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What a difference a lot of humans make : Comments

By Valerie Yule, published 21/1/2010

A little look around tells us what a difference humans have made to the world in the past 150 years.

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<< The focus on global warming and changes in climate and greenhouse gases is too narrow. >>


This has got to be the most bizarre thing in the history of humanity – this focus on climate change and blind-eyedness to population growth.

Of course we should be addressing climate change with great fervour, but it shouldn’t be diverting our attention away from addressing overpopulation or giving us an excuse to not address that issue. They go hand in hand for goodness sake!

I would have thought that concern about climate change would have evolved directly into concern about overpopulation and the global sustainability of humanity by now.

But for some reason that I just completely don’t understand, it hasn’t….and doesn’t look like happening any time soon.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 21 January 2010 11:22:09 AM
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Yes indeed - a little look around will tell us how far we've come in 150 years.
Pretty much every measure of human achievement is up - Life expectancy, literacy, wealth etc etc etc
Now, its not all utopia - but neither was life 150 years ago. Don't be fooled by the Hardean pastoral mythology...
Posted by J S Mill, Thursday, 21 January 2010 2:44:26 PM
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Every thing is looking up. If ya worried about air pollutants , do some thing about it. Interest rates rise next month will be a bonanza, for later n the year. Those that have heavy mortgages have had their reprieve. If you cant handle it , well lose some weight.
It's the mortgage holders that are driving the market.
Us people that have to live on our earnings appreciate it .
Posted by Desmond, Thursday, 21 January 2010 6:49:06 PM
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Excessive population is at the bottom of all our problems.
In Australia we have a Panglossian oligarchy who are determined to make our existing overpopulation problems worse by pushing immigration and breeder bonuses.

Most of this is for purely selfish reasons such as greed.I'm not sure what motivates Mr Pollyanna Rudd.Maybe he is a Happy Clapper.
Posted by Manorina, Friday, 22 January 2010 6:35:34 AM
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The unusual climatic symptoms nowadays are not due to global warming as such, they're due to consumers' & consumer satisfiers i.e. the greedy totally uneducated & thoughtless actions during their short physical presence on this planet. Why do you think people are not being educated ? If they were they wouldn't be the stupid consumers that they are ! Why do you think mindless activities are being promoted on National TV ? Because mindlessness makes people want more than they need ! Because it' helps dumbing smart children & condition them to be future consumers. Here we are raving on about emission & a moment later TV shows promote car rallies, boat races & so many other emission puffing activities ! That is insanity Plus ! The insanity which is turning our world into a pointless toxic ball hurtling through space. It's not just the number of humans but the stupidity of humans that is the cause.
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 January 2010 6:50:28 AM
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It's all about contraception and feminism

Poor people know kids are hard to feed, but they don't have knowledge or money for contraception.

China forced a one-child policy, but the positive result is the greatest increase in wealth in human history.

Thailand and Iran promote contraception and choice. They give free hormone implants (that last years). They have achieved similar population management and are eliminating poverty and creating future wealth for their people.

Meanwhile, the "middle class" western nations are suiciding. Apart from immigration, we are all dying rapidly.

Whole families are dying out... People who should be grandparents are instead dog-owners.

Why are middle-class societies suiciding? What's wrong with us?


By feminist-western values, Islam and other traditional cultures are "anti-feminist". But not by historical standards.

You read that "if you educate women, then fertility decreases" ("educating" women -> feminism). Why don't you also read "if women get too much power, fertility keeps dropping below replacement"?

There aren't enough professional men for all the professional women because 6-out-of-ten graduates are women, due to feminism 'positive discrimination' in schools. Girls have never done better at school and boys never worse.

These 6 women graduates/professionals are hoping to marry one of the four professional men...

But one man marries his secretary, one is gay and one is on the fatherhood strike. Leaving only one available man for these 6 professional women. Yes there is a man-drought.

Middle-class men are refusing to marry... the "fatherhood strike" is resulting in our best and brightest women being unable to get a man willing to commit... professional firms are full of single attractive, childless professional women.

The 'fatherhood strike' is the result of 30 years of feminism... men know that marrige means long years of long hours at work... carrying the double-load of paying the mortgage and missing out on time with their kids.

Then wifey divorces them and she keeps everything. She gets the kids so she gets everything...

Men aren't commitment "phobic" they are afraid... men are saying NO!

This is a tragedy for men, women and the future... destroyed by feminism.
Posted by partTimeParent, Tuesday, 26 January 2010 9:34:48 AM
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