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The Forum > Article Comments > The West's hypocrisy: language has the power to mask the truth > Comments

The West's hypocrisy: language has the power to mask the truth : Comments

By Branko Miletic, published 16/4/2007

The West's hypocrisy feeds anger and resentment - a potent recruiting tool for the New World Order.

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Whoa - steady on there! The West is not the only one guilty of using language to its own purposes. It seems it is more a 'language of the elite' - of those in charge whether west or east, or central. However George Orwell was himself repeating what many others already knew, possibly only instinctively. The moment we went from grunts to the formation of sound to distinct, repeatable sounds that began to have specific meanings, there were those who saw how it could be used to benefit, by controlling others. It is not new and will not be stopped.
Posted by arcticdog, Monday, 16 April 2007 11:23:11 AM
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The Australian Media has been triumphing on this when it comes to bashing up my lovely and beautiful paradise - Papua New Guinea.

Issues like Governance, Law and Order, AIDs and what have you, the overdrive negatively charged Australian Media runs frenzy. The arrogant first world has in deed made the world an unsafe, miserable and hopeless place to live.

Hear what one Papua New Guinean has to say:
[Quote]That's the frenzy that a lot of media get into where I guess the small countries feel the brunt of their reporting and are more in the spotlight than the advanced countries.

The AIDS issue may be just one aspect of the blunder that the media frequently get into. The other is law and order. I don't disagree that crime is indeed a major problem that many developing countries including PNG are unable to resolve adequately. But it saddens me when our reputation is more in the negative light than the positive. I was approached on 3 occasions by Europeans who asked me if there's a lot of crime in Port Moresby. Unfortunately, POM makes the highlights for PNG in foreign media than any other provinces. Well, my answer to them was "you haven't been to inner city ghettos in Los Angeles, Washington DC, Paris, UK or Sydney". They were a bit taken back by the response and did mull over for a while before concurring with me. [End Quote]
Posted by Forever Optimist PNGean, Monday, 16 April 2007 3:51:58 PM
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oh dear... I dont know where to start

firstly language interpretation and or translation....
often is difficult if not impossible to understand

I recently tried a russia article to english in a translator...
and it was so difficult to understand it was not basically
worth reading

so I relied on the info of others... though I struggled through it for a while

I wish people would not lump all other countries into west ...east
and so on

it cannot be too difficult to talk about the name of the country
one is referring to.....

media.... is a totally new ball game
some countries freer than others......

mind you I listen to the bbc and try and make sense, and research
from there...
never read a paper.... and only read lady magazines at the hair
which by the way, ladies magazines are becoming nasty, vindictive,
and abusive..... a strange transition in time

Posted by JHH, Monday, 16 April 2007 4:20:16 PM
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So Branko,

The US/West, after having its butt kicked by the Communist VC in the jungles of Vietnam, and trying to recover from massive domestic divisions which had in large part resulted from this war, should have done more to stop the genocide by the Communist Khmer Rouge in the jungles of Cambodia. Isn't that a bit like condemning the US/West for massacres committed by the VC after it pulled out of Vietnam?

When the US sends troops to Sudan, against the will of the UNSC, because China will have vetoed all action in Sudan to protect its oil interests, I am expecting you will be the first to condemn the act of neo-colonialism, and ask, "why doesn't the US intervene in other contries?"

I'll bet you $10.
Posted by dozer, Monday, 30 April 2007 8:01:21 PM
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