The Forum > Article Comments > Cash is not a cure-all for Queensland's health woes > Comments
Cash is not a cure-all for Queensland's health woes : Comments
By Des Moore and Mikayla Novak, published 12/10/2005Des Moore and Julie Novak argue there is no case for tax increases to fund solutions to Queensland's health crisis.
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There are two issues here. Both should be addressed before any further health funding is considered; neither will be. First, Beattie's government has been characterised from the outset by ad hoccery, knee-jerkism, populism and anti-intellectualism. Expenditure has rarely been committed on the basis of a careful study of the issue, the facts, the options and cost-benefit analysis. Indeed, one of the first actions of the Beattie Government's recycled Under Treasurer, Gerard Bradley, was the abolition of the economic policy (Microeconomics) branch, which I headed. For several years, this branch had been the sole source of rigorous analysis and reasoned debate within the Queensland Public Service on a wide range of issues.
Second, Queensland Treasury since 1998 has not been a force for serious analysis and good policy in the public interest. Those who value such analysis - many of them recruited by me from the Commonwealth, or trained by me as graduate entrants - have been sidelined. Most soon moved on.
The problems with Queensland Health are endemic to the Queensland Government and QPS. Space permitting, I could give many examples of the appalling decision-making processes and rampant toadyism which prevail. I am amazed that Beattie gets credit for the growth of the Queensland economy - so many decisions have been anti-growth, denying change in favour of declining vested interests. The growth has been in spite of Beattie, and would have been greater under a hands-off government. Oh, and I supported the ALP until shortly after Beattie's elevation.