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Israel 1: Hezbollah 0 : Comments

By Gary Brown, published 18/9/2006

The Middle East is caught up in a semi-permanent state of armed confrontation.

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"I guess it's hard to know the truth when you're being indoctrinated with Zionist propaganda eh?"

"the extreme racism inherent in Israeli policy"

What racism? If its the Jews you mean, sorry but they are not a race.

And what indoctrination?

You seem not to realise that Israel is a democratic state with an open press. Just like Australia and the UK! All Israelis have access to the world's media. Israel is one middle eastern state not indoctrinated with propoganda. And Muslims, Jews, Christians all have a vote and the right to stand for parliament. What other middle eastern country does that?

Indoctrination is more like the hatred that Iran and Egypt are spreading with their awful antisemitic cartoons. Check them out on a website. You won't find that sort of activity in Israel whatever their faults.

And the writer of the article may be right whether you like it or not.


have you noticed you are being ignored? Not surpriosingly given the abusive naturre of yor comments. i hesitate to call them arguments. fleurette please don't follow Marilyn down the dark side. You were so reasonable and presented good arguments which I found very enlightening
Posted by logic, Monday, 18 September 2006 10:00:31 PM
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Israel is not a liberal democracy.

It has the vestiges of democracy but it is not like the western liberal democracies.


Lebanon and the Palestinians recently held UN supervised elections that were deemed fair. The only other so-called 'democracy' in the mid east rejected the election results of both and invaded both. Democracies in the past tended to be allies and supported one another. Hasn't that happened here.
Posted by keith, Monday, 18 September 2006 10:31:50 PM
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What a joke , I think some of you are programmed like robots into believing that Israels objective was to defend itself, well here are some facts and before you respond with silly " you don't know what you are talking about", go do some real research instead of paying your monthly subscription for Fox Israeli Murdoch News 1: , Israels main objective was to create division in Lebanon, the middle east contrary to western beliefs is one of the only places on earth where all religions are represented in harmony, unlike western world no one religion dominates, this does not suit Israel as their unity poses a threat, remember only America,AustraliaandBritain declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization, the same organization that runs hospital,schools,sheltersandcharities 2: Israel has held over 10,000 hostages in prisons for decades without charge or conviction, there crime being that they were Lebanese the prisons in which they are held have conditions and torture worse than Guantanamo, Israel has been trading prisoners with Hezbollah for years however their last refusal to trade prisoners was a result of a want to attack Lebanon to try to get the Lebanese population to rise against Hezbollah, this backfired and Israel started killing Lebanese civilians in any territory claiming that Hezbollah was hiding there, had this been any other country besides Israel they would be facing the War crimes Tribunal except that pro Israel America opposes this 3: Hezbollah had been armed by Iran, well woopee do, katooshaandKhaybar rockets, geez these will surely outweigh the American supplied weapons, 4: Hezbollah did not launch missiles into Israel, it captured the two soldiers wanting an exhange 5: Israel lost 334soldiers, Hezbollah 83soldiers, Lebanon over1000 civilians, hey this reminds me of when America couldn't defeat the Japanese army so it dropped two atomic bombs on innocent civilians to conclude I leave you with this Israel was formed in the forties by force from Britain and Millions of innocent people killed for no reason and when they fight back all you can do is call them terroristsyou are programmed to think, to act and to feel
Posted by THETRUTH01, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 1:25:42 AM
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How complex attitudes become, how varied the trusted sources of information!
How emotional the debate becomes after all as G W Bush says its all about freedom and democracy-ours!
Hang on go back to the start for adults like little children argue ‘they started it first!
Okay lets go to the start.
Zionists wanted a homeland and the world in general was being nasty to minorities who were scape goats for the power of others. Bit like the Armenians, Kurds, American Indians, Aborigines and so on. The colonial masters whose attitude was superior decided that Palestine would be a good place, not that it was without people just not many. Anyway Balfour made a point that the rights of indigenes were to be maintained.
The Zionists bought what land they could, for much was owned by non resident people and started a campaign for more land. The quest became heated became more heated ultimately producing terrorists who acted against the British and the Arabs.
Not all Jews were aggressive in this way but many were and set about expelling the Arabs, who it was said could be incorporated in other lands Jordan in particular.
The Arabs objected and fought .
And so best beloved it began.
Colonial power in its arrogance gave land already appropriated to a race about whom they felt guilty. Generous as always at others expense!
Please dear respondents read the history, only read many and somewhere midst this mass of information the truth might become plainer.
The West, a much abused portmanteau term, played its own games seeing the State as a bulwark against Russia and against Arab nationalism.
Many Security council resolutions were vetoed by USA and much suffering ignored. Fighting became more asymmetric as Israel was armed by us and the festering grew and by our self serving definition terrorism began. Self serving for though real, no uniforms civilians targeted for political purpose identifying such got us off the hook of being responsible
Posted by untutored mind, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 7:10:29 AM
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September 18, 2006 PART 1


“I object to violence because when it appears to be good, the good is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent”. Mahatma Gandhi.
“Peace can never come from dropping bombs. Real peace comes from enlightenment and educating people to behave more in a divine manner”. Carlos Santana.
How To Put A Stop To This Infinite Conflict?
Israel-Hezbollah War: A Vivid Demonstration Of Asymmetrical Warfare And The Incompetence Of The United Nations
According to the Wilikepedia, A symmetrical warfare is a term that describes a military situation in which two belligerents of unequal strength interact and take advantage of their respective strengths and weaknesses. This interaction often involves strategies and tactics outside the bounds of conventional warfare.
read more->part2

SULEIMAN EGEH Molecular Biology, Science Education-freelance writer
My blog is
Posted by Egeh, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:05:27 AM
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Conflict PART 2

Note: The United Nations Security Council, who can’t stop the carnage in Lebanon and Israel for a war raging for a month, just a week ago passed a threatening resolution against Iran. According to that resolution, If Iran should not follow some prescriptions, economic sanctions will be imposed on her. They were too sluggish and indifferent to stop the carnage in the Middle East, while so fast and furious to come down hard on Iran. What a double standard? Is the structure of this exclusive country club suited to address the monumental challenges facing humanity in the 21st century? The answer is a resounding no.
This is the time to demand radical reform of this 20Th century institution, the United Nations and its numerous agencies. The time is ripe to call for a whole sale reform of this ineffective, outdated and lackluster organization.

Despite the tragedy and the astronomical loss of life, the war between Israel and Hezbollah put several things into context. First of all, it profoundly underscores the impotence, ineffectiveness and the irrelevance of some international and regional organizations such as the UN and the Arab league. These groups failed to stop the blood shed. These collection of disparate nation states miserably came short to put a halt to the bleeding. The incompetence, bureaucracy, meaningless wrangling and the useless meetings, they usually hold, has been vividly put into perspective. The tremendous need for a radical structural change or a comprehensive reform of the united nations, its corrupt agencies has been trusted into the front burner. The total restructuring of the security council, the monopoly of the Veto power by few western countries, becomes an urgent issue, which needs to be addressed just now without any delay.

SULEIMAN EGEH Molecular Biology, Science Education-freelance writer
Posted by Egeh, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:13:52 AM
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