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The Forum > General Discussion > Ireland votes to legalize same-sex marriage

Ireland votes to legalize same-sex marriage

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"Not a problem Is Mise, let me help you with that selective memory :
It is discrimination against those that hold that their marriage to a person of the opposite sex is demeaned by same sex marriage.
Changing the law is discrimination against such people."

Yes, I wrote that but it in no way means that I feel that my marriage is affected, as with your misunderstanding of 'infallibility', you have an English comprehension problem.

What I am talking about is that some people, who feel that their marital status is being demeaned, are being discriminated against.

"Sorry if I beg to differ on your little experience of Ireland and the Irish"
The public meeting with the Bishop of Galway is a matter of public record and can be found in the archives of The Connaught Tribune whicch reported it in detail.
You'll just have to take my word for the Granda's response.

I do rather like the way that the IRA's ranks were stripped of Catholics when the Church forbade membership, perhaps you would care to comment on from where it then got its members?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 May 2015 8:30:32 AM
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Human sexuality is a powerful passion within every healthy human. Many persons without a sense of boundary will take advantage wherever possible. That some adults feel sexually safe with children others with same sex adults both are a perversion of a healthy boundary.

The homosexuals that attend Mardi believe any willing partner for a one night stand is OK. Those homosexuals that seek a lifelong partner must publicly condemn such practises. However the general public, police, army and Lord Mayor's that support such practises have been brain washed to believe Mardi is a great way to promote same sex practises. It is all about bringing in money for the city.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 30 May 2015 10:15:40 AM
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That is a ludicrous assertion, Josephus...

"The homosexuals that attend Mardi believe any willing partner for a one night stand is OK."

Any willing partner? Nonsense. Have you seen some of them? Sexually attractive, not! Some of us have standards.

On the other hand the heterosexuals that attend any nightclub believe any willing partner for a one night stand is OK.

And, if they can get away with it, that sometimes includes or is in spite of their current girl or boyfriends.

"Benidorm Behind the Scenes", "Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents" and "The Magaluf Weekender" are easily accessed sociological proofs.

"Many persons without a sense of boundary will take advantage wherever possible."

As do many who repeatedly step over that boundary:
Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 30 May 2015 10:57:01 AM
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thanks Susie u always seem to confirm that feminist and regressives have no interest in facts. Just do a social degree that fits your narrative. The sickening part is you pretend to care about kids. At least some of the homosexual lobby is honest about its intentions.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 30 May 2015 11:07:10 AM
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Runner, your depraved mind continues as usual.

Where in all of my posts have I said I don't care about kids?
I care about all kids, unlike you, who most certainly doesn't care about Muslim kids, or kids on refugee boats, that's for sure.

Is Mise, your poor knowledge of Ireland continues.
Many, many Catholics populated the ranks of the IRA.

There were very few people of any other religion living in the south anyway, until very recent times. They included many Catholic clergy sympathizers in their ranks too.
I have personal knowledge of this fact, unlike you.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 30 May 2015 11:17:51 AM
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"Is Mise, your poor knowledge of Ireland continues.
Many, many Catholics populated the ranks of the IRA...."

I can't believe it, you have taken my satirical post on the IRA at face value!
You do really have an English comprehension problem.

"....There were very few people of any other religion living in the south anyway,[7% of the population usually] until very recent times. They included many Catholic clergy sympathizers in their ranks too.
I have personal knowledge of this fact, unlike you."

How do you know that I do or do not have personal knowledge of the IRA? Besides which the IRA was not confined to unoccupied Ireland, which you mistakenly refer to as the 'south', the northern most part of Ireland is in the Republic, thus it is possible to stand in the 'south' and look south at the 'north', the Occupied Territory.
There have been some notable Protestants in the IRA.

But you fail to explain why the IRA was predominantly Catholic when these same Catholics, who according to you were brainwashed into believing that Bishops and Archbishops were infallible, still joined the IRA even though the penalty was excommunication, the highest penalty in Catholicism.

Perhaps, just perhaps or even perchance you are wrong in your assertions that Irish Catholics always unthinkingly did what the Church wanted.
Perhaps you might also tell us why the late Dan Breen,Fianna Fail TD, was elected to the Dail for so many years, even though he was Ireland's most prominent atheist, and thus not loved by the Church.

One wonders why so many Catholic voters cast their ballots for an unbeliever, if they were so influenced by the priests, as you claim.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 May 2015 1:12:23 PM
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