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Open up tunnel deal : Comments

By Tristan Peach, published 27/6/2006

The Lord Mayor and RiverCity Motorway are keeping the details of the contract for Brisbane's new tunnel secret until it is too late.

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I wholeheartedly agree with what you have undertaken over recent months Tristan. You need to seriously consider running for Mayor at the next election so we have at least one pro-public transport candidate we can trust and put an end to money always going into road infrastructure! Us "pro-public transport" people are the TRUE silent majority. Please run for Mayor Tristan!
Posted by Paul Williams, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 12:25:38 PM
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Don't make the same mistakes that we made in Sydney, NSW. The NSW Government curses they day they signed a contract like this. Yet you in QLD go along for the horror-ride-of-a-lifetime in secret contract anyway, promising that it is not going to be like the NSW disaster. This is the first time another ALP State has admitted so blatantly that the CCT and other tunnels in Australia, particularly in NSW, have been a disaster. But even Premier Eimma know's that, he is Panadol's best customer. He is honestly trying to clean up Bob Carr's mess, and it is not easy, is was a bloody disaster. Almost the same deal Brisbane wants.

Why can't the Government build it, and why can't the people of Queensland own it? After they pay it off in tolls, the tolls will logically disappear. This should surely be for the people, not for profit, greed, deception, in a sleezy contract. In any case, why hasen't Brisbane looked more seriously at the option of light rail to move many people around the city, rather than having a city for cars and tunnels. The Sydney City Council is kicking itself now that it didn't make that move at least 5 years ago, when all the tunnels were being planned.

A living city is a city for people, not for private contracts, corruption, profit, greenhouse gasses, and pure ignorance. Besides, the tunnel will only shift the traffic jams from one side of Brisbane to the other. The middle bit will get little relief, if any, as it will all be "funnelled" into the tunnel, and this causes chaos. It will just be a dispictable mess. We hate our tunnels in Sydney. Brisbane, just say no! Prove that you are better than Sydney.
Posted by saintfletcher, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 1:00:54 PM
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It didn't take long for Campbell Newman to go elbow deep into the long suffering motorists pockets.He could have funded these projects through the time honoured system of open tenders resulting in accountable projects, or borrowed money to fund his dreams. Meanwhile, the Ipswich motorway becomes more profitible for the panel beaters every day.
Posted by aspro, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 1:47:32 PM
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There is something very prissy about the Australian psyche where we deliberately vote for Labor state governments and a Liberal Federal one. It's the old Don Chip keeping-the-bastards-honest I guess. Put them all in a glass jar and let them fight it out so we get the best deal sort of thing.

I wonder if Mr Newman realises he and his dirty little PPP (aka Governmet Private Dictatorship or GPD) will go down in infamy from this moment forth as the Man who destroyed every state Labor government in the Commonwealth of Australia. Mind you this means that Beasley will be our next PM. We can't have Liberals everywhere can we?

Beasley can't do too much damage to the economy in one term and this changeover in governing polarity is sorely needed so I have to say ""Thank you Mr Newman"", you jerk.

If Australians are as canny as I think, we could see federal/state parties swap back and forth every 4 years and make the bastards work harder for people and not their own personal post-ministerial-dream-retirements. This swap over could occur at least till politicians learn that we don't elect them with a mandate for BETRAYAL. It doesn't take an Einstein to see that this 10 year and forever state labor and federal liberal gig has become a big BUST.

PS If Kim Beasley can promise to ensure FAIR PLACEMENT of immigrants all across Australia and not just in the current 4 overcrowded, underserviced, gridlocked and overcorrupted metropolitan areas he might get the nod for a second term.

BTW I want the betting odds on which Private enterprise Iemma, Sartor, Costa, Tripodi and Della Bosca will go to work for when NSW Labor gets the BOOT at the next election in March.
Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 3:10:21 PM
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Pro-toll tunnel Newman wins city election in Brisbane Oz
Cambell Newman campaigning to move congested traffic by sponsoring toll tunnelways has won election in Brisbane, the third city of Australia. Newman, the Liberal Party candidate handily defeated Labor which expressed skepticism about the tunnels idea.

Mayor-elect Newman said after his election that advancing the five tunnelways he proposed will be the major concern in his four year term of office. He says the first tunnel - a north-south link under the river and the central business district - will be open by the time of the next election in March 2008.

"I have the mandate, I am the boss of the Brisbane City Council," Newman is reported by the AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW as saying in response to the point that he faces a city council with a Labor majority.

The five tunnelways are estimated to cost some $3b (A$4b) and Newman wants them built over 10 to 15 years. The state premier Peter Beattie (Labor) has said the complete Newman plan is financially non-feasible but that he will work with the city to see what can be achieved.

Can't Do Cambell is a liberal elected on a single issue that he cannot deliver. The quicker he goes the better.
Posted by Steve Madden, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 3:26:31 PM
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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't roads the domain of Councils and Public Transport the domain of State Governments. If so, it stands to reason that a City Council would have no interest whatsoever in promoting public transport because there is nothing in it for them.

I can see the Sydney tollways, having been organised by the NSW State Government as a comparative dream compaired to the potential nightmare of a Municipal Council spending billions on tunnells.
Posted by Narcissist, Tuesday, 27 June 2006 3:58:02 PM
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