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Lessons from Lebanon : Comments

By Ted Lapkin, published 6/10/2006

The Australian Army needs to learn from the Israelis or our troops will be in potential danger.

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Interesting article. But I'd like to know where Hezbollah is getting all these weapons from?

Step forward Iran and Syria. Maybe convincing these nations not to arm their little proxy army in Lebanon would do the trick?

Any ideas on the best way of doing that (especially ones that don't involve shock and awe)?

Posted by gw, Friday, 6 October 2006 9:56:28 AM
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I guess we should ask them nicely.

Everyone seems to think that will work with Iran's imminent acquisition of nuclear weapons so why not anti-tank weapons.

If we ask really nicely they may even stop supplying them with money.

Then we can all be friends.
Posted by Kalin, Friday, 6 October 2006 11:14:49 AM
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'The Russian Spandrel and Kornet missiles of Hezbollah...'

Seems to indicate the source of the weapons wasn't Iran or Syria. The money to purchase them came from those sources.

The Yanks can now thank the Israeli's mis-adventure in Lebanon for a probable increase in casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq. You thought that far ahead but didn't say it Ted.

Do you think the Yanks realise the nature of their self-interested friend?

The Israeli's lost not because of the superiority of a few anti- armour missiles but because of their intransiance and their limited perceptions of decency.

And still the attacks on Gaza continue, Hamas and Hezbollah still exist and still the Israeli 'excuses for war' are not released.

So the war on Lebanon changed absolutely noting of substance and the Israelis still occupy Palestinian lands and peace isn't in sight. When will these dills (Americans and Israelis) realise trying to solve the same problem with the same response, over and over, is madness.

Ted, hate to say it, but the shallowness and shortsightedness of your assessment just confirms that sentiment.

You'd have been much better off saying something like: If the enemies continue their assessments it is only because they are preparing for the next war.
Posted by keith, Friday, 6 October 2006 12:03:36 PM
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Big Ted,

Good theory but as ever very thin on facts. There are claims that Hezbollah had RPG-29 Vampire grenade launchers and the Metis-M and Kornet-E anti-tank missile systems but despite the many displays of captured weapons none of these were shown.

American made TOW anti tank missiles were found yet you don't mention them.

Did you ever consider that the Merkava is a crap tank and Hezbollah shot at the weak points from short range with unanticipated consequences.

Once again you push Isreali propaganda on your Aussie readership. As I have said before never let the facts get in the way of propaganda.
Posted by Steve Madden, Friday, 6 October 2006 12:13:22 PM
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You need to remember that the US needs a war somewhere in order to keep its economy from going down the gurgler. If they are not conducting one themselves, then who better to do it for them than the Israelis. George Bush's industrialist mates must be laughing all the way to the bank at the present as the war in Iraq proceeds and the Israelis restock their arsenal. If they pull out of Iraq, they will have to go to war somewhere else such as Iran or North Korea. Meanwhile, "The enemy" will have learned a few lessons from the Hezbollah and will no doubt be developing even more sophisticated anti-tank weapons and so it goes.

The Australian army will do well to stay out of any stoush that the stupid Yanks get involved in otherwise we will be going broke. Little Johnny H is going to get a hugh shock at the ballot box if he doesn't get that into his thick skull.
Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 6 October 2006 12:42:12 PM
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They had a display of captured Hezbollah equipment at the conference I attended that included an AT0-4 Faggot, AT-5 Spandrel, and AT-14 Kornet. I also saw M-16A1s and RPG-7s with Iranian markings on them. But then, perhaps my eyes were deceiving me. There was no RPG-29 on display.

But then you'll undoubtedly argue that A) I'm a liar, or B) I'm a fool who was duped by cleverly constructed duplicates.

Steve, did you ever consider that your animus towards Israel is so profound that it blinds you to the undeniable?
Posted by Ted Lapkin, Friday, 6 October 2006 2:16:17 PM
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