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As humans What are our responsibilities on earth.
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Posted by Gods Messenger, Saturday, 5 April 2014 6:45:13 AM
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As the dominant species we are responsible for the planet.
We are collectively responsible for our irresponsible leaders. To quote (modified) OUG : This earth is our home, respect it, it is all we got. Posted by Producer, Sunday, 6 April 2014 6:17:15 PM
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OH DEAR A TOPIC..we can stick our teeth..INTO
AS HUMAN..WE ARE..but one step from being humane and the same way one becomes a mensch' OUr humanity leads to the perfection/that holds accounting for our works/mo longer are we mere beasts surviving only the fittest test BUT WE BECOME HUMANITY AT ITS BEST. its not over complicated..we just need treat each other/like a true brother[never a bother]..and treat each sister with respect..even if its really not their due[think of other as you would have other think of you. we don't have any right but the right's god gave us [freewill to think ACT SAY AND DO]..[preferably by not hurting other..and THE REST..THAT TOO IS UP TO YOU..we are the gown-up's we can help give even the beast quality of life we can ensure that every/living THING..HAS ITS BEST CHANCE OF SURVIVING..WITHOUT DEMEANING OTHERS Rights to live[we live AS WITNESS OF THE GOD's..good..[the LIVING GOOD god/of infinite loving grace... living in mercy..[we the incarnate..are but one lifetime away from eternity..of further higher purer uses we have risen far beyond the best nature[no thats a bit too much] we shall rise above the baser beastly/natures..within this living generation..of this you can be sure we have accept responsibilities but we need refine our responses to others abilities. DONT ENVY OTHER/NOR RIDICULE THEM/us\ us to help..too. there is no big we saw to do/thus did we do we stand on great shoulders..of yet greater than ourselves WE CAN SEE FURTHER..DO BETTER.. BUT NOT TO SERVE JUST SOME..BUT EVERYONE... THAT MEANS CHANGING THE BIG PICTURE..BY FIXING THE FINE DETAIL..AS WE find it needs fixing. one thing done a time anything..just done the open..not out/of sight once we seen other do..IT BECOMES EASIER WHEN THE DOER..IS YOU. TRUE BLUE. Posted by one under god, Sunday, 6 April 2014 6:43:19 PM
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Oh God!
To eat, drink, & be merry, because damn soon we die. Not a damn thing we co will stop that, so stop fretting. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 6 April 2014 9:07:34 PM
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OUG – I get a lot (not all) of what you say.
The god thing I don’t get however. Its fine and I respect your and others to have an imaginary friend. To philosophy on behalf of this aberration as if you have some intimate connection is not logical! God is often used by humans to shirk their responsibilities. A criminal who finds god is suddenly a good bloke. Which god is it? My favourite is Little Wooden. Posted by Producer, Sunday, 6 April 2014 9:34:13 PM
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Gods messenger,
I along with several billion others know what our responsibilities are. It's those morons who breed indiscriminately & then expect others to keep them who need to be reminded. God knows we have tried to get through to them but to no avail. Tell the do-gooders. Posted by individual, Sunday, 6 April 2014 10:38:12 PM
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produced/quote..<<..The god thing I don’t get however.>>
THINK SIMPLY LIKE you are more than one cell you are infinite trillions..of cells acting individually/yet that 'your'/body..forms one entity...[despite being in fact untold quadrillions of individual living cells sharing one suitable environment. you must see that the science says energy/cant be created/nor destroyed[this includes the living 'energy/life force..of your combined cellular memories[ie you]..see that energy..must flow..that at death positive energy flows one way/that negative energy flows the other way. those with confused energies vibrate back and forth[to andd fro]..between the two opposing polar forces..that i call god[is different from the holy spirit/but yet old habits prevail see god[our reason for existence=god 'gOD=THE SUN[THAT PHYSICAL BALL IN THE SKY..we CANT[upon] the earth exists as the sun ejaculated it from its face/then bathed it in the holy spirits life force[light in al its spectrum's]..that sustains our physical biota its living being anyhow the flesh dies..the collective life forces..for negative..go to the place they are drawn to[the face of the sun]..some sink deeper into the physical sun[and find THEY ARE IN DARKNESS/surrounded by a ring of fire[get it>] THERE IS US THE FLESH.GOD..AND THE HOLY LIFE SPIRIT..THAT SUSTAINS ALL SUNS SUSTAINING ALL THE FLESH..[the trinity thing long confused me/till i took it as a higher revealing [rev-elation] <<...Its fine and I respect your..and others to have an imaginary friend.>> your 'energy'..[vibe..thus rejects god..and all his creration[but even that inst properly evil../not vile..[to sink into the ring of fire[hell proper] need be REALLY/LOVING THE DOING..OF evil..[and clearly you are not]..thus i wouldn't worry about it..IN THE LEAST/TIME..and tide..WILL REVEAL our own time/by our own life paths 2b ctd Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 6:38:16 AM
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<<..To philosophy on behalf of this aberration..>>
that's not nice.but again..not evil/hurtful nor spiteful but please see aberration is in mis-PRESUMING ALL LIFE ENERGY CAN SIMPLY 'DIE';[THAT VIOLATES THE LAW OF ENERGY CONSERVATION/BUT ITS NOT A MATTER OF URGENCY..we have realise our own choice to become suns[emitting that holy spirits glorious life sustaining light [we each will have our own/let there be light monent [thanks be to the holy one with the sons of god[sons of the sun] << if you have some intimate connection is not logical! God is often used by humans to shirk their responsibilities.>> HENCE THE Negativity/needs the re-BALANCING of THE KARMA dont tell em..but EVIL IS VITAL..[fOR PHYSICAL LIVING..ON EARTH..its passions RADIATING..[radiations/ life on earth..[light is specific events..setting up waves]. [just dont let true evil know..their viral/passions..are vital. <<..A criminal who finds suddenly a good bloke.>. no more so..that a good person finding god is good...its not the finding[discovery]..its the doing of good works/for other/with passion. <<..Which god is it?>>..ours im told is named ana..[alpha/negative alpha]..but thats as generic as god..[describing QUALIFICATION..[SERVICE]..NOT quality]..e-quality with qualification...but sans reservation..collective forces all sustained on the feed back loop from holy spirit/to sun to thee..back to the holy spirit that we do to the most we did to he..most true..truelly wholly spirit equally sustaining the living in me and thee..the oNE SOMEHOW BECOMES ALL 3. Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 6:45:09 AM
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Well said Indi, control the out of control breeding and you go a long way towards achieving your responsibility, that being to maintain a balance for future generations to follow.
As for our little portion of the planet, we also need to put a stop to the cash splash that allows so many to suck from the public tit, because we are now in a position whereby we rely on our wealth of resources, just to pay the bills, which allows for no savings for the day these resources actually run dry. Can't afford them, don't have them. . Posted by rehctub, Monday, 7 April 2014 8:30:17 AM
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5,000 years ago a commission was given to man to nurture and care for the resources of our Earth and not steal from its resources.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 7 April 2014 9:02:54 AM
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lets/look at the license..[dispensation/unto men]
the..[original promise/charter..of the creator/himselF gen..2..15..The Lord God took the man..and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it...16..And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,..17..but of the tree of the knowledge..of good and evil you shall not eat,..for in the day that you eat..of it your..ignorance* shall surely die.” insert gen 3 But the serpent..said to the woman,..“You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it..*your eyes will be opened,.*and you will be like God,*..[knowing good and evil.”]. 6..So when the woman saw..that the tree/was good for food, and was a the eyes,..and that the tree was to be desired..[to make one wise,]...she took of its fruit and ate, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken..out of Man.”[i] 24..Therefore..[for/further..gain/by pain..of wisdom]..a man shall..leave his father..and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh... I..ate.”[gen..3] 14..The Lord God..said to the serpent, “Because you..have done this, eve ie..[SOUGHT/KNOWING]..dust you shall eat all the days..of your life...[note;..dust/plus..water/light/seed=FOOD] 15..I will put enmity..between you and the woman, and..between your offspring..and her offspring; he..shall bruise your head, and you..shall bruise his heel.”[reveal/his..feet-of clay/eh?] 16..To the woman..he said, “I will..surely..multiply your..awareness..of/my..pain.. Your..desire shall be for..your husband,[as 4/thee] and he..shall rule..over you.” 17..And to Adam..he said, “Because you..have listened to the voice...of your wife and have eaten of the tree..OF KNOWING of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ [AS IT WILL ONLY DEPRESS/THEE].. cursed is the ground..because of you;..[ADAM] *[key..NOTE/NOT EVE.] in[ADAM] of it..all [ALL/the days of your life; 18..thorns..and shall bring forth for you; and you the plants of the field...[not factories?] 19..By the sweat of your face you shall eat..bread, till you the ground, for..out of it you were taken; for you.are dust, and to shall return.” 25..And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.[ahhh-men..mene many men*eh?] Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 10:05:20 AM
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Josephus "5,000 years ago a commission was given to man to nurture and care for the resources of our Earth and not steal from its resources."
What 'commission', and by whom, Josephus? And why only 5000 years ago, when our lovely earth is much older than that? Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 7 April 2014 10:56:21 AM
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It would seem this could develop into a god thread. That’s okay I’m up for it!
OUG – What did you think of “Little Wooden God”? Can you or any of the holy posters tell me what sex is god and the franchise that particular god belongs to? OUG – An abridged version if possible please. Posted by Producer, Monday, 7 April 2014 1:35:42 PM
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INDEED..WHAT..IS GOD..we have tackled on olo a few times
god simply speaking is the sun..[but/the holy spirit..includes EVERYONE] ITS NOT COMPLICATED...THE SUN..'lives'..the same way we do the same way all life 'lives'..[in and on your body/and mine//etc] there life countless MICRO-BEASTS..when they too die..they can enjoin into the collective omnipresent holy good [holy spirit]LIGHT..or reject the good/light..and dwell in the deep darkness. god..[our sun]..=is all the we need....done/thus was life living begun..[to do..all that god does/did/do/does]..FOR EVERYONE.. so simplified..god=the sun[full-stop] likely your asking about the holy spirit/..[thats much more ie how for instance does 'god'..reason/how doth god talk/COMMUNE WITH THE HOLY COLLECTIVE LIVING ESSENCE..BUT THE Same way we do..indeed WE MAY ASK/what are the suns..[gods]/ god of this earth? one of infinite suns in the holy spirits heavens infinite suns of the holy light giver..sustaining all living love life logic..via the holy omnipresent wholly spirit...[the clue to it all lies in..THE PASSIONS EMITTED/RADIATED FRom our god..affect every living thing [he sustains TO LIVE]..Only by the ever-present one../BEING PRE-sent.. THIS/'NOW'..[LIVE-TIME]..present.. THIS..[moment]..of PRESENT/being IS..most Holy THINK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT..LIKE THE..BITS/BYTES..[PIXELS]..THAT MAKE UP A PICTURE..SWEDENBORG REFERS TO plan..of THE GRAND MAN..where we all accumulate..according to our passions..into the one most holy spirit/body..[to INFORM..quality/+\form] zooming in..on him..[THE MIND'S-EYE'S..ENVISIONED embroilment...EMBODIMENT..OF HIM...[as one..AT ONE WITH ALL] /figuratively.. zoom into the armpit..[see that dingle berry/dangling in the tangle..[THATS ME]..[waves] [a large evil...GOES Downwards[literally].. into..ever more SMALL SCALE..the..more evil we do. [WHEREAS THE SUNS*..OF GOD[GOOD]..ARE ON A FAR larger scale..[LIKE ANGELS IN Comparative size stand between..9' to many times more feet tall]..whereas the most evil demons..could quite comfortably Sit upon the head of a pin/but..fOR THEIR Passions[think/VIRAL\VIRUS-SIZE. Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 3:52:04 PM
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Please tell us of intelligent records that give man responsibility regarding the Earth. While sub-humans lived in caves they were exposed to all forms of mortal dangers and were merely hunters and gatherers. They had no written commission. When man began to build fortress cities he had need to provide for his offspring; hence agriculture began outside the city. Posted by Josephus, Monday, 7 April 2014 4:28:49 PM
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OUG – You reckon god is the sun.
Surely that can’t be right because if it was not for the Earth’s magnetic field the sun would destroy the Earth. This can only mean using your logic the sun is the devil and the magnetic field is god. I reckon someone’s having a lend of you. Posted by Producer, Monday, 7 April 2014 4:29:56 PM
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producer..think occams razor ask science/HOW WAS EARTH CREATED..IF the sun didnt create earth please present YOUR PROOF ..OF HOW THE EARTH WAS CREATED? IF THE LIGHT OF THE SUN/DONT SUSTAIN LIFE ITS LIVING WHAT DOES? OK YOU SAY THE SUN DIDN'T 'DO IT'/../Then how? Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 4:39:41 PM
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Josephus, you have lost me!
Who wrote this "commission " for us 5000 years ago? Saying that humans were not really human when they lived in caves is a little strange. If you look at Anthroplogy books you will see that these people were really quite bright, and were our ancestors. We have ancient artifacts and cave paintings as well as old skeletons to prove all this. Ancient Aboriginals are known to have cared for their environment long before Europeans arrived with their agriculture. So what is your point? Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 7 April 2014 4:46:35 PM
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OUG – Well done, a short post
Now don’t get of subject. We are discussing god, not how the Earth was created. I stated previously, using your logic the sun is the devil and the magnetic field is god? Another short but on subject response please. Posted by Producer, Monday, 7 April 2014 4:59:42 PM
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There are two questions here, I believe.
>>What are our responsibilities as human beings on this planet earth.<< That seems to me to refer to individual responsibilities. What is my responsibility, and is it likely to be the same as your responsibility or his responsibility or her responsibility. What behaviours are expected of us, in order to deserve to live on this planet. The second seems more communal in nature: >>So what are our collective responsibilities.<< Which are far wider in their implications. Individually, we don't necessarily have a responsibility, say, for the welfare of every other individual on the planet. For a start, it is not possible to take responsibility for seven billion people. The best we can do, in the grand scheme of things, simply boils down to "be nice to each other". Collectively, it gets far more complicated. rehctub has a go at it with: >>... to maintain a balance for future generations to follow<< Sadly, that is just as impossible a target as actively taking an interest in seven billion individuals. By requiring us to "maintain a balance", rehctub is suggesting that we already have a balance, and that we should stay this way. Given this was a response to the suggestion that we should "control the out of control breeding", I doubt this is what was intended. But in that case, rehctub, what do you believe a "balance" actually looks like? Are you considering only your own self? Or the street you live in? Or the town, the State, or Australia as a whole? Do you see any responsibility at all to any other street, town, State or Country? Thought not. But don't worry. No-one else does either. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 7 April 2014 5:10:11 PM
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JOSEPHUS<<>.Josephus "5,000 years ago a commission was given>>
SUE.<<,,What 'commission', and by whom,>> clearly/by the WRITERS OF the holy texts..of genesis then/trying to IMPLY THE YOUNG EARTH Theory[no where stated in the texts] <<..And why only 5000 years ago,..when our lovely much older than that?>> ITS CLEAR SUE..that josephUS..refers to the license WARRANT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK[SEE THE FIRST 3 Chapters]..its reasonable they occurred 5000 years some form or other.. ANYHOW REGARDING THE SPECIFICS/RE PRODUCT ,,..<<..Surely that can’t be right..because if it was not for the Earth’s magnetic field....the sun would destroy the Earth.>> THAT IT LIVES IS even more remarkable the all logic should be destroyed..yet isnt. INST IT Amassing the moon precisely covers the sun[despite THE MASSIVE size differences[TWO LIGHT'S]..EVERYTHING IS SO NOT BY ACCIDENT/BUT design. <<This can only mean using your logic...the sun is the devil>> there is no devil/but many devils [embodiments of all that vile]..YET SEEK TO OBSCURE THE LIGHT BUT the vile IS ATTRACTED TO THE LIGHT...BUT THE LIGHT KNEW THE DARKNESS NOT] prod/.<<.and the magnetic field is god.>> all good is of god but not ALL GOOD IS GOD THE magnetic field is *of...god. YOU ARE BEING YOU/..BY GIFT OF GOD.. creating your meat..housing the hOLY SPIRIT but dust [of the sun]..we are and to dust..we shall return.. [how could them cavemen..have been so clever SO CLEAR? 5000..YEARS..AGO..[OR MORE/WHO KNOWS..BUT GOD..JUST HIS HOLY SPIRIT AND YOU. Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 5:12:05 PM
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OUG – You lost it again, too long.
You did say “all good is god” Am I right then to assume that because the good magnetic field that protects us from the sun that would destroy the Earth is now god? Surely you would agree, if this is the case the sun must be evil (not good) as it would destroy the earth if it was not for the magnetic field and therefore could not be god? You did also say “not all good is god”. This would mean that even though the magnetic field is good it might not be god. I think we have established that without the good magnetic field the sun would not be good for the Earth therefore could not be god. If the good magnetic field is not god and the not good sun can’t be because it is not good, what then is god? Keep it short and stay on subject OUG. Posted by Producer, Monday, 7 April 2014 5:39:47 PM
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PRODDER/QUOTE..<<>...Keep it short and stay on subject OUG.
You did say “all good is god”>> MY MOST RECENT RECALL OF ALL GOOD..IS OF GOD NOT IS GOD..NOT any 'good...'IS'*..GOD [BUT EVEN THEN/GOD WOULD SAY..AS JESUS SAID..WHY CALL YE ME GOOD[THERE IS BUT ONE GOOD/the wholly spirit* but still its hear good as it reminds us god is good..too [ultimately..its all we are is of the wholly spirit[ie good] whether its good from you or from god or from jesus[good is used early in the texts,..cause by god [and thus jesus and the HOLY SPIRIT.ITS ALL GOOD <<>.Am I right then to assume..that because the good magnetic field that protects us..from the sun that would destroy the now god?>. NO..PLEASE KNOW GOD=THE SUN THE MAGNETIC FLUX FIELDS OF AFFECT..ARE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT please recall..that not even mosus..could gaze upon 'HIS [GODS]-FACE..AND LIVE..[i sort of live by that..and stared at the sun once..saying I KNOW YOUR THERE..i dare you to make me blind if your not..[well over a minute..staring with love[open/pupils] the sun..and im not blind...but please refute..if you so wish., <<..Surely you would agree,..if this is the case..>> it isnt..your giving credit to ceaser..when its not..*of caeser god will burn you with his pure love thus jesus was say..'see me;..see that i DO/THIS IS WHAT OUR FATHER WOULDST..BE DOING FOR YOU..IF YOU COULD BARE..HIS PURE BRIGHT VISAGE..[AND not be burnt to a crispie lets say your right/as an example <<>>the sun must be evil.(not good)..>> why am i not blind? why if evil/does his light sustain life to nurture SEE EVEN A BEAST LOVES ITS OWN..IF THE SUN WAS EVIL..MUMMA WOULD BE EATING BABBa << it would destroy the earth..if it was not for the magnetic field..and therefore could not be god?>> RECALL I SAID..HER NAME IS ANA..[ALPHA..*NEGATIVE ALPHA'] THE NEGATIVE/ALPHA..IS THAT DANGER/INVERSION [THINK OF GOD AS A TWENTY TWO TRILLION TON PUPPY..JUST LOVING YOU [HIS CHILDREN]..BUT IN PURE INNOCENCE..CRush the life..right/out of us simply by wanting to connect CONTINUES..[POST LIMITS ALLOWING] Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 8:44:48 PM
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but for the wholly father/spirit..[holy spirit]
she would pick us her embrace instantly [but knowing it would kill is cant happen.. [look if \i put your mind,..into a would you advise me..its 'you' all that whale meat? <<..You did also say “not all good is god”.>> not all good is god..true..god doth her good JESUS DOES HIS I DO MINE.YOU DO YOURS BUT ITS ALL OF HIM ALL GOOD[THE HOLY SPIRIT] the magnetic field is good iS..not god. ITS OF*..THE HOLY SPIRIT. <<..established that without the good magnetic field..the sun would not be good..for the Earth..>> it wouldnt hurt..'the earth'..a bit BUT LIFE..WELL YES we seen extinctions..[but what use is a dinosaw..if you need make adam..[one thing god knows for sure is there is no death there are many extinct the other realms recall earth only exISTS BECAuse half the angels rejected god the earth is where they 'hide'..from ana to then say..<<..therefore could not be god.>> of course not..god is the sun <<..If the good magnetic field is not god>> and it isnt <<>>and the not good sun can’t be ?? because it is not good, what then is god?>> god is the sun live with it you repeated the same thing 3 times ans the last line dont even read right. but lets just not judging god thankyou lord foR YET ANOTHER DAY. Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 8:45:06 PM
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OUG – You can’t help yourself can you.
So now you reckon the magnetic field is the holy spirit. I think your making things up as you go along. I thought god and the holy spirit where mates. You are right the earth would survive the lack of a magnetic field and the not good sun would cause mass extinction and this would destroy man and man’s imaginary friend god as well. OUG you strike me as a good individual which doesn’t make you a god by the way. A bit messed up perhaps. Why can’t you and others just accept that there stuff you don’t know and will never know. You don’t have to make something up to fill the space, just accept the space. Good Night Posted by Producer, Monday, 7 April 2014 9:49:27 PM
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You are talking nothing but sanctimonious rubbish in other words Bull-
You are very clearly demonstrating your contempt for everything alive. You are showing that you have no understanding of what your responsibilities are here on this earth. Not only do you demonstrate this successfully you treat the issue as stupid silly joke that shows you not care. There is no doubt whatsoever that it is your attitude that is destroying our home And you are invoking my fury. Posted by Gods Messenger, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 6:32:27 AM
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gm..let go..a mouthful
not sure who that last spray was aimed at but see nothing in reply plodder..[the anti-god'er] producer..<<>.So now you reckon..>> there you go again/saying im saying something ok lets see what your saying im saying but lest we say..i say<<the magnetic field is the holy spirit.>> i say..please note yet again of the holy isnt the holy but clearly..of is to small a word for you to comprehend <<>> I think your making things up as you go along. <<..I thought god and the holy spirit where mates.>> again/trying to validate/your lies the holy spirit..sustains the sun/to live its NOT EQUALS/NOR MATES..ITS PROPER MATING FATHER HOLY SPIRIT..SUSTAINS THE SUN..AND THE SON ITS NOT THE S0N/NOR THE SUN..THAT SUSTAINS THE WHOLLY SPIRIT..[THINK CAUSE ACTION].. stop wasting space/telling me in right.. <<.You are right the earth would survive the lack of a magnetic field>> thats bleeding obvious self evident but then you upset..gods mess-anger..<<..and the not..good sun would cause mass extinction ..nd this would destroy man..and man’s imaginary friend god as well.>> waste your time the sun[god] neither good nor bad all good is due./to the holy spirit..because of the holy lives/yes.the sun sustains the..HIS..DE-light..[AND]..that without protection/GOS/IE THE SUN..Could consume us instantly/..but our holy men..have long warned us of that danger. note please..your use of imaginary friend..implies god [but clearly the sun..burning THE EARTH TO A crisp/wont hurt the sun/at all..].. [IE ..not hurt..the[god].. ie..'OUR IMAGINARY/FRIEND../or\ the least CONTINUES/SUBJECT..POST-LIMITATION..[OR BANNING] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 7:38:14 AM
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THe sun [god]..sustains our living/not our destruction
sure many will die off/but the sun..[god].. or rather that you imaginary..lives lots longer...THAT ITS CREATIONS..[LOTS LONGER] its got that blind spot..THAT FAILS to enlighten/thy mind what the attack..on god..not you planned? so/you have a meltdown/ trying to Turn..THE SOME..choice words <<..OUG you strike me>> and you stuck back << a good individual which doesn’t make you a god by the way.>> MATE..IM A SON/of the sun..LIKE YOU ARE BUT IM NOT 'THE SUN'..nor are you [mate its only you..trying to say it/ by saying im not/when i never said i aM [CLEARLY IM NOT THE SUN/..JESUS ISNT THE SUN your not the son..not gm..nun is GOD..but the sun..son.. TO REPEAT/..YET AGAIN GOD=SUN..[FULL=STOP]/ /AND Correct/how science says..our/earth was created and if not the sun sustaining our life..please explain what is? but..YOUR ATTEMPTED TAKE-DOWN..CONTINUES me? your<<..A bit messed up perhaps...>> messed up but im not a mess-anger..[like you and gm] <<Why can’t you..and others just accept..that there don’t know..and will never know.>> there..are knowable knowns god guides us knoW IT ALL. THERE IS STUFF..ATHIESTS..OR DIED IN THE WOOL THEISTS WILL NEVER KNOW..BUT..YOU BOTH NOW KNOW..CAUSE I TOLD YOU/ and even..THE BIBLE/koran..arcana celestia..heaven/hell/gone west etc etc..TELLS US SO. <<You don’t have to..make something fill the space,..just accept the space.>> its see the space..but cant face..what fills-in..that space so/that place..of empty space/you cant face. god made you..sun/ with it.. you cant unmake with the truth..of what you are..will in time be. shine..thyne ever living loving light..upon us lord we radiate thyne the darkest night to the holy spirits de-light hang-on tight..soon comes the dark knight. its going to be all right..but can you handle the truth..TIME WILL REVEAL THAT MEN TRIED TOO LONG TO CONCEAL...WATCH OUT..THE BIG REVEAL. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 7:49:59 AM
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Gods Messenger
Don’t be so hard on OUG I believe he means well. I realise religion can be and is in some cases sanctimonious and in your words bull. I thought OUG valued all living things as do I, at least that’s the impression I get. I went so far as to quote him in my opening post. I repeat: As the dominant species we are responsible for the planet. We are collectively responsible for our irresponsible leaders. To quote (modified) OUG : This earth is our home, respect it, it is all we got. I get the impression that OUG is well read and highly intelligent although his preoccupation with his imaginary friend’s god and his mates makes it difficult for me at least to understand a lot of what he has to say. As a consequence his message is largely lost. I know religion is just made up by man, but calling it a silly joke is a bit harsh don’t you think. You know how sensitive some of these god bothers are. I doubt if OUG’s, mine or your attitude will destroy our home. It will be our actions, those who we act on our behalf as well as those we allow to act against us all that will destroy our home. Fury from gods messenger may be deemed a bit sanctimonious name and deed. I believe meekness is the way to approach such dilemmas. I believe the prize is the Earth. Anyway gods messenger, it’s your thread, surely it’s time to give us your two bob’s worth. Posted by Producer, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 8:43:15 AM
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What I am disappointed in is the content of this debate not the personal beliefs and the respectful banter.
However if the only respect that can be offered up is being our responsibility is to the human race we are doomed to failure. So let's start again how about we start by giving our animal kingdoms some rights that can't be taken off them. Do u think that collectively we have enough respect for life on this planet to allow the animal to be totally and legally respected. Do you thinks that it's not our responsibility to stop the mayhem and murder that we practise and/or allow ourselves to practise on a regular basis. It out of site it's out of mind. Do you think that failing to clean up the mess we make in our endeavour to progress life hear on earth is not one of our responsibilities. We blame the politicians and yet we allow them to continue on a path where they cannot be held responsible for their actions. In the face of crisis all our so called leaders can do is pour on the fuel. You might recall that all politician do what they in the name of God when it suits them. I can't recall anywhere in the legend that give you Gods right to create murder and mayhem. Nearly everybody on the planet gets down on their hands and knees prays for God on a regular basis. Then the very first thing that happens you walk down the road and kill something. Do you think that is what Gods is. It is your belief in God that is the question. It's the fact that you expect him to do it for you. Posted by Gods Messenger, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10:13:06 AM
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Gods Messenger – Tells us what YOU think?
Try doing it without evoking an interpretation from an imaginary third party. I challenge you to post YOUR personal opinion without mentioning any god or any associated rituals or referring to some ancient text. Suggest a solution or a course of action that is simple and good that can be accepted by all. That is the rich, the poor, the educated and uneducated. Don’t forget the god bothers from all franchises and those who participate in no ritual. Yes and don’t forget our animals, particularly those who a killed needlessly by religious ritual slaughter. Then there is the sick, maimed and diseased. What is the “holy grail” (metaphoric reference only – don’t get to exited). What is the one thing we can change that will change everything? Bet you can’t Posted by Producer, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10:52:44 AM
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gm/quote..<< about we giving our animal kingdoms some rights..that can't be taken off them.>>
god gave them..ultimate RIGHTS/FREE WILL/FREE ACT..FREEDOM FRom commerce..freedom from contract..freedom unlimited thats what god gave then then there are mens rights/less that gods rights infarct rights that govt gives/govt can takeaway[beasts cant argue with a cop and his gun <<..Do u think that collectively..we have enough respect for life on this planet to allow the be totally and legally respected.>> sure/in total/people do flea from wild beasts but they make them..into what they cannot ever be as cute as they look/they will kill you and eat you[regardless of a book] the greens got lotsa votes cause we are killing sharks but have they prevented any see rights need be enforced but a beast killing man..cant be right as much as the reverse..if they got must be equal you kill me..and thus if thats your too must be mine. it's..our stop the mayhem and murder..that we practice..but..if you cant reason..with them..exile*them. that failing to clean up the mess is one of our responsibilities...or else the leaders come in with more SIN make us all saints they can be held responsible..for their actions. BY THE QUEEN ANY GOVERNOR GENERAL/BY THE POLICE SWORN TO SERVE AND PROTECT..OR THE ARMED FORCES[OR THE LAW SOCIETY/BUT THEY ALL LOVE DOING ONGOING TREASON <<..I can't recall the legend..that give ANY/ Gods right to create murder and mayhem.>> FORGET GOD.. [THEY dont believe GOD EXISTS] *we..are/their maters.. WE NEVER gave THEM any-RIGHT kill..*IN OUR NAME NOT EVER.. in/fsact..WE Created govt for peace and fair commerce/ courts and justice/not taxation.revenue raising killing billing murdering/gods creation nor polluting its soils airs waters and living beings..with virus heavy metals chlorides and gmo <<..>> well said Do you think..the living loving graceful-God is..pleased. It is your mis-belief in God,,..that raises the question. It's the fact..that you expect do it..for you...DESPITE OF YOU...LIVING ONLY FOR FEW. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 11:08:06 AM
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I am a simple fisherman.
I own nothing and never have except this iPad and Iphone both which where gifts from my family. During this life time I have been to hell and back ...because of the actions of others. And I know beyond a shadow of doubt there are hundred of millions of people who have been to hell here on earth because of the actions of others. I have never even lifted a bible into my hands. What I say is what I feel and what comes to me from my experience in life. I do not need anyone's help to stand up before you. I am my own man and I stand alone. You can join with me, stand beside me or turn your back and walk away . I don't care because my time is coming. Posted by Gods Messenger, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 12:42:01 PM
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Gods Messenger
Leonardo da Vinci said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Although you don’t own them you have a family and therefore are not alone. The bible has some great yarns and some excellent philosophical ideas. Some people take it to seriously however. Sit down with your family and I’m sure you have a friend or two. You sound like you’re too old to stand for long. Your way or the highway and you don’t care. That does not fit with the question asked, “As humans: What are our responsibilities on earth” Your time is coming. You’re no orphan there, it happening to all of us. Do not go gentle into that good night Anyway you have yet to tell me and others, what you think are our responsibilities on earth? It’s your thread Posted by Producer, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 4:00:49 PM
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Gawd !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 8 April 2014 8:30:51 PM
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You know how the song goes:
"The world belongs to everyone -" "The best things in life are free..." The problem is that too many want too much that's not free. The 'Sacred Balance' - can it really be achieved and maintained; can humanity be constrained and contained? I think not; unless there is a momentous and permanent paradigm shift. In the quest to discover the meaning of 'everything', I fear humanity may find the answer just in time to see it all disappear. Be kind to each other Poirot? And, pray (or hope) for a miracle, for peace, and for a return to the simple life - sustained by the good earth and goodwill, in harmony with nature. What can I do? Leave only a small footprint - or no discernible footprint at all - and urge all I meet to do the same? Realistic? Nah; but then 'we' always were a stubborn and selfish life-form. With God, we squabble over minutiae; without God (or at least without Godliness), we run rampant. The Earth cannot restrain nor contain us; our fate already caste? (But the relics may afford a salient message - if there's anyone to read it.) Posted by Saltpetre, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 1:16:02 AM
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People are too selfish, too unwilling to learn, too lazy & above all too stupid. Yes the die is already cast for this so-called civilisation. The only difference will be that ours won't leave any legacy of substance such as the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Mayans etc. because a civilisation's legacy is a reflection of it's mentality. Our throw-away society is the proof.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 4:24:28 AM
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SALTY..its funny..[please look back to last Fridays podcast]
when what you asked.[seE END..]for really happens]..second hour] <<..The problem is that too many want too much that's not free. The 'Sacred Balance' - can it really be achieved and maintained; can humanity be constrained and contained?>> google bill clinton saying we need an alian invasion [i posted links yesterday] mike talks of a space project/2 de hour join the dots/your going to get..what you wanted nothing for free..or everything for free 'what is the sacred balance'? >>?<<I think not; unless there is a momentous and permanent paradigm shift.>> like world wide war [www] or like peace in israel? or invasion..or going broke? or mobs in the streets walling in evil doers..into their fall out shelters? an alien messiah/who saves you all? holograms in the sky/projected off space platforms who knows ..i could link the dots for yoU..BUT WHY better than i have tried <<>.In the quest to discover the meaning of 'everything', I fear humanity may find the answer just in time to see it all disappear.>> fear no evil good out numbers EVIL 90 TO ONE..HAVE FAITH THE GOOD LEADERS..lead..the same way god doth/by grace service..light logic life..serving the iving/not the dead let the dead tend the dead if alians have a cure/can you afford the cost to get here alians had to travel for 40 generations across the vast deserts of outer space..these inbreeds dont got nuthin good/they bought reportedly/those horrid weopens of war they are the problem/their too clever look what they dun/trippled the price of everything.but two decades the abbo's shoulda hung cook outcasts..from others lands are always running from something Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 8:23:32 AM
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<<..The Earth cannot restrain nor contain us;>> TO PAT TO BE CORRECT [SURE A FEW/MAY GO INTO INFINITE OUTER/SPACE] but they will go nutts/inbreed/hybridize into sub human [se our gravity/and interactions wiith magnetic fields change of state/adversity..opportunity/unpredictability..etc etc ..regardless..THATS MUCH LIKE GODS MESSANGER/miss speaking 'i will make you...a FISSURE OF MEN'..] <<..our fate already caste?>> NO WE HAVE FREEWILL WE HAVE FREETHOUGHT..[THOUGH MANY REFUSE TO USE IT..we got free act] invert these words<<..(But the relics..>>[ie of our past]<<..may afford a salient message - if there's anyone..>>[willing TO HONESTLY NOT CRUELLY..REVEAL IT..<<.to read it.>>) INDY/QUOTING/THE Negative inputs..attracted to previous posts negativity/feeds back the karic convincing from within his minds[ie think feedback looping karma <<>>People are too selfish,>> SURE/MANY ARE/BUT MOST ARE EXTREMELY GENEROUS..90..OUT OF 100 WILL HELP/IF ASKED <<..too unwilling to learn,>> SOME HATE US TEACHING/TO THEM ITS ALL PREACHING they simply have faith[after the final conspiricy theory./fails ya sort of get over the fear based junk <<..too lazy>. unmotivated/knowing one Alone IS MAD NO CHANGE UNTIL THERE IS A MOB..ON THE STREET BUT THAT fails now too/they know most go home//or back to work the game is rigged indy../thats all <<.&above all too stupid.>> no the stupid=us not letting it all just rot collapse fail..its we that are the fool/the others are there playing with their grandkiddies/in thE SACK WITH THEIR LOVERS/SORTING STAMPS OR EXTENDING THE HERB GARDEN no its not them its us..till we feel cant exist without <<..Yes the die is already cast>> TAKE THAT BACK..BUT YES I A WAY/YOUR NEARLY THERE NEARLY BACK TO NORMAL..NUTHING WE CAN DO WILL CHANGE IT SO IF RAPE IS UNAVOIDABLE..LIE DOWN..then you can fight with your whole body this war..this eternal war is lost..<<<for this so-called civilization.>> ahh men now war is over/what next..aliens? <<..a civilisation's a reflection of it's mentality. Our throw-away the proof.>>we live in the age of plenTY everything we ever bought/goes in the rubbish thats why i came up with the recycling proposal for longreach and lamb island/succession/thread..but was ignored..but thats ok..i got plenty more ideas. but/ know pearl/..before whine. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 8:49:33 AM
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People are too selfish, too unwilling to learn, too lazy & above all too stupid. Yes the die is already cast for this so-called civilisation. The only difference will be that ours won't leave any legacy of substance such as the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Mayans etc. because a civilisation's legacy is a reflection of it's mentality. Our throw-away society is the proof.
Now we are facing the truth Mankind is the most stupid of all the beings on the planet. And Thank you all for putting the last piece in the puzzle. An ignorant attitude towards life on earth and how valuable it is what is causing the problems. We are responsible for this attitude. It that we need to stop the murder. It's not that we don't clean up our mess. It's not that we don't give respect to the animal kingdom. It's because we hold in our hearts that unless it's my life Live it's cheap. Television technology and mans ingenuity have brought the animal kingdom into our lives all the way to the dinner table. This one of the greatest miracle of all time. As as a result we are learning to understand the animal kingdom and it's beauty. With 10 billion life forms on this planet maybe it's our task to spread this life throughout the universe. I also believe the die is cement. Posted by Gods Messenger, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 12:13:13 PM
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There is only one chance for mankinds future
Which is totally completly feasible , easy to implement. And cost free. Next time we go to the polls we vote for women only. Put the women in charge.completly and totally. They will change the planet , history and the legislation tomorrow. Posted by Gods Messenger, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 2:52:04 PM
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Oh God[s] messenger, for heavens sake.
Labour have tried that 5 or is it 6 times, & every time catastrophe followed. Were you born yesterday. Just think Bligh & Gillard, & it is obvious that is not the way to go. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 3:42:49 PM
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Hasbeen – You’re not queer are you?
I reckon the Sheila’s would do a great job! It’s the lack of women and blokes in the back ground that stuffed things up. The Rabbott and his mob are carrying on the tradition. Posted by Producer, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 4:50:22 PM
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Hi all....While all of human kind is religious...being the first to separate from the wild so many millions of years ago, I think the problem is in our thinking. See, we are all programed to breed, like all other life, so we think we are doing no harm.....hence why its not all your faults. The programing is so hardwired into our brains, humans cant see the pending billions we are and what it means.
Maybe not being sheep thinkers and thinking against what drives us, can only be the answer. Kat Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 5:06:51 PM
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Early man might have known the commission, but written law was not written till 5,000 years ago. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 5:27:01 PM
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hi kat[interesting handle] said..<<......While all of human kind is religious...>>
i know what your saying/but others might insist/ not all human'kind'..but they dont im presuming all races/breeds creeds got some form of religion/in respect the supra/natural..[ie belief systems/] THEN THAT HUMAN KIND..BY..<<being the first to separate>> OUR Survival appart from..<<< from the wild so many millions of years ago,>>.thus your thinking is<<..I think the problem is in our thinking.>> im presuming by our un-natural/thinkings sepperte/from near everything else..detatched..from reality/natures nurture..even so far AS WE THINK WE HAVE EVOLVED BEYOND OUR BEASTLY ANCESTORS.. [who were,.a pig CROSSED WITH AN APE][half-way/in] <<>> See,..we are all programed to breed,.like all other life, so we think we are doing no harm.....hence why its not all your faults. The programing is so hardwired into our brains,..humans cant see the pending billions..we are and what it means.>> now i think ..your implying we are over populated/like opre mass extinction events..we see in nature..and that leads to how to keep that many plus more alive/fed amused working etc? <<..Maybe not being sheep thinkers>> follow the leader/sheeple? <<.. and thinking against..>>[sex/instinct?]..<<what drives us, can only be the answer.>> i cant agree/if thats what your saying. for example feeding simple math..light/plus water/dirt-food].we could crow hydro food in high rises..[but really/there is plenty of rOOM/OUT THERE..TO grow food/beside roads or instead of lawns/but then im not even sure im replying your thoughts anyhow..welcome NEW THOUGHT input..broadens what we may achieve to gether [while im over the sex thing/pleasse see that govt thinks the same..[if thats what you thought] so they have this new shot/they inject into girls/it makes many sterile..anD ALSO 3RD GENERATION OF BEASTS..fed on GMO IS INFERTILE... so over fixed..[that clamidia shot/plus gmo over population will soon be forgotten/and the concern will be how can we survive that govt eugenics programs like bill gates have done Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 5:29:43 PM
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Oh Producer, Kirner, Keneally, Lawrence, Bligh, Gillard. Surely that is enough to correct your crazies.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 5:46:42 PM
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Hi oug....your frame of mind is still the collective....what my question in fact the collective its self. (The main discussion topic). Its not a matter of who is right or wrong, this all can be settled, of what we are at this point.....and that oug, is the question.
OUG...your on the right to hear more of our currant situation, which bill gates has a lot to answer for, which he doesn't.......which I agree with you....however...god doesn't gamble.....but if he or she did...which bring,s me back to point of topic......(As humans, What are our responsibilities on earth.)...that is the highest question of all...don't you think? Kat Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 6:47:27 PM
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KAT/QUOTE..<<..As humans, What are our responsibilities on earth.)...that is the highest question of all...don't you think?>>
ITS A rather silly question/..that yet is revealing lots and..i dont mean the asker was silly in asking it/its just there isnt much we really can do to hurt/the earth.. for decades we tried blowing up the ionophere.with atmospheric atomic bomb testing WE BLOWN UP GREAT LUMPS OF ROCK UNDER GROUND/fractured the earth with frakking/and now china has penetrated beyond the long presumed impenetrable layer...[the roof of middle earth] i think the feeling we can affect the earth stems from the greenhouse carbon taxation wish/but even that is fraud/A TAX CANT 'SAVE' US DAMAGING THE EARTH. THAT SAID KILLING THE OTHER biota the flora and fauna/especially with deep water strip mining..well yes..we are their greatest threat..but ALSO THEIR GREATEST HOPE/EACH HAS SO reveal about our creator and its creation..creation is much..just in an amoebae. yes god ddont gamble..people are so amasing we will figure it out/or die trying im just now watching the tree kangaroo..sO REMIND ME of the refereed to earlier as the sheep/but its too hard to herd goats.[or treE kangaroos] im waiting for the gently awake from their sleep. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 April 2014 7:25:01 PM
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Not bad, OUG, but just a slight alteration to maintain the meter:
(The thought is on the money though, and quite insightful. How clever of you): "So I'm waiting for the sheep... To gently waken from their sleep." Though I feel it's more likely to be a rather rude awakening - just as the unassailable consumerist paradigm goes into a death spiral and the vortex morphs into a 'black hole'. Nature has its limits; ye reap as ye sow. (Still, I could be wrong, and the meek may yet 'inherit' the Earth.) Surely 'The Greens' are our only hope, and, the sooner this becomes a fully global movement, the better - UNFGGRR (UN Framework for Green Global Restitution and Resilience)? (I think Paul would like that.) And Tony Abbott may be just the one to make it happen - once Paul gets into his ear! I want to see more Direct Action: solar panels on every roof; solar power, hot water and air conditioning in every city, town, village, household and farm; solar-powered greenhouses; full-on water recycling, waste recycling, and agricultural compost production from all human and other organic waste; methane capture and energy conversion; carbon capture for algae farming to produce food, fertilizer and oil; energy neutral, or near-neutral, industry. Most importantly, I want to see an end to capitalistic closeting of 'intellectual property' - in evolution of an era of collaborative cooperation, in outright pursuit of total global environmental sustainability. (But really, OUG, you must get over this whole idea of apes breeding with pigs, or vice versa - as in your previous post to this, and so many times elsewhere. It's just so much codswallop and annoyingly disruptive to cogent discussion, and only serves you ill. You can do so much better if you really try.) Posted by Saltpetre, Thursday, 10 April 2014 2:33:30 PM
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SALTY/QUOTE..<<>.and the meek may yet 'inherit' the Earth.)>>
INHERITING..AND CLAIMING THAT INHERITANCE..ARE TWO DIFFERENT THING'S ITS CLEARLY PEARL..BEFORE we need leaders of 10's/100's/1000's..IF LEADERS..GO BAD..that must be jumped on/ <<..Surely 'The Greens' are our only hope,> SALTY..THE GREENS WERE FORMED BY THE QYEENS HUBBY they really love nature so much..their end bring society down..[really] sure/they seem/to say the right things but lets look/and see its/already..a global movement, And yes...despite his protestation..Tony Abbott and the cockey imf servant joe jockstrap..[yep its a done deal/we shall get sold out] <<..I want to see more Direct Action:>> you will/get your wish/THE KIDS ARE BEING TRAINED TO SPY ON YOU[RECALL THE HITLER YOUTH]..same/same << panels on every roof;>> and charge the mongrels tripple to access the grid take back the enron/pricing..MATES RATE/deal/that pays 60 cents per kilo/..WATT..what? FORGET solar power, MANDATE..SOLAR/hot water[SWITCH OFF THE BOOSTERS] <<.and air conditioning in every city, town, village, household and farm; solar-powered greenhouses;>> PLEASE SALTY..IF YOUR REALLY GREEN/WHY YOU BOOSTING UP POLLUTION[READ INDUSTRY]..THAT MUST BUILD THESE EXPENSIVE POWER CONSUMERS IE/my daughters power bill went double/just by running two zircons that cost more to run..the 3 months/than they cost[ know that power is boosted up in amperage/to sell us more power they love..your ideas [they planted the seed but their only intrest is greed] continues Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 April 2014 4:42:57 PM
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LOOK MATE WATER RECYCLING..IS OK FOR PLANTS/ BUT EVEN THEN/THERE ARE Hormones/EXCRET ETC IN it. <<..waste recycling,>>..LOL..THE NEW FASHION IS INCINERATION [BECAUSE WHEN THE KILL OFF COMES THEY PREFER BURNING THE DEAD] SO ANY INCINERATOR NEAR YOU GIVES YOU THE CLUE <<..and agricultural compost production..from all human and other organic waste;..methane capture...>> yeah im fine with that[even govt putting in garbage disposals sending all wet rubbish into the sewer <<..and energy conversion;>> mater..the power companies want you to spend more/any so called''energy conservation[like we got one that pays you 100 dollars cash..for 'saving on paper kilowatt/so shop keepers are getting great free stuff lights coolers and guess who pays..our power bills <<..carbon capture for algae farming>> they..DONT UPSCALE <<>.to produce food, fertilizer and oil; energy neutral, or near-neutral, industry.>> DREAMS SHOULD BE KEPT REALISTIC for now we are energy rich/if we donT WASTE IT BUILDING air-CONDITIONERS/SOLAR Cells and growing algae <<.. end to capitalistic closeting..of 'intellectual property'>> yeah/but money wont let that happen [it just extended patent right 70 years/last year/by sneaky treaty - in evolution of an era of collaborative cooperation, in outright pursuit of total global environmental sustainability. <<..apes breeding with pigs,>> is true/suck it up man..if its not true evolution is fraud i gave-up trying..long ago. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 10 April 2014 4:47:10 PM
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They say the three wise men were two idiots followed by a clown...I don't know how true this is, but words are just words.
Knock your selves out gentlemen....there worth as much back then as they are Kat Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Friday, 11 April 2014 1:57:27 AM
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kat..<<<<They say.the three/wise men..were two idiots..followed by a clown...>>
i must say..i love it[but would have thought..logic dictates the clown..has a following whos..main qualification was,,seemingly/idiocy i wasnt writing fast/ note idiocy..links to..ideology [in a closed loop]..except singular..and relative to episodic lunacy..[it much depends..on the companion idiot]..and the cut..of the clown] <<but words..are just words.>> no they arnt..its like/that saying..its not you..its me and im not sure.of what office..[or maybe orifice]..i need reply under/.. do i one...of a pair..or as...the/singular/insular clown.. yes..i know..[thats like laying down..and exposing my neck] but you while im down..[i know]..the theory..of the sow having a the making..of man..but i was progressive making..of that fateful mating..[maybe a back-cross/double-cross]..or even a graft..on the tol. cant you see..that evolution..has its theory..that all life hapend by chance/..then that life the sea..[to create all.that lives there/STILL..wild and free..all life arose [so..the fraudulent thesus says]..except that..of inverse evolution/..[IE THE.EVER/evolving/theoretical/tales..of evolution/of\WHALES] but lets..step back in time..see mans ancestor..walking/from the sea recall...the images the teachers showed yOU/..of that thing crawling on legs..[or whatever..the delusional theory[..of evolution]..says/ you know ...[from]..which/TIME..ON all life..'on earth'..lives on/IN..the dust. aNYHOW..THERE MUST HAVE BEEN..MANY COMMON the egg laying salamander''evolved'..into birds/beasts/snakes and turtles..[we come from the beast/ the theory says.. now somewhere/upon the mammal line..lies..that pig/ape ancestor..IS IT'S CLOWN/more\two idiots/regardless their ancestors..of us all/but are they sacred..or even divine <<..Knock your selves out..gentlemen....> yes that.i took to heart but then..i got confusion....their..<<>...THERE there gentlemen..[fools..orclowns?]..[they/are]..<<worth as much back they are now.>>.. THAT STIRRED.A FAINT CALL From the past..when i knew a beloved kat..way back..all i can do is ask...or look at the id to see..but that would be cheating..[i look up and 5 cy-clone/but before that was..a kat 5 warning] anyhow..i looked..and it seems your a new cat so no there wont be..a joyful welcome back..kat SO..I GUESS THATS THAT. from one..of the two idiots now the clown? Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 April 2014 7:39:30 AM
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I apologise I meant vote for women only outside party lines.
What both parties demonstrate very clearly is how weak men have become. You cannot change yesterday and you can't change tomorrow the only thing you can change is the present time. Be sure God will not do anything for you except give you the courge of your convictions. It's clear from this conversation that this mankind does not have any idea of what it's responsibilities are .This post was for one reseason only. To get a sense of the prevailing attitude. Which is a disgrace to the human race. I apologise for the anger I am in a Corner that I can't get out off without a major confrontation with our so allied leaders. I can tell you that finding the courage not to be destructive is far harder than finding the courage not to cause destruction. Posted by Gods Messenger, Friday, 11 April 2014 8:02:50 AM
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There is nothing more for me to say. I have learnt my lesson.
Posted by Gods Messenger, Friday, 11 April 2014 9:02:03 AM
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mess-anger/quote..<<..this post was for one reseason only. To get a sense of the prevailing attitude.>>
MY DEAR BROTHER..its not our attitude/that is important but in case it is..lets go with the flow our prevailing attitude..<<..Which is a disgrace to the human race.>> gm..mate please see..we are all differently unique there is no 'pre-veil-ing ATTITUDE/BUT OUR INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDES [and time changes many] <<as>>for the anger..I am in a Corner that I can't get out off without a major confrontation with our so allied leaders.>> me too/mine is 6th of may i suck it in suck it in suck it in..then i let it go last time was new years eve/see snowden thread..on 6 th of may/i have my say.[i like it/on my feels better that way..the idea is pick your confrontations just dont do anything silly <<>I can tell you..that finding the courage..not to be destructive far harder..than finding the courage not to cause destruction.>> the true causes of your problem..rarely lie outside/us im destructive TO i have no right to destruct anything.others created. the media wont cover destruction/ be careful the one WE HURT MOST IS OUT GOD..AND HE HAS TOO MUCH PAIN..AS IT IS...I FEEL ANY PAIN..IS FELT MORE BY THE ONE FEELING ALL PAIN..only he knows how hard...the pain is..the more we care/the MORE IT HURTS. Posted by one under god, Friday, 11 April 2014 9:15:30 AM
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OUG....there's nothing wrong with being human.
All the best. Kat Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Monday, 14 April 2014 12:45:41 PM
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OUG.. Do you know what's great about the time line?......your all in it.
Time to think, and while we are on the subject.....2100....what will we be think then?...very few can think that far....but I can:) "As humans What are our responsibilities on earth."...real people don't around wait to die. KAT Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Monday, 14 April 2014 1:07:47 PM
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kat..<<..Time to think, and while we are on the subject.....2100....what will we be thinking then?...>
the reply depends on who is asking we now living wilL mostly be passed on there IS LIMITING AND UNLIMITED THINKING..BUT THINKING IS EASY the kids then//wiLL LEARN THE Same things the kids learn now their thinking..IS LIMITED..AS IS MOST OF OUR THINKING..[IRRESPONSIBLE Thin-king]..rote thinking as controlled by our media and govt spin docters <<..very few can think that far....but I can:)>> ME too..:{>]..BUT In the end the thinking was the easy bit Posted by one under god, Monday, 14 April 2014 2:38:19 PM
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So what was the lesson.
God will not do it for you. All he can do is give you the courage to do it yourself. Posted by Gods Messenger, Monday, 14 April 2014 4:11:28 PM
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many are called
but the chosen..chose themselves.. by their fruits the day has COME.. ITS FUNNY..HOW ACCOMMODATING..we are [Without being intimidating]? WAKE-up..the..[pub*lick sir*vants]..who..[so far]..have let us down if/your..PAYING THE BILLS..all the time its/TIME..YOU KNEW who/whaT/WHEN/WHY.. arjay/quote..<<>.This pre-occupation with illegals..>> 2/THOSE..WILLING/TO..WORK..FOR FREE.<<<iTs aLL just a distraction from..the real game of looting..our economies/SERRVOICES/VICES AND WEALTH..and keeping us peasants subjugated/WORK-US..2 DEATH.>> see how they sell suburbia/REPLACEMENT/CULTURE..TO sitcoms we bought..into the dream..instead of family[PICK/A FAMILY/PICK..FRIENDS] we are..'the team'[JUDGE/JUDY/COP-SHOWS/FOOTY/SOME BALL/'BROADCAST' or the state..or the nationality..or the sex..or the skin..GROUP/MOB my point is we are all..being made..over into clones..SET WAGE/ACCORDING/TO..THE STANDARD.O.OF WORK/EXPECTED..FROM A FORCED SLAVE.. ONE BRUSH TARS..US ALL/ WE ARE ALL SINNERS/WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS...BEGGING..FOR WORK we are..all..SPOILED/BELOVED..children..enjoined living mortal heirs of..the one most holy living living merciful immortal/omnipresence LIFE-FATHER/SUN/spirit. how to loved ones..whats going on they give us foodstamps..or subsistence dole/PENAL TITHE/RATE/CASUAL/AT CALL...ONE SIZE FITS ALL where most half/govt income..goes back direct to some capitalist ..landlord/tax free.[off shored trust]..stealing govt/bailout cash..from..slaves..working/for\dole. [we ARE SEEING REAL-ESTATE UP..AGAIN IN IRELAND..yet..still 5000 ghost estates..they bought up pennies in the pound..stand empty but/what if*..we could..get cash/from govt via rent assistance for immigrants ..nice sure govt fill to fill the capitalist bill..dole/rent assistance.. [yet more drain/from the public purse..filled only by selling more public services..[privatisations..of govt income streams..or by ever more sin taxes or fees fines revenue acces chargES/other increases in govt theft..[read tax burden] WE ARE SEEING HOUSES GO UP/..YET/SEEING EVICTIONS AND REPOSSESSIONS..homeless joblessness broken homes..go up to THEN..HUGE GOVT..bailout/mates..with TAX ADVANTAGED FIRMS CREATING THE NEXT INVESTMENT BOND..bubble..[bundLed RENTED HOUSING]...damm the next bubble[rental houses paid for immigrants via dole payments] its a hidden bailout/ THE GROWTH MODEL DEMANDS but..ONLY PUTS further NON PRODUCTIVE/Burden on us...ALL .GLOBALLY.. i wish people would..get the facts GIVE THINGS A REST Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 April 2014 9:29:17 AM
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KAT..<<...Do you know what's great about..the time line?......your all in it.>>
yes we each have our parts to play..withiN..THIS Time line AND THAT..IS great..but greater is we have the right to tweak the play [*]playoUT..little sub-plots..within the time-line..but one of them phrases that can mean different things to different people/some would say its all written in stone/others say its never written..only lived out. <<..Time to think,..>> any particular thoughts? <<>.and while we are on the subject.....2100.... what will we be thinking then?>> ok i will cast my mind forward any particular persons thinking specificly/from who's point of vieuw[as we know thinking varies infinatly..even when limited to just a few again/what will we be near exactly te same as people are thinking now[just as what we fuss and flush on about its the same same/ hungry how/what to eat/who to love/who to name/who to watch..its all same ..and the same again and again/even for the king OF THE WORLd <<>....very few can think that far....but I can:)> yes your a thinker/ but you dont talk much.. and thats a huge waste..its like owning a car/but nOT TAKING IT OUT OF THE SHED..and thats like not PROPER USE OF thinking at all <<>."As humans..What are our responsibilities on earth.">> YOU/say..<<...real people don't around wait to die.>> yet in the end death doth come upon everyone.but if you lived WELL/THATS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF AN ETERNITY OF NEW BEGINNINGS..IN THE END ITS HOW WE DIED AS MUCH AS HOW WE LIVED..[DAMM CAPS] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 April 2014 7:14:39 AM
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JUDGMENT DAY =6 may..BEGINS TOMORROW..court 20.brisbane magi/court im minded of the p[rayer <<to-gather; ..IN THE END WE ALL DID IT..together>> so let us gather together/queens court will house the embassy/eventually who is not living/; alive but that their living is sustained by god? energy you are to energy you shall return ALL SHALL BE REVEALED Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 May 2014 7:57:30 PM
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"I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and of retiring with hands clean as they are empty." -- Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), letter to Count Diodati, 1807
Marijuana May Heal Health Problems That Come With Old Age: Sue Taylor, a retired Catholic school principal and grandmother from Oakland, California, was living in Atlanta, Georgia writing a parenting handbook when she got a phone call from her son that would disrupt her life. “He told me, ‘Mom, I know how you can open up your metaphysical holistic center,’ which had been my goal,” Taylor said. Taylor had earned a degree in divinity in Atlanta and is now a metaphysical minister. “He said, ‘It will be supported by a cannabis dispensary.’” “Cannabis dispensary?” Taylor asked him. “You talkin’ about that marijuana stuff?” Yes, he was. Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 6 May 2014 8:28:58 PM
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IF YOUR NOT Exposing lies
YOUR LIVING THEM May 11 11:40 It’s not “climate change” anymore. It was "global cooling" - until they realized they couldn't squeeze money out of that. Then "global warming", until they realized the globe wasn’t warming. Then it was "climate change" And now it’s “climate disruption.” By: portos Posted by one under god, Monday, 12 May 2014 8:38:26 AM
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DONT MISS THE LAST LALF OF THE SHOW Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 May 2014 8:21:57 AM
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00000000000HUMAN GOVTS COULD BEGIN WITH TELLING THE TRUTH humanity begins when we end inhumanity. Posted by one under god, Monday, 26 May 2014 6:45:48 AM
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The Destroyer of Fake “Recoveries”: Unintended Consequences
June 2nd, 2014 Share5 Tweet3 Share0 Share0 19 Total Views 6 Views Today by Charles Hugh Smith Destroy the market’s ability to price assets, risk and credit, and you take away the essential information participants need to make rational, informed decisions. A correspondent recently summarized why unintended consequences eventually destroy all politically expedient strategies that temporarily prop up a systemically unsustainable Status Quo: “Unintended consequences almost always equal or exceed the benefits of whatever your temporary gains were in a complex system. We see this over and over again, in all sorts of different complex systems.” In other words, all the “kick the can down the road” strategies being deployed across the globe by central states and banks will inevitably backfire because central planning fixes always trigger systemic consequences that were unintended by the planners, who are fixated on minimizing the political pain of powerful constituencies, not understanding or repairing the real problems. Example #1: The Federal Reserve “saves the Status Quo” by lowering interest rates to zero, eliminating mark-to-market valuations of collateral and opening the credit spigot to banks and financiers. Intended consequences: A) transfer wealth from savers who once earned substantial interest on their savings to the banks, which can borrow money for near-zero and loan it out to businesses and consumers at fat spreads, reaping billions of dollars that once flowed to savers. B) By making cash into trash (i.e. it earns no interest, effectively losing value in a 2% inflation environment), the Fed intended to push everyone with cash and/or credit to put their money in risk assets such as stocks and real estate. Read more at Unintended consequences: A) Now that everyone has been pushed into stocks and real estate, valuations are once again at bubble heights–and bubbles always pop,.. but/thats the good/news..continues Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 June 2014 6:57:00 AM
As far as I can tell no body has to be responsible for anything especially our leaders.
So what are our collective responsibilities.