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The Forum > General Discussion > Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

Should some criminals pay the costs of imprisonment?

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yuyutsu fair go mate! your views are out there and you must expect others will differ, first no God ever existed, yes brilliant humans set out rules to live by in every faiths book, also put some truly awful stuff in them,yes you seem to want to help every one, even me maybe, but have you seen a grandmother bashed because she would not hand over her purse? if the world existed as you want it to we would not need prisons or police, it never did and never will however
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 15 July 2018 8:48:03 AM
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Hi there YUYUTSU...

Are you living in a land of 'make believe' or something? For your benefit I'll again, try to articulate some simple answers to your questions my 'worried friend'.

(i) To receive a custodial sentence these days; especially for a first timer, even given the offence might be of a serious nature, it's not automatic, despite what you might think. The judiciary try where possible, to keep people out of gaol, if for no other reason, than a fiscal imperative.

(ii) Gaol's are tough places. And if you're sent to gaol, you'll need to completely re-access your thinking, together with your values. Best advice; keep your head down and your mouth shut. There's no impediment to practicing your religion in gaol. But you must remember, you're in a place were societies worst are kept, for the protection of the entire community. So don't expect to come across too many of your fellow (religious) brethren, in Gaol. They're the exception rather than the rule.

(ii) Gaols have towers and catwalks along different parts of the walls. In, and on those Towers and catwalks, there are trained Prison Officers, each armed with a Ruger .223 (5.56mm NATO) calibre Rifle, and carrying a Glock 17, 9mm pistol (for personal protection) in a holster on his belt. If anyone attempts to escape lawful custody, they're liable to be shot, and by any measure, they're very likely to die. The .223 Ruger is a Military calibre, and very effective. That's why the NSW Department of Correction's chose that particular weapon and calibre.

You say 'they' change the rules, and there's no excuse, for not knowing of those changes - YUYUTSU under British law, 'Our Laws' there's no excuse for ignorance of the law. Your claim that you may be locked up even though you've not broken 'their' rules...? That's aberrant rubbish Who do you refer to; by 'they & 'their's' - 'Big Brother' perhaps? Have you been reading Geo. ORWELL'S '1984' by chance YUYUTSU? Anyway my friend, I wouldn't think for a moment, there'd be any likelihood of you ever going to gaol.
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 15 July 2018 1:19:48 PM
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o sung wo your post was a lot nearer to reality than yuyutsu who may well be a good fella
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 15 July 2018 5:34:40 PM
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Hi there BELLY...

I dunno mate, perhaps our mutual friend YUYUTSU, is somewhat of an idealist. If not, one who views his world, through rose coloured glasses. Preferring not to see the seamy side of life, through those rose coloured glasses - who'd really know? Bye for now.
Posted by o sung wu, Sunday, 15 July 2018 5:40:41 PM
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Dear O Sung Wu,

Yes I have read Orwell's "1984", I don't remember exactly when, only that it was before 1984 and that it disturbed me greatly ever since. Digital technology is leading us this way.

I believe you that "To receive a custodial sentence these days... The judiciary try where possible, to keep people out of gaol",
but as you say, this is "these days" and times do change. All it could take for example is a financial-recession/depression, a war or a massive terrorist act, then judiciary attitudes along with the valuing of freedom and dignity might change drastically.


Dear Belly,

«o sung wo your post was a lot nearer to reality than yuyutsu»

But not for this miserable guy:
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 15 July 2018 11:59:24 PM
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Yuyutsu I think I have met folk like you on and of all my life, well meaning hoping that others care as much as you do, in the end good people but failing the reality test, my morning like every other one in to the days news papers is full of criminal acts and pain,if you and I o sung wo, too, could only talk to the young and have them listen, about the different people they will be in their future, could be if they considered that now? we could avoid sending them to prison, but reality stops that dream
Posted by Belly, Monday, 16 July 2018 7:10:34 AM
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