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Obama’s Afghan gamble : Comments

By Bruce Riedel, published 11/12/2009

Defeating al-Qaida is worth a try, but failure in Afghanistan would embolden Islamic radicals.

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The way to "[prevent] another 9-11" is to hold a proper inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, then put on trial those against whom evidence of culpability for that crime or its cover-up is found. This has been extensively discussed in the "9/11 Truth" forum at and elsewhere.
Posted by daggett, Friday, 11 December 2009 2:56:38 PM
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President Barack Obama still has to define what he considers as victory or mission accomplished and he can't do that because he is fighting a ghost. Too many American soldiers and far too many Afghan civilians have died for an undefinable outcome.

Not one more soldier nor one more civilian should die. President Bush's "War On Terror" will go on. It is not as if this is a conventional war against a definable enemy or country, it isn't. Even if they finally capture or kill Osama Bin Laden and his top henchment they will re-form and continue to fight.

The West doesn't understand that they are fighting a belief, a culture, a way of life and a fanatism completely alien to Western thinking. No matter how much we in the West diasagree with their way of life, their treatment of women it is infinately harder to change a belief system in an individual than anything else because in order to succeed the individual has to admit that everything they ever believed in is a lie, their whole life is a lie and there are very few individuals prepared to admit that. Terror will continue in many countries for decades to come. Instead of sacrificing more innocent lives. Rethink the whole concept of battling terror as the way it is now being fought it is being lost. The terrorist have nothing to lose, no land, no country absolutely nothing.

It is better not to fight on their terms, on their terrain if this pointless war is to continue it must be rethought from top to bottom. But Obama’s presidency should not be judged by the outcome in Afghanistan and Iraq. That will be history’s judgement on Bush/Blair.
Posted by Ulis, Friday, 11 December 2009 9:54:55 PM
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Where does bin Laden come in all this.

We must also remember that a lot of it began not only through resentment against the Soviets trying to find a short cut to the West through Afghanistan, but also over bin Laden's resentment against US troops stationed in Saudi Arabia.

The point is that our victory in WW2 was still far from the end of colonialism, oil being the necessary justification, proven so much after WW2 when America moved into Iran - which she certainly would again if given the leeway, with atomised dear little Israel like a good sheep dog very aware of what the US now needs her for.

Sadly, it happens to be Obama who has now lost his awareness,
Mandela no doubt being able to tell him a few things.

Reckon even bin Laden and Omar may listen.

But certainly the last thing in life is for America to arrange it, which certainly now puts Obama out of the question.

Certainly one admits it's like looking for a miracle, but what else where Gandhi's and Mandela's peaceful achievements, anyhow?
Posted by bushbred, Saturday, 12 December 2009 11:23:53 AM
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Posted by bushbred, Saturday, 12 December 2009 11:23:53 AM

" ... Sadly, it happens to be Obama who has now lost his awareness ... "

Yes, I would have to agree that it looks that way. He does not as yet appear to have sufficiently matured to stand up to the Beast of the Military Industrial complex and their supporters, even with his encouragement award form the Peace Laureates.

JESUS, I assume others would have also observed the looks of Soul Sadness and dismay as he took opportunity to vocalise his concepts of a so-called just war.

Maybe he would like to institute new policies re:Body Counts, both historical,current and future?


And perhaps to consider this. The Muslims do bow. On mass in fact, they bow. So, we may care to ask ourSelves, to what do they bow?

And for what reasons will they fight?

Regrettabley though, in the world of the "T.G.P." from here to England and N.America, these facts are not conveyed by the media.


The alleged sexually, mentally and physically abused Indo/English one time Malaysian Princess rescued by *Bazza and Auntie Sam* appears to have lost her case in Malaysia and for her trouble received a huge fine for insulting the not so royal ......'s of the malaysian court.

Whilst I am no expert, it appears to me that some of the basics of successful propaganda is to simply saturate the air waves with only part of the story. And as experts in this area would no doubt affirm, what mainy goes in is what mainly comes out.
Posted by DreamOn, Saturday, 12 December 2009 12:31:03 PM
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Dream On, you are so right about part of the story (STORIES).

Probably the worst one for us exporters, was when John Howard successfully advised the media to quieten down when Brazil landed Foot and Mouth infected meat into NSW around three years ago, drastically ruining our import policy.

Then of course came the Surge in Iraq which was actually an arrangement between Bush and the parents of the Sunni insurgents.

It seems the Washington Post is the only Media-ship game to let the Cats out of the Bags.

Indeed around a year ago the Post came up with a bit more gutsy Enlightenment about how as part of the Surge the Insurgency Saddamist Daddies had also been promised to be part of the new Iraqi Parliament.

They say that is why Baghdad is again getting its share of Insurgent attacks.

Actually when it all boils down any arrangements with the Sunnies must be a risk, especially when so many Sunni groups seem to be involved with anything that's anti-American.
Posted by bushbred, Sunday, 13 December 2009 1:40:56 PM
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Can anybody tell me where the Taliban get their money? Since they pay their fighters a wage several times higher than the Afgan or Iraqi Governments pay their police... that has to cost a bit.

My understanding is that they are just a Mafia-type organisation, growing opium (used for heroin) and dealing drugs and guns on te black market.

Simple solution - send in special Agent "Orange". Arial sraying of the crops, destroy the opium and hence destroy the Taliban's main source of cash.

Why not?
Anybody, please explain
Posted by partTimeParent, Sunday, 13 December 2009 3:35:10 PM
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