimateGate" Jones is changing his tune. He has recently admitted there has been no statistically significant Global Warming since 1995. To respond to quanda's unnecessary personal attack I will quote Charles Mackay: "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one." So quanda, don't be the last one. Posted by Atman, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 10:44:27 PM
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Good spin, just right for anti labor propaganda. i.e. up to 25% .When the flip side is 75% still believe down from 83% I thought you were better than that. But as you said this is opinion not objective. Your point is a minor one. Save that of human propensity to still have the concentration span of primates. Shadow Your response is incredibly Liberal 'greed is good' untill the end. You should remember the paratroops lament. It's not the fall that needs attention it's the sudden stop, Better you check your 'shute or learn to fly. With all the effort spent there still isn't a scientific inclusive coherent alternative to ACC. (AGW to those who live by the media). No alternative can explain the satellite data,(all those I've seen just ignore it) or the retreat of the *western* Tibetan glaciers that feed the 4 main eastern Asian rivers. Nor will the nit picking matter a gnat's hemorrhoid with 300 million refugees. We can't cope now with 12 million or so. Neither do the natural solutionists account for the major difference today when compared to "past events", 6. something Billion humans. And you're concerned about your toy filled lives, based on a magic pudding economy. Wasn't it a wise Indian Chief who said after the last game is gone, the last fish caught try eating your money. Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 10:52:02 PM
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Atman, you obviously don't know what a "squealing" climate is, we are having problems now.
Arjay, it would be ad hom if I apologised to you, I haven't. Posted by qanda, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 10:58:55 PM
The reality is this,the world has not warmed in the last 10 yrs even with a 26% increase by man made CO2.The Northern hemisphere has had record cold winters that excel records of 40 yrs or more.Climategate reveals a cover up of mind boggling proportions and the popular media just ignores it because their masters in Wall Street,want a new derivative called Carbon Trading to further fleece the masses.
It is a sham and con of monumental proportions that would see the UN ,under the auspices of the Global Reserve Banks, extort carbon taxes from us,to feather their nests.
This is nothing but facism dressed up in the noble, palitable form of saving the planet based on a lie.It is an amalgamation of left wing green movements and a corporate elite who see it as their right to save the planet and themselves because our humanity in too much a burden on the planet.Maurice Strong the ex-secretary of the UN wants the world pop reduced to 100 million.This means mass genocide