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Relations in the fog : Comments

By Roger Smith, published 5/7/2006

To love Indonesia, the country, is not the same as to deny the existence of corruption and human rights violations.

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I do not know of any Papuans or OPM representatives anywhere, or Papuan human rights supporters here in Australia, who hate the people of Jawa. What we do hate are the evil acts of rape and torture and theft and wanton destruction.

The distortions and hyperbole are not cultural, but are application of "new speak" used since WW-II by a criminal class to install a centralised colonial power. The Jakarta Lobby is not powered by the people, but by the gold of Papua and oil of Sumatra and Borneo; the Jakarta Lobby is the business empire of the TNI Generals and members of the "US Indonesia Society" (Bechtel, Exxon, Freeport McMoRan, Newmont, etc.).

To accept the good is VERY DIFFERENT to pretending the bad shall reform themselves.. To love the country does not need you to deny the corruption and human rights violations.

Mass murderers and rapist should not be put back onto the street or given yet another chance rule Papua and do their evil just because you wish to show you are not discriminating against them. I invite you to read the Papuan view on 'Special Autonomy' and to review the documents listed at
Posted by Daeron, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 10:49:30 AM
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It would be good if this “Jakarta lobby” could be identified; perhaps it is a figment of a lot of febrile imaginations? Even some of the left stooges on OLO use the expression for anyone who has a view on Indonesia different from theirs. They, of course, simply parrot something one of their idols has said; but, as intelligent people also use the term (still without explanation), it would be good if these people could be exposed so that we all know whom we are talking about.

I don’t think Roger will be able to provide an answer as he writes that: “On the other hand, for many in the so-called “respectable” media and to some on the left, reaction to the case was proof of the ignorance and racism of ordinary Australians.” in relation to the Corby affair.

Is he serious? “Some on the LEFT” defending Indonesia?

Anyone who, as the author does, declares that Government backbench objection to its own Government’s and majority of its members intention to toughen up on illegal entrants, a “welcome victory”, doesn’t know left from right; never mind the fact that there has been no “victory”, that the matter has been held over.

Until this mysterious “Jakarta lobby” is exposed, nobody who uses the expression – usually in a derogatory manner - can be taken seriously
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 11:46:14 AM
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Indonesian people will always demand Australia mind their own business. Indonesian people will always resist and annihilate any attempt for Australian interference into our internal affairs to out last drop of blood and our last gasp of breath.

Indonesian people will always demand the govt to arrest every single foreign drug smugglers entering our soil and sentence them to the harshest penalty possible (if possible the death sentence). Currently, Indonesian people completely rejects plans to show some mercy to the thirty foreign drug smugglers currently in our death row.

There is nothing Australians can do to modify these iron will of the mighty Indonesian people.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 2:44:27 PM
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"Mass murderers and rapist should not be put back onto the street or given chance to rule Papua and do their evil just because you wish to show you are not discriminating against them."

Indeed Hitlerite mass murderers and rapists like the barbaric Papuan separatist terrorists should not be allowed to "rule" Papua. In this you have nothing to worry, against the heroic Indonesian military and police fully backed by the might of Indonesian people, the buffonic Papuan separatists stood absolutely no chance.
Posted by Proud to be Indonesian, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 4:49:33 PM
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Bravo PTBI - looks like you've taken another leaf out of the KCNA style manual. I just LOVE your Kim Il Sung-style hyperbole: "the last drop of blood and our last gasp of breath" "the iron will of the mighty Indonesian people", "the heroic Indonesian military and police fully backed by the might of Indonesian people" and the "buffoonic Papuan separatists". It just sounds like laughable rubbish from another era.

Let me tell you what I think of Indonesia...I think the best analogy is the USSR, another doomed multi-ethnic, multi-religous empire that functioned as a transitional state for six generations. In the case of the USSR, the communists inherited the Empire from the Tsarist regime and although it took 70 years, the Empire finally fell into its constituent pieces. The artificially constructed state of Indonesia is nothing more than the successor Empire to the Dutch East Indies - except here we have swapped a Dutch imperial elite for a Javanese one, both as illegitimate as the other. Indonesia's only raison d'etre is that it has taken the same territory as the Dutch East Indies and this is just not a sufficient basis for the foundation of a country.

As we can see now after the removal of a dictator, all kinds of pressures are building - ultranationalism, fundamentalist Islam, regional separatism, communal violence - the contradictions will not hold forever. The former Dutch East Indies has only been independent since 1949. I believe that given enough time, the multi-ethnic, multi-religious Javanese Empire will devolve just like the USSR. "Indonesia" as we know it is just a transitional entity and its future is by no means resolved. I think this is the reason that we hear the comical hyperbole from PTBI about the indivisble oneness, iron will, last drop of blood, mighty Indonesian people blah, blah. He is secretly worried that Indonesia will follow the once mighty USSR into the trash-can of history. He seems to be paranoid that Australia has some secret hand in all this, but in truth the contradictions are inbuilt - it's just a matter of time...
Posted by Kvasir, Wednesday, 5 July 2006 6:46:27 PM
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Onya PTBI (not)

And (sincerely) well said Leigh and Kvasir

While Corby is doing 20 years for smuggling pot into Bali where it is sold openly on the streets look at the Indonesian Empire's light treatment of the following joker.

Abu Bakar Bashir radical Indonesian Muslim, spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) - has links with al Qaeda. In a recent interview with The First Post he expressed sympathy for Osama bin Laden.

On April 14, 2003, he was formally charged by the Indonesian government with treason, immigration violations, and providing false documents and statements to the Indonesian police. The charges were mainly related to the Christmas Eve 2000 Indonesia terror attacks against Christian churches killing 18 people. In the Indonesian court, he was found not guilty for treason, but was found guilty on immigration charges. He was sentenced to three years in prison, reduced to 20 months.

On October 15, 2004, Bashir was arrested again and charged with involvement in a bomb attack on the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, August 5, 2003, which killed 14 people. Secondary charges accused him of involvement in the 2002 Bali bombing, the first time he faced charges in relation to that attack.

On March 3, 2005, Bashir was found guilty of conspiracy over the 2002 attacks, but was found not guilty of the charges surrounding the 2003 bomb. He was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment. He was also linked with bomb attack on the Buddhist monument Borobudur in 1985 but managed to escape trial by seeking asylum in Malaysia (this explains the immigration charges against him above). On 17 August 2005, Bashir's jail term was cut by 4 months and 15 days.

On 14 June 2006, to cheers from his supporters waiting outside, Abu Bakar Bashir was released, having served less than 26 months in Jakarta's Cipinang jail, where he held court and coordinated the publication of a commemorative book with his release.

Corby is rotting in jail, Bashir a terrorist leader got a micro sentence in a plush cell full of visitors.

No wonder Australians get resentful.

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 6 July 2006 1:40:03 AM
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