The Forum > Article Comments > Al Gore and the mission of the Nobel Prizes > Comments
Al Gore and the mission of the Nobel Prizes : Comments
By John Berlau, published 19/10/2007Al Gore: never before has the awarding of a Nobel Prize had the potential to do so much damage to public health and human progress.
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Thoughtful piece. However, this right-wing writer forgot to mention Henry Kissinger who also won the peace prize. Henry talked Nixon into the bombing of Cambodia. It was one of the biggest bombing raids in history.
Posted by healthwatcher, Friday, 19 October 2007 9:17:46 AM
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The core message of Al Gore is that our obscession with economic growth comes at a price. The writer focuses on DDT which has definitely been a great benefit - but it is now in human milk throughout the world. That cannot be a good thing.
Gore is wasting his time. Every graph when extrapolated leads to our destruction. There is no light at the tunnel at all. China is the clasical eaxmple of the seduction of building an economy based on excessive consumption. The last of the gorrilas are now caught in the crossfire of yet another battle in the Congo. We cannot help ourselves. We are born to destroy. Posted by healthwatcher, Friday, 19 October 2007 9:37:01 AM
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The Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke for a while. The latest award shared between Albert and the IPCC just lessens its reputation further to a position of irrelevance. Doris Lessing summed it up when she was told she had won the Nobel Literature Prize, she exclaimed "I couldn't care less".
Congrats Albert, the world has never seen the likes of your hypocrisy and gall. Posted by alzo, Friday, 19 October 2007 9:46:21 AM
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Garbage all the way down.
The Enterprise Institute is one of those "right" thinking outfits that promote the gospel of "freedom" as espoused by the Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek. Friedman was awarded a Nobel Prize in economics. This well researched book describes extraordinary human suffering and cultural destruction/devastation created by the BRUTE-opian experiments conducted by the BRUTALISTS inspired by those two ghouls. The CIS and the IPA being the two local propaganda factories for these brutalist fantasies. They are also effectively the organizations that generate the BRUTALIST BRUTOPIAN policies of the current Federal government---and which have effectively circumscribed the parameters of what passes for acceptable political ideas and policies in the current election campaign -- "right"-wing political correctness rules. 1. Do yourself a favour and read this book to immunize yourself against the neo-brutalist cant featured in this essay. Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 19 October 2007 10:26:42 AM
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It is also interesting that this ghoul praises the invention of dynamite.
There is an interesting link here. In the book I pointed to the author points out that disaster capitalism has produced an exponential growth in military related research---finding better ways to spy on EVERYONE and terminate/toast us all too. The "free" market responding to the GOVERNMENT created needs of the moment. It is also well known and documented that most,if not all,leading edge scientific research, even in the soft sciences, is sponsored by the Pentagon. Indeed in chapter one of the book titled The Torture Lab the author gives a very chilling example of soft science research paid for by the Pentagon. Aint the "free" market wonderful---all fuelled by unlimited mega-bucks and a bottomless pit of security state paranoia---getting rid of the enemies of "freedom"---"freedom" to plunder the planet unencumbered by any Government imposed restrictive laws---even laws which have the full support of most of the population---except of course by ghouls who write books titled eco-freaks. Trust us we (that is the "market" which serves OUR interests) know best. All other previous arrangements of Human Culture are now obsolete---welcome to the new utopia. Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 19 October 2007 10:50:36 AM
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What a crappy piece of polemic from a far right turkey. Al Gore has managed, more than any other individual, to bring an awareness of anthropogenic global warming into the mainstream of human consciousness throughout the world. Even the Howard government has been forced to acknowledge the reality of this disaster in the light of increased general awareness of AGW, much of which was facilitated by Al Gore's film "An Incovenient Truth".
It is probably not an exaggeration to suggest that the future wellbeing of the human species is dependent upon the acknowledgement of climate change and AGW, as a first step to taking the kinds of global remedial actions that might ameliorate its effects on human societies and the environments in which they live. Al Gore deserves the Noble Peace Prize. Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 19 October 2007 11:05:52 AM