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Incensed about censorship : Comments

By Melinda Tankard Reist, published 5/12/2008

How many mistakes have the Classification Board made with porn magazines over the years? Someone needs to audit the Board.

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If you believe "the scheme that will make the internet up to 87% slower, more expensive, accidentally block up to one in 12 legitimate sites, will miss the vast majority of inappropriate content and is very easily sidestepped. The government of the day may add any ‘unwanted’ site to a secret blacklist under the scheme.

Our Government should be doing all in its power to take Australia into the 21st century economy, and to protect our children. This proposed internet censorship does neither. Can you join me and take action on the net today to save the net?"

Attend the rallies next Saturday December 13th to show that you don't want compulsory filters on the internet,194135,3
Posted by billie, Friday, 5 December 2008 9:16:19 AM
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Best article on porn Ive read for yonks, Melinda.
Youve got a good heart in an increasingly dark age.

How to kill a civilisation?
Just allow porn to sweep it from one end to the other.

Many years ago I came across a book written by a charismatic christian pastor by the name of Jack Burrell (What Will Become of Australia by Jack Burrell...excerps from it are on the internet these days, finally) and Jack was speaking about a series of revelations The Lord had Given him, mainly about an invader taking land off Australians, and Jack was saying that God showed Him more than just an enemy on Australian soil, but that there was going to be a day coming when lust would sweep the land destroying families and making no woman or girl safe even in their own homes.

Jacks revelation came about 1973 -74 and wasnt written up until about 1975.

Ivan Milat showed us that the lone wolfs are out there, prowling for victims.
I believe if we dont stop them...they will stop us.
There isnt one of those lone wolfs who isnt porn-fired!

God bless any politician, or writer, who has the courage to truly see what is happening... and who is willing to pick up the sword of Righteousness to kill the dragon and his porn.
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 5 December 2008 9:56:23 AM
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Sex is legal,enjoyable and essential for the continuation of the species.
Violence is illegal,painful and often kills.
Free to air TV shows much violence but very little sex.
Censor TV not the internet.
Half of American films on TV begin with someone being violently assaulted or murdered and that is just the comedies.
Let us not go the American way.
Instead do as in Europe.
Sex is fun.
Most Americans are Christian so violence is OK but sex is taboo.
Advocating violence (as part of pornography or not) must already be illegal so Mr policeman ,go get them.
Posted by undidly, Friday, 5 December 2008 9:59:51 AM
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Don't bother reporting research Melinda. You don't really believe that the ever growing population of porn users are interested in anything but themselves. They would rather indulge in their own lusts than prevent numerous women and men being degraded. They would rather maintain their dogmas (its my right) than reduce child sexual abuse. They are the first to scream when some homosexual paedophile priest commits a crime and then the first to defend perverted artists. You can't win a logical arguement with those who are so enslaved with their own lust that they are happy to support the putrid eros foundation and its like.
Posted by runner, Friday, 5 December 2008 10:20:22 AM
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"Our Government should be doing all in its power to take Australia into the 21st century economy, and to protect our children. This proposed internet censorship does neither."

What's your solution, Billie?

I've supported every GetUp! campaign since its inception but I won't be supporting this one. No thinking adult likes censorship. I certainly don't. But in the absence of any workable alternatives, right now it is for me, and many others, the far lesser of two evils.

The only alternative I've seen suggested by the anti-censorship enthusiasts to date is that it's up to parents to protect their children and to instil in them the sorts of attitudes that will immune them to the negative influences of pornography. This sounds great in theory, but as Melinda's litany of examples and statistics clearly demonstrates, it's failing miserably in practice. Many parents are just not up to the task and those who are are seeing their best efforts beaten through the sheer volumes, the easy accessibility and the natural curiosity and vulnerability of children. My own son, a good decade ago as a young teenager, had assembled a sizable and no doubt well-worn collection of pornography on the net until I accidentally stumbled across it. He's a fantastic young adult now, but who knows what legacy this exposure has had on his attitudes toward women and his intimate relationships with them.

Thanks Melinda for once again alerting us to the extent of this problem. You'll be crucified for your efforts. You'll again be called a prude, a wowser, a Catholic and whatever other inventive invective your detractors can conjure up to discredit your arguments. Through all this though, nothing will change the horror of the stats and studies you've presented.

I'm still waiting to be shown how society will benefit through turning a blind eye to the current unfettered proliferation of pornographic imagery, and the way in which it degrades and sexually objectifies women, children and animals. I know it's a boon to highly sexually-charged and sex-obsessed males, but I've yet to see how it benefits the rest of us.
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 5 December 2008 11:20:58 AM
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I wonder Runner how you can walk down the street,do you run into people all the time, because you must never look up,look at newsagents,read papers,watch movies, look at Ads on TV,all that sexual perversion and only you can save us.
As I said before if you cant control what your kids see thats your problem not mine,and please don,t run around as per Conroy accusing people like me of being Pedos because we disagree with your rather blinkered view of the world.
Or do you want to drag us back to the 50s because it is not going to happen
Posted by j5o6hn, Friday, 5 December 2008 11:23:58 AM
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