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The Forum > Article Comments > A changing climate for the IPCC > Comments

A changing climate for the IPCC : Comments

By Mike Hulme, published 12/2/2010

The publication of false claims by the IPCC has been compounded by its imperious attitude.

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My regard for the IPCC is not recoverable , they really are dishonest Hippies ; the best thing they can do is pack up their Bongo Drums and bugger off .

We should all write letters to the Gates Foundation or the Carnegie Foundation encouraging them to investigate AGW these foundations have turned "Peer Review" into an art form .

Whatever happens Government and Government Finances will need to be isolated from any new Panel Charged with investigating Climate Change ; this will attract "Real" and "Honest" People rather than the Hippies and Dishonesty Distributors we saw operating in the Current IPCC . Fear & Panic are not the tools of Men of Integrity .
The people of the IPCC were like Snails they left behind themselves a trail of ill will that featured words like "Deniers" and "Skeptics" the right to Inquire and Conclude are cherished Rights embellished by our Constitutional Democracy .
We need to advocate for Change to our Constitution if our Governments can pass our finances to Faceless People Beyond our constitution .
Cap & Trade is a Hoax , it forces People who are Dishonest to be honest how sad is that and once these people get their digits around our cash ? Some people might think I have fallen off my Beast ; let me ask , What Countries do all the Work and Finance the United Nations? Are you sure about giving your Money our Money to the Hoard of Despots that Memberise the UN but never contribute , I use the UN of course as an Example because it will be the same presence that infects the UN . Cap & Trade is for the Fairies .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Saturday, 13 February 2010 12:19:07 AM
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Everyone is entitled to his view but not to his facts (Senantor Daniel Moynihan).

Contrary to allegations, the IPCC reports offer MINIMUM projections of climate change, already superseded by faster ice melt rates and sea level rises (Rahmstorf et al. 2007).

Given thousands of pages of the IPCC report, errors are inevitable. Compared to these errors, the systematic fabrication of climate "data" by many who would like to call themselves "sceptics" is the real issue requiring investigation.

Inherently climate change forecasts constitute best estimates only and can not expected to be accurate in terms of time. Total or advanced melt of Himalayan glaciers may take place before, at or after 2035. At the current rate of greenhouse gas forcings, i.e. CO2 rise of ~2 ppm/year, early melt of large parts of the cryosphere is possible. The same goes for the demise of large parts of the Amazon.

The attacks against Pauchari, like earlier attacks against Al Gore, James Hansen and other climate scientists and environmentalists, are typical of the methods of those who would play the man rather than the ball, diverting attention from the looming climate change tragedy.

Attempts to sabotage Cophenhagen meeting and attack climate scientists can not hide the tragic reality, beyond reasonable doubt, of the melting cryosphere and of runaway climate change
Arctic sea ice cover(1870 - 2009):
Averaged sea level change:
Mapped localised sea level change:
Atmospheric CO2 levels (from about 1960):
Longer term CO2 levels:
Posted by Andy1, Saturday, 13 February 2010 1:39:32 AM
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While the bickering at the IPCC is no different from any other scientific institution, the political weight that has been put on their shoulders, and the import of their work means that they cannot operate just like any other scientific institution.

They must be like Caesar's wife "above reproach" in that their level of transparency and professionalism must present all the information in a raw format (errors can be expected) and thoroughly checked reports (no errors).

Their lack of transparency has cast doubt on the science and their conclusions. While I believe their science, their credibility is now seriously damaged, and will be ignored by those not enamored, or those working against the global effort.

A different body needs to be set up with clear rules without the political baggage.
Posted by Democritus, Saturday, 13 February 2010 5:53:41 AM
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For the benefit of Andy!

--“Given thousands of pages of the IPCC report, errors are inevitable."
The IPCC has --traded-- on the claim that its research/findings are thoroughly peer reviewed. [ Lie No.1]

And apparently well before GlacierrGate became known in the West , the Indian academy of science ( or equivalent) had rejected its Himalayan Glacier findings ---yet I don’t recall it ever being reported. And all the while we were being told that the ALL the science bodies of the world were right behind the IPCC. [ Lie No.2]

I note, with a great deal of amusement that pro –AGW bodies like, NewScientist magazine ( perhaps to cover their own backsides!) are now calling for answers as to why such claims were published –but I note. with even more amusement and cynicism ,that such claims were there, open to all –including NewScientist, for a long time and no one raised a whimper, until the little boy cried out “the king has no clothes’ ---I mean surely they knew –or was it that they swallowed without thought whatever the IPCC prints !

--“The attacks against Pauchari, like earlier attacks against Al Gore, James Hansen and other climate scientists and environmentalists, are typical of the methods of those who would play the man rather than the ball"
From where I sit the bulk of ridicule/personal attacks/put downs are coming from those who believe in AGW ,and being directed at those who question or doubt.

Even writing a book on climate change had Pilmer accused of profiteering and what not. Now I hear,that Pauchari has made it known to all and sundry, that he is writing a ‘erotic novel’ –I am waiting for those same AGWers to make similar attacks on him!

PS knowing how things seem to work, he'll probably get awarded the Booker!
Posted by Horus, Saturday, 13 February 2010 7:58:46 AM
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Dear Cowboy Joe,
L encourage you to keep believing in the God of the bible as he gives us Hope. I had a major stroke 4 years ago and the stroke specialist told me thay I would have another stroke and die.
Very strong powerfull words But praise be to God nothing is impossible with God. My last blood tests all came back excelent. Impossible with man but possible with God for he is the God of the impossible. The Lord who healeth thee. Without God man is without hope, lost on the sea of iniquity, up the creek without a paddle. The world will never see God only those who believe and who finish the race so keep running twords the goal not made made by man but by God.
Richie 10
Posted by Richie 10, Sunday, 14 February 2010 8:45:12 AM
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I have an old email from Lindsay Tanner, said something to the effect that people who deliver insults have weak arguments. The other day he referred to L Monckton as a Thatcher relic along with some other derisive comments.

Ageism? Bigotry (due to Lord M affluence? -- or simply that Mr Tanner was unable to cross intellectual swords with the old pommy?

I would think that most senior citizens would cherish having the cognitive agility that Lord Monckton demonstrates.

Isn't democracy messy? Wouldn't it be much better if we allowed emotion to rule. The science is in!

Ask yourself how often the science is in, then out, then in, then out. The stimulus legislation has to be passed now, and then take 5 years to spend it. I guess it makes sense to some.

There was a point when I was thinking that we could use a financial collapse just to focus our collective thoughts onto the major problems that could be solved by leadership, government and some common goals. But I would rather not work until I am 70.

BTW, anyone see the Chosen One Obama mispronounce 'corps' three times in a recent speech? Since this did not gel with the left / progressive narrative of journalism it received little attention. I think we would all agree if Palin or Bush had done the same the media would have been excoriating. Or will some one "please explain"?

The media is the biggest cause of AGW.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Sunday, 14 February 2010 12:52:42 PM
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