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Lack of political will : Comments

By Mike Pope, published 11/5/2009

The disingenuous excuse given by the Rudd Government for not adopting realistic policies on carbon emissions is it would result in job losses.

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"How will Australia be perceived by other countries attending the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change?"

Much like a loud, overbearing, know it all, finger wagging, moralizing bully would - if we arrive telling everyone how they should run their lives, economies and how much they "should look at us" for an example.

What size ego do we need to turn up with such ambitions?
Posted by rpg, Monday, 11 May 2009 8:35:16 AM
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Krudd has the spine of a jelly fish.

What promises has he actually kept?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 11 May 2009 10:28:59 AM
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The real lack of political will is demonstrated by the lack of leadership shown by all political parties with the exception of the National Party. CO2 induced climate change is a total myth and any person who is hooked on the Al Gore and others theory are being manipulated by the media and people such as the author of this post. Fortunately we will be over all this rubbish within 5 years.
Posted by Sniggid, Monday, 11 May 2009 10:50:18 AM
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Only the Greens have shown a steadfast political will for introducing the necessary strategic policies required to minimise greenhouse gas emmissions to 450ppm.

They deserve to win government. The government and opposition have little to distinguish themselves on carbon pollution reduction - both have put the short, medium and long-term interests of the coal industry above all else.

We deserve to be regarded and treated as an environmental parriah state at Copenhagen for our weak policy response.
Posted by Quick response, Monday, 11 May 2009 11:40:55 AM
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The reason any effort we may have made died is down to Rudd and his BS
Further Garnaut rubbish and exaggeration finished it off .
If CO2 really is the problem , which is in my view problematic , then we should reduce our coal exports on a sliding scale to allow people employed in the coal biz to seek employment else where .

We could have done Solar Panels , heaps of people were ready to go with it , it works ! If the jet setter Rudd had stayed home we could have Solar paneled a lot of Homes , 1/2 of SA perhaps ? Wealthy people were on board ready to go but Rudd needs a "Le Grand Gesture"to feed his ego so all we got was light bulbs again BS no gain .

We need sensible people to fight global warming ( I am a skeptic , how can ice melt where the Temp hardly gets above zero ) Professors are never sensible people , Garnaut's only contribution has been loose talk and panic propagation and where has that got us , a double zero .

Something tells me exiting fumes into the atmosphere on the scale we do must be harmful , why don't we do something about that ? Progress this way will not cause unemployment .

Reduce car engine capacity to 1000 cc's and fuel it with CNG , if your in a hurry be a brain and go by train . The early Beetles were 1100 CC's the FIAT 500 cc's 2CV Citroen 800cc's (I think) and the 1935 Morris 850 now here is a story , my Dad's Morris had a home made Gasifier mounted on the rear bumper , it burnt Red gum and steam introduced into the base of the firebox this caused a catalytic reaction producing Hydrogen , so it was running on Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen after a mile when it heated up so from Piangil to Bendigo about 145 miles cost him 2 pints of petrol and a cut lunch !
Posted by ShazBaz001, Monday, 11 May 2009 12:22:21 PM
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Why can't coal be reduced to a gas in a gasifier eg; Clean coal ?

"Non" people like Garnaut , might supply answers to a lot of our problems , another area where we have found "Fantasies Won't Fly" is water . Thousands of people tried to tell Mr Brumby that there was no water available from the Goulburn , so grazillions were spent proving otherwise , now with the "Pipe" closing in on Melb poor Brumby has admitted there is none indeed , gosh !
So back to another fantasy RO Water , a carrot watered with RO water will eventually cost $8 . Car Wash anybody?
The way forward with water is to evaporate the water in a Solar Still then condense the vapor back to water in a Condenser this is what happens in nature I am sure you will agree no fodder for skeptics here . Get a bottle of chilled bubbly out of your fridge hey presto wot's all the water coating the bottle ! Too Easy, proved , the coldness in the bottle is condensing atmospheric water . Want to get excited turn the hot tap on in your shower get some steam about now go get 'nother chilled bottle , tilt the bottle a bit catch the condensate in a glass of the Gods water gosh too easy !
If you want to know more you need : money , 100 hectares plus , a power supply anywhere from Perth to Melbourne close to the seashore , concrete supply 2000 employee's , 1000 tons sundries , plastic pipe , shade cloth , uv Plastic film , enthusiasm and me .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Monday, 11 May 2009 2:10:46 PM
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