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The Forum > Article Comments > Why are Indian students being targeted in Australia? > Comments

Why are Indian students being targeted in Australia? : Comments

By Lohit Shandilya, published 10/2/2010

Australia was not a popular destination for Indian students until education was linked to permanent residency.

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Again you fail to understand simple Primary school maths. In a country dominated by white people you would expect that of 4 murders, most would be committed by white people. Now consider there are approximately less than 1 million Indians in Australia ( likely an over estimate), that equates to around 1/20 or less. Thus you only expect 1 in every 20 murderers to be Indian. But here I have given you the Stats for the most recent murders of Indians (I did not choose these, the Australian and Indian media did, they are all of the recent murders I know of, if you know of others please correct me), and at least 75% (possibly even 100%)have been committed by Indians. The likehood of that happening is very small, unless there is something else going on. What could account for it?
Also the article title relates to "Why are Indian students being targeted in Australia", so that's why we are specifically looking at violence against Indians. The media has made this out to be racist white Australians as the cause. Yet the examples clearly suggest an alternate explanation. If you want to discuss white crime I suggest you start another threat. I would be more than willing to discuss it with you, but this topic is about violence against Indians. White Australians are by no means free of violence, yet they are clearly not responsible for the crimes mentioned here which they are being blamed for.
Posted by ozzie, Monday, 22 February 2010 8:45:52 PM
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Posted by Lucy Montgomery, Monday, 22 February 2010 9:35:17 PM
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That's right,Lucy,yawn. It's the most intelligent response you've made so far. There's hope for you yet....I think.

Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 23 February 2010 3:36:58 PM
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Lucy, here is another example of violent crime against Indians. Check out the report on who exactly attacked the past president of the AMA. See if the attackers were Anglo Aussies, I don't think so. And who exactly was it that killed (by stabbing in the neck) another doctor in Melbourne a few years ago? could it have been Anglo Aussies again. No, it was a Sudanese guy, Samuel Benjamin. I will leave it to you to search this one. Hopefully you are able to do that at least.
Posted by ozzie, Sunday, 28 February 2010 11:38:21 AM
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Fancy running into you here Ozzie!! I note that you're posting another misleading comment about "ethnic" crime. One minute is Indians as the perpetrators now its Indians as the victims. Never any admission that crime is committed by people of all ethnicities and that its causes are complex but not racial.

Now here are some cases involving crime by Anglo-Australians.

Posted by David Jennings, Sunday, 28 February 2010 12:50:06 PM
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David wrote

"Fancy running into you here Ozzie!! I note that you're posting another misleading comment about "ethnic" crime. One minute is Indians as the perpetrators now its Indians as the victims."

Yes David, this whole article is concerning crime against indians, so that's why I have written about Indians as victims. And I have included Indians as perpetrators as many of these Indian victims are in fact the victims of Indian perpetrators. Much of the media tries continuously to blame ordinary Anglo Aussies as being responsible for much of this crime. However the examples above demnstrate that of the 4 indians recently murdered in Australia, 3 of them were murdered by Indians (do you actually dispute this fact?). The remaining murderer we do not know the nationality of yet. Exactly how is pointing out this fact misleading? I consider it misleading to try hiding this fact, as you continually attempt to.

David also wrote.....

"Never any admission that crime is committed by people of all ethnicities and that its causes are complex but not racial."

Well now that's absolutely false. Just above I stated

"White Australians are by no means free of violence, yet they are clearly not responsible for the crimes mentioned here which they are being blamed for."

David, crime is in fact committed by all different ethnicities and does have many complex causes. However, in no way does that mean all ethnicities commit crime at the same rates.

To state again, the examples above clearly demonstrate 3 out of 4 recent Indians murdered in Australia were in fact murdered by fellow Indians. FACT. You may try all you want to mislead others about this David but that will not change it.

David to prove your point, please feel free to give numerous examples of Indians killed in Australia by Anglo Aussies. Don't hold back, hit me with as many as you want. I will be expecting maybe 30-40 examples.
Posted by ozzie, Monday, 1 March 2010 10:49:07 PM
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