The Forum > Article Comments > Voting at York: women bishops and the Anglican Church > Comments
Voting at York: women bishops and the Anglican Church : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 11/7/2008After the vote to accept women bishops, conservatives feel betrayed and exiled from the family.
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Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 11 July 2008 9:19:26 AM
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Poor old churchies! A confused, questionable, out of date bible is the basis of their thinking. We atheists have problems ourselves, but at least they are not complicated by such a base.
To quote from the article: "For Sentamu, the family is in dispute, and it is best to be gracious in disagreement. 'My mother said, ‘don’t ever point a finger’, because when you do, three others are pointing back at you.'" This is so Christian. Don't do bad, otherwise you will be punished. This was the way the masses were controlled in days gone by, and probably still is effective, even if morally questionable. Would it have been less effective if Sentamu's mother had said "Don't do bad, because it is bad". She could have then gone on and explained her advice is more detail. Posted by HarryG, Friday, 11 July 2008 12:04:44 PM
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The nicest quote was from our own dear Peter Jensen, claiming that 'society is obsessed with sex' -- Considering that he's the one who's upset about ordaining people who have the wrong kind of dangly bits (or who put them in the wrong places), this is a wonderful example of the pot calling the kettle black. Posted by Jon J, Friday, 11 July 2008 3:01:51 PM
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One has to wonder what century we are living in sometimes. The fact this is even an issue is the scariest aspect of all. What is it with some men that see women as a threat, surely we are all humans and our gender is secondary to ability and compassion.
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 13 July 2008 2:52:11 PM
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If the women haters in the church of the English catholics would care to show where Jesus said, to be female is to be a lesser person and shouldn't be in any positions of power in the church, I'll listen, but then he never did. Jensen, Pell and all of their supporters should form their own church, could call it, The order of perversion.
Posted by skinny controller, Monday, 14 July 2008 11:18:48 PM
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The saddest thing about reading the previous comments is that they all appear to come from people with no more than an academic interest in the topic. I have been ordained in the Anglican Church for over 25 years and this for me is a matter of spiritual life and death. The Church as an organic entity has every right to make for itself values different to those of the society within which it lives - this is one of the great freedoms enshrined in documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Anglican Church claims to be part of the One Holy Catholic Church, yet the liberal faction in power declines to keep the standards of that Church. It has nothing to do with the physical construction of individual human beings but a faithfulness to a higher and different set of values. Jesus central message to His Church was not about power but sacrificial service - not one of the great saints mentioned by HoHum would have felt lessened by either their gender or the fact that they could not be priests or bishops. To say that they would is demeaning of them and shows a lamentable ignorance of the true central values of Christianity.
Posted by Athanasius, Monday, 21 July 2008 3:31:52 AM
Nor on ones capacity to teach others and to be an inspiring influence to others by ones personal example.
Nor on ones capacity to do the various functions, including counsellig, that ministers/pastors are called to do.
Somne of the greatest Illuminated saints within the Catholic Tradition were women. Caherine of Sienna, Thresa of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, to name three.