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Trading in refugees : Comments

By Azadeh Dastyari, published 28/5/2007

The refugee swap is a strange addition to the already complicated systems in place for people seeking protection in Australia and the United States.

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What can you say? The refugee swap scheme is grotesque, bizarre, hair-brained, silly. Whoever dreamed up such an idea?

I agree with Azadeh Dastyar that the scheme might well provide another incentive to head for the USA or Australia if the punishment for being apprehended is to be transported from one of our countries to the other.

The questions just tumble out.

What is the motivation of the two governments? To appear to have a solution? But what is the problem that this is meant to solve? To fill up the vast emptiness of the new facility on Christmas Island? To close down Guantanamo Bay?

Will the swap be equal - 1:1 - or proportionate - per capita of population or per capita refugee numbers? Will it be ethnically-based - I'll trade one of your Iraqis for two of my Mexicans? Will whole families be exchanged or just the men? Will there be age restrictions? Will there be absolute ceilings each year?

The whole idea is fraught. Could it have come from an all-night session between our Lord Downer and their Ms Rice? What about an extension to political exchanges ? How about a swap of our Mr Howard with their Mr Bush? That would really cement ties, as they say in the tabloids.
Posted by FrankGol, Monday, 28 May 2007 11:52:56 AM
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Of course the swapping of illegals is ridiculous. But then, so is the whole asylum-seeking/ illegal entry/ refugee/ business.

The whole thing is a sham. Australia, through its naivety and weakness has been well and truly conned by people who have come here directly (illegally) or who have first conned the anything-goes United Nations in overseas camps – if they needed to con the UN in the first place.

The Third World management of the United Nations will do everything it can to transplant Third World people to the West. They have stated that it’s their intention to do so. It’s their way of ‘helping’ people.

Our immigration department not so long ago demonstrated its brilliance by locking up (in one case) and deporting (in another) two people who were legally entitled to be here. Drones like this certainly cannot be trusted to decide who should be allowed to settle in Australia.

The incompetents who are prepared to take on the unpopular job of Immigration Minister are not much help either.

Asylum seeking is all about cheats, liars and the gullible. It’s about people seeking better economic conditions and better lifestyles. It has nothing to do with the really oppressed and poor who cannot do a moonlight flit to somewhere nice.

The “refugee” business is a huge rort of the same magnitude as the climate change con. Our acceptance of it confirms the quickening of the 'death of the West'.
Posted by Leigh, Monday, 28 May 2007 1:22:47 PM
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I still remember the thrill on Tampa Day, the 29th August 2001, when the armed forces of the Commonwealth prevented illegal refugees from landing in Australia. It was the day I really became enthusiastic about having John Howard as Prime minister.

The things Australia needs to do to solve the problem of illegals permanently are as follows:

1. Withdraw from the 1954 Refugee Convention.

2. Reinstate the Dictation Test.

Resume the original practice of sending officials into overseas refugee camps to select those with needed skills or otherwise of value to Australia.
Posted by plerdsus, Monday, 28 May 2007 4:29:37 PM
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Just think of yourself,Im ok no worries me mate?you are bloody lucky that you were not on the Tampa Selfish and self serving no moral values,in considering the plight of other fellow human beings
Posted by KAROOSON, Monday, 28 May 2007 5:24:30 PM
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What dark caves do they keep coming from?

Plerdsus relishes the psychotic thrill he felt on Tampa Day, the 29th August 2001…the day he really became enthusiastic about having that most compassionate and truthful John Howard as PM.

I suppose Plerdsus is ecstatic that wars and natural disasters continue to kill thousands who might otherwise be seeking refuge in Australia.

Let’s keep Australia clean and lilywhite for worthy people like Plerdsus and John Howard. A couple of challenges to overcome, however.

(a) What is Plerdsus going to do about the hundreds of thousands of refugees who are already here and have built or started building families here? Some of these wretches have been here for decades. And now the next generation have started breeding.

(b) And what about all those black Indigenous types who had the gall to get here before Plerdsus? They were supposed to die out, weren’t they? Well Plerdsus would be happy to see we're keeping the right policies in place to cause them to die 17 years quicker than his genotype.

Here's some enlightened policy options to add to those supplied by Plerdsus. How about bringing back the slavery, the death penalty and public stoning. That would sort some of them out wouldn’t it Plerdsus?
Posted by FrankGol, Monday, 28 May 2007 6:17:33 PM
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Frankgol,you live in fairyland.An open door policy will see Australia become another third world poverty trap,just like the countries from which they are escaping.Too much crime,corruption and lack of discipline.

To follow your philosopy will see your grand children seeking refuge in the USA or Canada.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 28 May 2007 7:16:49 PM
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