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Emerging Muslim freethinkers : Comments

By MA Khan, published 10/3/2009

Muslims and all humanity stand to lose immensely in the battle of civilisations.

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Is it possible you have a profile somewhere , I am interested in your book , I don't want to buy a book about Islam written by a agnostic or a Baptist . Thanks
Posted by ShazBaz001, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 9:27:03 AM
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What are you afraid of? That your reason may be awakened and that you may be forced to confront the reality that emerges?

Have courage and hope.

Dont look for your intelectuals to merely blindly even if articulately re-affirm the blinkers that keep your reason in shackles to orthodoxy.

Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 1:36:43 PM
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Islam is where Catholicism was 1000 years ago.
Kill the heretics.
Times have changed.
Countries can be wiped out in a second with atheist technology.
Don't provoke the West or its friends.
Posted by undidly, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 9:10:26 PM
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Islam's tragedy is that it closed the gates of ijtihad (independent critical thinking) hundreds of years ago. Its mainstream is fundamentalist and literalist.

Muslim Spain was imposing martial law and bludgeoning others’ freedoms well before the Reconquista.

In 1579, Istanbul got an observatory - demolished by clerics in 1580. Same with the Muslim universe’s first printing press - opened 1728, closed by mullahs in 1745.

Christianity has a a very rich tradition of scholarship. Rigidly literalist reading of the Bible is NOT mainstream in Christianity today. But it is in Islam. Christians regard the Bible as a divinely inspired human product - not the dictated and uninterpretable "Words of God".

The Koran itself is a highly derivative, boringly repetitive and inconsistent mishmash. Mohammed paraphrased the Torah and ignored the Injeel (gospels), introducing gross inaccuracies of fact and chronology (eg claiming that Abraham was called to sacrifice Ishmael rather than Isaac).

The Koran "protests too much" in a number of verses which reject the charge that Mohammed wrote the Koran, as opposed to "reciting" revelation.

The Koran contains a number of verses where God apparently changed his mind - the "abrogated" suras. "There shall be no compulsion in religion" is abrogated by many other suras full of bloodthirsty intent towards Christians, Jews and polytheists. Infallible? Hah.

Slabs of the Koran, cited by Islamists, are thoroughly offensive to non-Muslims.

Islam is not a "religion of peace". As Samuel Huntington says (The Clash of Civilizations), it has bloody borders and bloody innards. It fights everybody, including itself: Sunni against Shia, Hamas against Fatah, so on and on.

The god of Islam is a shrill, hateful dalek ("Exterminate! exterminate!") The Koran is full of prurient recitations of the torments of hellfire - not a skerrick of love. "FEAR Allah" indeed.

Islam is a boil on the bum of humanity, a perversion of man's search for the spiritual. In no way does it lead man toward the good, the beautiful and the holy.

Junk this accursed faith, Mr Khan!
Posted by Glorfindel, Tuesday, 10 March 2009 9:34:25 PM
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Muslim Freethinkers?

This is where Mr. Khan starts to go wrong because it is a contradiction in terms. Firstly, he needs to accept that Islam “binds” all social, political, religious and even economic prospects. In the non Islamic countries we are free to choose and free to speak about our choices.

Secondly, he needs to acknowledge that with the possible exception of Indonesia and the newly democratic (?) Iraq and Afghanistan, all Islamic countries are dictatorships of one sort or another. For example Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Kuwait are “benign dictatorships”, run by royal families. Syria, Sudan and many other African Islamic nations are under military dictatorships. Iran, Malaysia and most of the “revolutionary” Islamic nations and separatist groups are mostly “clerical dictatorships”. There is little scope, if any, within Islam for freethinkers or moderates.

The main reason for this is that the dictatorships harness the “bound” attributes of Islam to establish their power base. This is why Islam is essentially schizophrenic and cannot exist within its own nations, under any form of democracy. Islam has become a great way for ruthless dictators to harness and focus the anger of their poor, ignorant subject’s at someone other than those who impose that poverty and pain, their own leaders.

I was told by an Arab friend when I was in Jeddah some years ago, that the Koran is a book of Prose, it is not in any sequence of events or time lines. He told me that full appreciation of its beauty can only be obtained by reading it in Arabic; it does not translate well in any other language. It’s a bit like reading Dante in anything other than Italian.

The translation issues (vulnerabilities) of the Koran identified by my Arab colleague have become a valuable tool for dictators to “control” their subjects. They simply “translate” the Koran to suit the needs of their control mechanisms.

It is sad that a book of prose, so loved by many Muslims, had been usurped by dictatorships and turned into the rationale for so many human atrocities.
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 11 March 2009 8:58:38 AM
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The appearance of a few or even many "free"-thinkers will not make the slightest difference to the momentum of the Islamic meme as described in this reference.

Just as no amount of "free" or "enlightened" thinking will or can make any difference to th mometum of the Invisible Megamachine that Lewis Mumford described, and warned us about, over 30 years ago in the Pentagon of Power.

Meanwhile it was the "enlightened" West that gave us World Wars one and two,and which drives and largely supplies the world-wide armanents race. And, despite the seeming and in some sense real success's for a significant number of people on the planet, there has been a process of more and more cultural disintegration ever since.
Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 11 March 2009 9:31:19 AM
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