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Men, women and guns : Comments

By Brian Holden, published 19/6/2008

There are good arguments for allowing the carrying of firearms for self defence in Australia.

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Gees Brian I don’t even know where to start on this one. Suggestions in your article women carry weapons when jogging, make for the most amazingly stupid nonsense I have heard in decades.

Are you really suggesting that women joggers should tote a pistol on their hips as protection? Where do you jog Brian, Redfern?
I just ran your idea past my boss (Female) who, as an avid jogger, pounds the pavements in the name of fitness. She suggested a stick would be safer; or , as in her case, she runs with her husband whose shoulders a three pick-handles wide. She’s fine with that. But a pistol, she said to tell you “never”.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 19 June 2008 9:47:17 AM
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I wholeheartedly agree with diver dan.

It's a shame, Holden has done some very good articles in the past, but this isn't one of them.

Firstly, the 'gun' idea is ludicrous. Holden speaks of mace and pepper spray as if they're the only alternatives. I'd have thought a taser is powerful enough to do some serious incapacitation.

Though I still don't think it's necessary. By and large, I don't see fearful women everywhere. Frankly, I think this is an incredible exaggeration. If women are indeed fearful, the solution isn't to make guns readily available.

Holden speaks of the many guns still in Australian hands which aren't killing and maiming. I'd ask what proportion of these are handguns, and how many are in urban areas. It's far more difficult to commit a crime with a rifle.

The crux of Holden's argument is this: "There are millions of guns in Australia, and yet few are killed by them. We have a very different culture to the US. No valid extrapolation can be made from the situation there to the likely situation here."

At least, Holden accepts that firearm deaths in the US are very high. That's a start.

Firstly, I don't think we do have a very different culture. Aside from Britain, I can't think of any other country which we have a more similar culture to.

Secondly, I would have thought that given the stakes and deaths, the onus was on them to have more persuasive evidence than 'we're a bit different.'
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Thursday, 19 June 2008 9:59:07 AM
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Yes, occasionally Brian contributes a sensible article, but this isn't one of them.

Open slather on handguns because some women are fearful when jogging - I don't think I've read anything sillier for quite some time. And as a regular reader of OLO articles and comments, that's saying something!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 19 June 2008 10:00:46 AM
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Let me first state that I have no objection to anyone owning a firearm.

However. Let's look at what firearms are actually for. Remembering that a firearm is a weapon designed to kill. It is not a toy. I have identified three areas that may require a fiream.

Gathering food.
The vast majority of people live crammed into cities. Therefore they do not hunt to live or to protect themselves from wild beasts.
Those that live in country towns also come into the above catagory.
Property owners in isolated areas may need to shoot a bullock occasionally for meat.

We do not live in a lawless society.
The vast majority of people live crammed into cities. Therefore they do not hunt to live or to protect themselves from lawless gangs.
Those that live in country towns also come into the above catagory.
Property owners in isolated areas may need to protect their livestock from feral animals. Therefore may need a firearm.

The vast majority of people live crammed into cities. The use of firearms is restricted to specially constructed sport shooting venues.
Those that live in country towns also come into the above catagory.
Property owners in isolated areas have room to practice marksmanship.

Continued over...
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 19 June 2008 10:14:55 AM
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Continued from previous

The security of firearms is an issue. I'll now reverse the order.

Property owners in isolated areas need to be able to locate their firearm when it is needed. Therefore a lockable Gunrack would be acceptable. The weapons need to be registered with the police.
Those that live in country towns don't need to access their firearm often but may need it occassionally. Therfore a lockable Gunsafe would be acceptable. The weapons need to be registered with the police. If the weapon is removed from the premises then the police must be informed as to the whereabouts of the weapon, what it is being used for and when it will be returned.
The vast majority of people live crammed into cities. The tight bunching of people in cities restricts the personal ownership of firearms. Therefore any weapons owned by people in cities must be kept in an armory not in the home. Weapons removed from the armory must be signed in & out and their destination & intended use recorded.

Any person that wants to own a firearm must undergo a psychological examination. A weapons handling course and a weapons safety course, and produce verification of having passed hoes courses, before being issued with a licence to own a weapon.

A person who wishes only to hire a weapon at a sport shooting venue must have undergone, and produce verification of having passed, a weapons handling course and a weapons safety course.
Posted by Jayb, Thursday, 19 June 2008 10:15:40 AM
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"Men like the feel of guns."

Is this true is it.

I'm a man, but I don't like the feel of a gun.

I'm a man, and I don't own a gun.

I'm a man, and I don't even like watching detective movies on TV.

Dear Brian, go back to femtown.
Posted by HRS, Thursday, 19 June 2008 10:28:41 AM
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