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The Forum > Article Comments > Gardasil: we must not ignore the risks > Comments

Gardasil: we must not ignore the risks : Comments

By Renate Klein and Melinda Tankard Reist, published 1/6/2007

Rushing Gardasil on the market in Australia for mass immunisation might be good for CSL shareholders, but what about our pre-teen girls?

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OK so let them die of a preventable disease.
Posted by ruawake, Friday, 1 June 2007 9:25:17 AM
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My wife works as a registrar in gynaecology at a public hospital and every evening over dinner I am subjected to disgusting tales of the latest cervical cancer horror story. (E.g. "She was SOOOO young and the cancer had spread EVERYWHERE!) At least it is better than talking about football.

We definitely support that boys should also be vaccinated since they are the vector for the virus. We intend to vaccinate our son when he is older.

Take a look at the authors' previous articles. Do you notice the anti-abortion/reproductive technology pattern?
Posted by michael_in_adelaide, Friday, 1 June 2007 10:29:39 AM
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I've some concern regarding Reist's background and I must admit I think that damages the credibility of this article.

I'm on the fence on this one. The examples I've seen aren't convincing considering tens of thousands of girls have been vaccinated. Considering the pros here, I think the cons look pretty weak.
That being said, we need to be vigilant to ensure another thalidomide never occurs - I know that's an entirely different issue and far more extreme, but all I'm saying is that we need to be careful.

Personally, I don't have ny qualms about Gardasil, I'd be happy to take an injection. Though I do have concerns about how it was approved. There's an article here on the issue, which I for one, find a little more credible.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 1 June 2007 10:47:31 AM
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Articles such as this undermine the credibility of onlineopinion.

Exactly what qualifications do the authors have? PhDs? Medical degrees? Or is it only their own crackpot, religiously-influenced, unscientific and irrational views?

So what if a few girls get side-effects. It's better than being dead.
Posted by Andrew B, Friday, 1 June 2007 11:23:47 AM
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Ok, I apologise to Dr Klein. She has a PhD. Doesn't make her views any less ridiculous though.
Posted by Andrew B, Friday, 1 June 2007 11:26:43 AM
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Very disappointing article. Perhaps three girls died from the effects of the vaccine in the United States, but many women die every year from the the hideous cancer. Now many of these may be needless deaths - one of the causes of the cancer can be vaccinated against.
I expect the reaction of everyone would be very different if it was breast cancer and / or the virus transmission was unrelated to sexual intercourse. I think that moral high ground is getting in the way of sensible public health. There will be blood on people's hands.
Posted by coothdrup, Friday, 1 June 2007 11:52:10 AM
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