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Uninvited and unwelcome : Comments

By Des Moore, published 16/8/2006

Rejecting the tough new immigration laws was misguided.

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"Philip Ruddock gazetted regulations when he was Australia's immigration minister[number S241 of 1997] to stop visitors from many countries coming to Australia and among them is Poland.[Israel is also on the list as well as the following countries-Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Fiji, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mauritius, Nauru, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tonga, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vietnam and Yugoslavia]."

John Howard wants free trade but not the free movement of people.He thinks Australias biggest assets are its sheep, coal and uranium not people.He says he has the final solution to our problems "Too many people."

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Posted by blogggit, Monday, 21 August 2006 12:54:52 AM
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LOL, in dealing with internal Indonesian affairs such as Papua there is absolutely no need for "Australian support". The opinions of US stooge Australia is irrelevant and worthless like a handful of dust. From back when West Papua returned to the lap of Indonesian motherland back in 1960s until now, we Indonesians decide what happened in that Indonesian province without even bothering with weakling Australia. "Tact and respect" is totally redundant in this matter, especially when dealing with Aussie yobbos, well renowned for their affinity with profanity.

It is just because a resident OLO clown here foolishly suggested that weakling Australia should challenge Indonesian territory, so I am merely doing you a favour by explaining what will happen if Australia committed this error.

"Or is it just of completely no interest to you, as it is not directly dealing with Papua or Indonesia?"

LOL, as I said, we Indonesians couldn't give a rat's arse about minor neighbour Australia.


LOL, your desperate attempt to play with words is useless, clown. UN in its two resolutions and every country in the world recognise Papua as integral part of Indonesia. Neither UN nor any country in the world ever considered Papua as "disputed territory". There's nothing a clown like you can do to change this situation. Deal with it, lol.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Monday, 21 August 2006 11:07:51 AM
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“ ‘Tact and respect’ is totally redundant in this matter…..”

Well, now why am I not surprised to read this from you PTBI?

“…especially when dealing with Aussie yobbos, well renowned for their affinity with profanity.”

Aha! Tarring us all with one brush eh! We ain’t all yobs. Surely the thing to do is respond tactfully to all, and when some give you cause not to continue being tactful, harden your responses only to those particular people. Can’t you see that polarised views, expressed as a matter of course, just kill your argument and credibility?

Australia has every right to express to Indonesia or the UN or the world its concerns about West Papua. If our two countries are to maintain a friendly relationship, then we will have to be willing to listen to and respect each other’s views.

Howard has listened to Indonesia’s concerns over the granting of asylum to 43 West Papuans. And so he should have. He has not been weak to adapt policy accordingly. The degree of adaptation is a matter of debate, but the philosophy of adapting policy based on any other country’s concerns should not be thought of as a negative thing.

So I totally reject your hardline stance that completely excludes Australia from having any part to play in human rights issues or self-determination issues in West Papua.

I implore you PTBI to work with all people who express concerns… and for goodness sake not just reject their very right to hold and express a view. That is the most terrible position of arrogance, isolationism, antidemocracy, etc, etc, for anyone to hold.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 21 August 2006 3:37:39 PM
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LOL, as I said, Aussie clowns may uselessly rant and rave until your throat is dry begging for your "opinions" to be taken seriously by us. But rest assured, there is no way in God's earth Indonesia will "give a role" for Australia in our internal affairs.

Deal with it lol.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Monday, 21 August 2006 3:52:05 PM
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Oh you are having fun aren’t you PTBI.

Well, carry on then. Laugh out loud at every single respondent’s comments. Don’t let logic, compassion, balance, humility or anything else of any substance stand in your way. Continue to drag everything to the loony end of the spectrum. Never see anything in shades of grey, only stark black or white. Continue to be an embarrassment to your country. Continue to call for nothing less than death for anyone who calls for Papuan self-determination, or a referendum on it. And so on.


After reading your post and looking at your blog, I am still not sure what you are really on about. Do you think that there should be a completely free movement of people in and out of Australia, or that our immigration intake should not in any way be based on similarity in culture, lifestyle or language?
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 21 August 2006 8:06:33 PM
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Hey bloggit

Are you aware of the LAWS OF DEFAMATION ?

I am going to draw mr Ruddocks attention to the picture in your blog of him, with the 'CHILD MOLESTER' caption.... that is outright illegal and I hope he sues you for millions....

The only thing your blog proves is that Immigration is alive and well as a POLITICAL issue, and why would "Labor" seek to loosen up this area ? *puts thinking cap on*...aah....GOT IT... because traditionally they draw much of their vote from migrant labor ...duh.

So, given that this has been totally politicized, it is in the interests of the Coalition to 'manage' this area in the same way that Labor wishes to, but in ways which benefit the Coalition.

There is widespread ABUSE and blatant opportunism in the overseas spouse aspect of the immigration program and it is RIFE WITH RACISM where certain community elements prefer to marry their own 'race' rather than be open to marraige with Aussie girls (Of various ethnicities)

So, what you are supporting is:


I'm getting closer to the day and moment when I make immigration and the racist abuse of it a major issue in a campaign of public awareness...I've already started.

Values... compatability...these are the requirements of a sound immigration program.

We do NOT need people who's values allow them to support terrorism.
Specially those from Lebanon, or the Muslim world who are constantly told that whenEVER Muslims are under threat, THEY have to fight for them, even if they are in other countries. And by 'fight' I mean with weapons.
Have CLOSE read of the Hamas charter, it is a diabolical document of the most heinous kind, specifically referring to a total brainwashing of children in education for homicide Jihad.
All who might have a pre-disposition to support it must be BLOCKED from migrating here.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 22 August 2006 6:26:22 AM
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