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Archbishops’ chaplain behind bars at last : Comments

By Amanda Gearing, published 29/4/2009

The sentencing of a self-confessed child sex offender and Anglican priest Canon Barry Greaves is a significant event.

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In light of the facts and the extent and eventual duplicity of involving governments into their pedophilia the statute of limitations may well not be applicable as few victims understand the full implications in regards the harm done to them by this multiple duplicity.

The taxpayer funds of all Queenslanders has been deceptively brought into play against victims and their rights through contact with politicians and other government bodies and manipulated to do the bidding of corrupt religious leaders.

There are no statute of limitations in regards this degree of fraud and deception.
Posted by JohnBx1, Wednesday, 29 April 2009 11:00:46 AM
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A very thorough and interesting article by Amanda.

Unfortuantely, this is 'par for the course' within the Church, of whatever denomination of Christianity, and it is time we stopped pretending that 'the Church' does anything either worthwhile or in a decent manner.

Not only do the managers of these organisations lie and cheat their way through life, while supporting people who surely someone must know is a total fraud, they also do it all at the great expense of tax payers.

Considering that religions are given tax free status, pay no rates, contribute absolutely nothing at all to the funding of the community in which they live, with employees even able to be paid tax free salaries under some legal but doubtful 'fringe benefits' provision, and then fight against decent people with every trick and mercenary barrister under the sun, it must be time to say 'ENOUGH!'

Remember the chaplain from Bathurst who sought employee entitlements from his Church, I think Anglican too, only to be told he was not employed by the Church but by God, so no liability fell to the Church coffers?

Not quite the same as protecting a real bugger, but just as dishonest.

If there were any Christians in Australia, they would disown their Churches as being undesirable havens of liers, cheats, buggerers, and tax dodgers.

That, I fear, will never happen, because there are no real Christians to be found.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 29 April 2009 12:38:42 PM
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Let's see if I've understood this correctly;

Greaves pleaded guilty to nine counts of sex offences against children while in his position of Christ's pastor? And he was sentenced to three years’ jail, of which he will serve only nine months before release on a suspended sentence with no parole supervision?

When are we going to see an end to these crimes against children - whether the criminals be Anglican, Catholic, Salvation Army or Uniting Church? My answer:

(a) when the hierarchy of the churches are charged with vicarious liability and are unable to hide behind contrived legal barriers to prosecution; and

(b) when churches are fined very heavily for their failure of duty of care and are required to make significant financial reparations to victims and their families; and

(c) when churches responsible for these atrocious acts against vulnerable children are automatically rendered ineligible for any form of government funding and disqualified from participating in child and youth programs.

Only then will we see the churches take their responsibilities seriously.
Posted by Spikey, Wednesday, 29 April 2009 5:52:40 PM
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The Police should treat these incidents, as they would drug dealers, prosecuting cover-ups (offenders) after-the-fact as high as it goes.

Judges not be treating these clerics as if they are juvenile joy riders. These crimes are serious. Offenders should be locked away for a very long time and, if paroled, supervised for life.
Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 29 April 2009 6:19:08 PM
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You get that sort of thing when your country has been hi-jacked into supporting the prolonged covering up the sexual and other abuses by Catholic and other clergy.

You get that and a lot more until your whole system of government and democracy can only be described as hypocrisy. You get that sort thing when entire nations have been deceived by the perpetrators of these abuses which can be described only as human rights abuses and horror.

You get that sort of thing from a failed and broken Catholic church with a thousand year history of the sexual abuse of children.

What else would you expect? Justice? Honesty? Fair play? Respect for Human Rights? You need firstly to find a non-christian country if you hope to find those things in reality. Try as an alternative.
Posted by JohnBx1, Wednesday, 29 April 2009 9:41:36 PM
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Once again, a case surfaces showing that the adoption of Satanic Justice, has resulted in enormous abuse of power. This horrible old man, got away with his crimes for so long because the churchmen of Queensland have been complicit in the replacement of the Christian justice system with a Satanic one, totally out of touch with the New Testament and Holy Bible.

The reporter is rightly indignant, but as a member of the journalists profession, is a lazy and indifferent reporter because she has failed to expose Father Frank Brennan and Mary Kostakidas for the frauds they are. These people are traveling all over Australia telling people that the Parliament, is Sovereign, when the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which they say is not law but is, makes everyone equal before the law, and the lawyers who protected this imbecile, have given themselves a monopoly on both fact finding and administrative power.

It is good he is convicted, but the State system that convicted and sentenced him is not without its serious faults. It has not seen any compensation for his victims ordered. It just goes to show that even trusting Police is dodgy. Unless and until the Commonwealth assumes its role as the paramount power in Australia, and declares all Australians to be Commonwealth entities, under the Criminal Code Act 1995 ( Cth) and removes the monopoly granted to the Director of Public Prosecutions to prosecute offences, clergy of all descriptions will be tempted to worship Satan. Trusting a Judge is even dodgier. These are de-facto clergy who inflict violence mercilessly on their victims.

Queensland introduced Roman Catholic law in 1900, with its Criminal Code Act 1899, and they gave sentencing to the de facto State Church, represented by a Judge. The Parliament of the Commonwealth made this a serious criminal offence in 2001, by s 268:10 Criminal Code Act 1995 ( Cth) and breaches of the Covenant a serious criminal offence as a crime against humanity, by S 268:12. Its time we revolted against the lawyers, and started to get justice. Tell KR to get busy
Posted by Peter the Believer, Thursday, 30 April 2009 6:08:09 AM
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