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Calvin's war on the Catholic Church : Comments
By Alan Austin, published 20/7/2009Almost 500 years ago John Calvin led the most cataclysmic revolution in the history of Christendom.
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Posted by SHRODE, Monday, 20 July 2009 10:29:08 AM
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If religion were not so powerful it would be a good laugh.
Reminds me of overhearing kindergarten kids discussing the morality of their toy dollies. So long as they protect child abusers and their own power and promote ignorance, they are evil. If someone thought a magic spell could "protect their soul" you would pity their gullibility. When millions believe similar stupidity (because they were indoctrinated) they call it a church and respect it no matter how despicable the behaviour. When churches actually show some moral leadership on war, crime, education and politics then they are worthy of some respect. for now they are "in the game" and deserve the same disgust that corrupt politicians, officials or policemen deserve. Posted by Ozandy, Monday, 20 July 2009 4:35:23 PM
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"Today, no denomination defends the fundamentals of Calvin's theology of salvation more energetically than the Catholics."
My impression is that many Catholics remain committed to good works as the road to salvation. I would argue that in Australia it is more often the Lutheran churches that preach salvation by faith alone through grace alone. PROB Posted by PROB, Monday, 20 July 2009 9:03:12 PM
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The "catholic" church at the time was rotten to the core and needed a revolution.
But what was the nature of that revolution? It was largely a revolution in how Europeans perceived themselves and the world altogether. It was the rise of objectification "culture" in which everything and every body became objectified. Which is now the ONLY way in which we all, in our dreadful sanity, perceive each other and the world altogether. Even to the degree that right wing religionists appeal to presumed "objective truths" in their culture war battles with those on the left---the relativists and postmodernists Protestantism arose at the same time as the rise of the scientific method, which objectifies everything as a means of studying the properties of whatever is being investigated. It was also accompanied by a shift to a left-brained literary culture due to the invention of the printing press and the consequent widespread availability of the Bible. This reference provides a unique assessment of what happened to European culture altogether. 1. And yes right wing "moralistic" catholicism has merged with Calvinism. They have formed a curious alliance especially via the "religious" right in the USA. Their publications and blogs are full of the "righteous morality" that the author describes "sin" is thus to be found exclusively in our under-wear or in Janet Jacksons bare breast. In fact I would say that the "religious" right in the USA is the INEVITABLE outcome of Calvinism. Think of the "moral majority", the christian coalition, Pat Robertson etc etc and so on. The eclipse of the right-brained culture of the "goddess" by the left-brained power and control seeking culture of the alphabet. The "religious" right are keen supporters of the NRA, the military-industrial-complex, and the so called war on terror. Does anyone think that Jesus would be invited or or even welcome at any of the many talk-fests put on this year of Calvin500. Or at anything put on by the "religious" right. Just as Jesus was not welcome to or by the ecclesiastical establishment of his time. Indeed Jesus wouldnt even be recognized. Posted by Ho Hum, Monday, 20 July 2009 9:17:49 PM
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I get sick and tired of people who don’t really know what is going on in the world because what they see in their own backyard, is their own world view. Australia has a very significant and continuing contribution to make to the Great Commission granted by Jesus Christ to go out and tell all the world about Jesus Christ. It is doing this mainly through the Pentecostal Churches, but the Popes visit was a positive step in the right direction, and all Christians are called upon to honor Jesus Christ.
Australian Christianity is being promoted all over the world in song, by continued Bible honest preaching, by embracing the new technologies of Television, you tube, DVD and CD, and publishing inspirational books. I can personally assure you the Jesus Christ is central, to their teaching, and the Church that has embraced His philosophy packs them in. Three times a year in Sydney major events are held, one specifically for women, one for men and a major event for everyone, with some of the very best preachers in the world including some Australians all extolling the virtues and blessings of the teachings of Jesus Christ. The great movement towards Christianity in China was initially promoted by the Roman Catholic Church, but the Pentecostals are making a serious contribution too. Reinhardt Bonke, is an evangelical preacher who has a mission to Africa, and preaches the Word truly faithfully on the message of Jesus Christ. There are missions from South Africa, missions to England and totally enthusiastic young people flock in to hear the music, and the message that leads to a constructive and fulfilling life. No one really knows how many people attend one of the big churches in Sydney on any given weekend. All I do know is they have a small army of volunteers who help manage the crowds, and about 28 venues around the city where the faithful can gather, and worship in their own language if they wish. They call them happy clappers, but their joy in living is infectious and spreading. Jesus Christ is paramount. Posted by Peter the Believer, Tuesday, 21 July 2009 9:32:22 AM
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There has been an ongoing and totally illogical, unGodly and wasteful war between Catholicism and Protestantism since the split first occurred. It is time to move on in the interests of all humanity, to put the past aside and to seek reconciliation, peace and love between and for all peoples. It is time to stand up and be accountable for our actions and beliefs.
“Christ said, "If one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Is there any relation between this commandment and the bloody events of the nations of today? The religious dissension between the Catholics and Protestants has caused a deluge of bloodshed. Has this any bearing on the statement of Christ when he addressed Peter: "Put thy sword into the scabbard"? When we hold fast to the foundation of religion, differences will disappear.” (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 156) Graham Nicholson Posted by G R, Friday, 24 July 2009 11:57:22 AM
But one-eyed fundamentalists who believe that only Scripture is the sole authoritative basis are sadly misguided.
Also, nowhere in its Catechism does the Catholic Church condemn drinking, dancing or gambling, which are morally neutral acts.
It's a pity Calvin was such a dour individual, seemingly devoid of any redeeming sense of humour.