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Pacific 'death struggle' that undermines Australia : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 21/2/2007

The destructive meddling of Beijing and Taipei in the Pacific region puts Australia's security at risk.

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Greg (almost) builds a case for getting tough with Chinese and Taiwanese meddling in our South Pacific neighbours' affairs. But he finally shoots down his message through:

"But, if Canberra got tough with Beijing and Taipei, would they alter their approach? If you were a betting person you would say "no", because the intensity of the mainland-Taiwan conflict runs so deep that neither side would trust the other to respect Australia's wishes."

Greg appears to wish Australia had a SELECTIVE South Pacific Monroe Doctrine that kept new international powers (read China and its nemesis Taiwan) out of our backyard. Presumably its OK for the US (also UK and France) to heavily meddle in South Pacific affairs. For the US' part perhaps this is because the US has long done this and the US is our ally.

Longevity and alliance thus appear to be hidden criteria to tolerate regional meddling.

We can also easily assess Chinese money and influence as meddling because China has long been (but currently not) hostile politically to Australia and more importantly may be a future military threat:
- visions of a Chinese air base in the Solomons would be a worry,
- China making an oil/gas rich East Timor a client state would also be of concern.

So, I think its less what they do but more who they are that counts on this matter. This is stating the obvious I expect.

Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 2:06:52 PM
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Has Greg Barnes undergone a metamorphisis?Instead of his usual leftist ideology he is actually looking at the reality of China's domination of our planet.Their totalitarian state will not be as benevolent as the US since WW2.Remember Tiernamin Square when their Govt considered a million of their own population murdered by the state was of little consequence?

China has the power of soldiers on the ground that are not hamstrung by democratic sensitivities and with the possible defeat of the US in Iraq,it will only embolden them.Perhaps China could find a colony in the South Pacific where they could send their convicts.

There are many raving one dimentional lefties in Aust,that need to learn upon which side their bread is buttered.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 21 February 2007 9:31:06 PM
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Personally I’d like to be able to think of the economic rise of china as all positive & a sign of the end of a flawed ideology . Wishful thinking .

Maybe the old red peril never went away , it just got so big it’s no longer distinguishable .

Let’s face it there seems to be almost nothing we can do now without some form of permit or license . Even with our own private property we can make almost no change without the permission of a committee . Indeed if we lose the ability to prosecute someone for trespass there will in effect be no such thing as private property .

The point I’m trying to make is it’s probably too late , we’re pretty well there now .

Greg Barnes it’s a bit late to be crying now .

Australia capitulated some time ago . In fact I recall Howard stating prior to becoming prime minister that we all have to learn to live like our Asian neighbors .

Here’s one to think about , If the worst looked likely to occur does anyone think that the current crop of politicians & public servants would destroy all private firearms registry & licensing records ? Or is that information already available thru the UN.
Posted by jamo, Tuesday, 27 February 2007 12:07:05 AM
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