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Australia's Achilles heel : Comments
By Julian Cribb, published 16/6/2006Australia's energy supply research is fragmented, unco-ordinated, riven with self-interest, ad hoc and devoid of national vision.
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Posted by The alchemist, Friday, 16 June 2006 10:06:35 AM
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As Richard Heinberg (University of California), has amply shown in his two books, "The Party's Over" and "Power Down":- . . . looking for supply side solutions to our energy woes is a fools errand. And my recent interaction with Federal Energy Minister Ian McFarlane underlines this point:- Posted by KimB, Friday, 16 June 2006 11:34:31 AM
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. . . . and PS, while we're talking about "Non-supply side" solutions to our energy woes, maybe the reason they're getting no press is the same reason the Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC), is completely ignoring my pointed written questions about the consequences of "Peak Oil" on the mooted Brisbane North South Bypass Tunnel (I'm a member of Q Super, QIC are their investment advisors). Anyone who buys shares in this white elephant is on a hiding to nothing . . . . . . So come on QIC, stop hiding from legitimate questions. It's my money you're playing with . . . Posted by KimB, Friday, 16 June 2006 11:50:36 AM
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The key words of the article are these "Self interest".
How does 'self interest' manifest itself in ways which hinder the utilization of renewable energy sources ? Simple: "share holder value" This something which should have formed the theme of an eleventh commandment "Thou shalt not put shareholder value above the communities best interests". In truth, it is covered by the "You shall not covet your neighbours......." But that aside. If it is in the interests of: -Executive Performance measures (which translate to executive BONUSes) -Shareholder Value Most large Energy Supply corporations will, having done their 'SWOT' analysis, have identified the T part 'threats' as being 'Renewable Energy' which will reduce our dependance on, and revenue to, said corporations. The simple fact is, we could HALVE our energy consumption (an educated guess) by: a) Installing 10 solar panels and associated Inverter, on our roofs (electric solar) b) Installing a Solar Hot water system supplmented by an instant gas hot water system downstream from the Solar reservior (The Rinnai one I have adjusts the gas flow according to the temperature of the water.. if the water is already hot=less gas used) c) Installing high efficiency lighting in our homes. d) Switching to gas ovens instead of electric. e) No electic heating. So..... why do we not see more effort in making Solar panels affordable ? Hmmmmmmmmm Could it be that large 'supply side' energy corporations make large political donations that 'hint' at not doing anything which might jeapordize 'shareholder value' ? But the key is 'self interest' so.. this is what we have to solve to remove the 'symptoms'. **WARNING** 'Bible Bash' about to occur, all anti God, anti Christ anti Christian readers advised to tune out....HERE. Jesus, speaking to Nichodemus said "You must be born again" New birth, new attitude, new Christ. Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 June 2006 7:59:21 AM
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Thermodynamics and Population Dynamics predict that up to 4 billion people will die within 20-30 years, spurred by PEAK oil and a restructuring of global populations and their energy aspirations. After a world collapse, coal will be the main energy source again. The world will take a-long-while-to-recover-before-other-alternative-energy-formats-are-viable-again after a spate of violent destruction. Coal could then support a population of around 2.5 billion for-over-a-thousand-years, provided the lesson of unwarranted-population-growth is learned. However 30-40% of coal output would need to be diverted to research into the high density alternative energy formats of Geothermal, Fission, Fusion and unmanned space-generator programs to-ensure-long-term-viability.
Of course a world collapse does not have to happen if we divert 30-40% of our energy potential to research NOW. This is called vision or thinking ahead. It is what has distinguished our species from all those who have gone and perished before us. However we can't exploit coal as it is too bulky and its export dollars are tight. The logical thing to exploit is our Uranium/Thorium reserves by value adding them to safe, bomb-bane formats like PBR pebbles. And forget about nuclear Reactors we don't need them. What we need is export dollars where 30-40% of that income stream is diverted to research fusion-power, non-oil company monopolised laser-drilling technology for Geothermal power and an unmanned space network for 'packetised' materials. Such goals are within our technological capacity. The space research for example will be unmanned and roughly based on the internet to provide a safety valve so future populations do not have to inhumanely collapse in the event of world extinction events. At some point such a SWW space-Web or space-Net would be able to take up millions of people for permanent or semi permanent space residence. Continuing .. Posted by KAEP, Saturday, 17 June 2006 11:36:36 AM
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Continued ..
A big component in averting world collapse it is to maximise Pebble Bed nuclear reactors NOW, in countries that can afford them like India and China. It is up to Australia to do its part and PROCESS uranium to PBR formats that are safe, non-polluting and unable to be used in bombs. This will give Australia enormous profit streams and a heavy nuclear industry that could support the Fusion and Space-based solar-generator programs above. These are are the real benefits to Australia of going nuclear. At our current population level we don't need nuclear power stations. But we CAN and MUST be playing a BIG part in averting a currently inevitable world collapse. For those worried about onshore-nuclear-industry contamination and terror threats, I say that the above strategy is a BRIDGE to our future. Once crossed we will not need it. But without that nuclear-bridge we most likely will not have a future. Crunch time is nigh due to the simple statistic that in 10 years there will be 7 billion world people all of whom will have the same First-world-desires, needs, aspirations, selfishness and pride as ourselves. If that doen't scare every Australian into embracing an australian heavy nuclear industry, they haven't looked in their mirror lately. Its not only sport that Australian's can excel at. Provided there is honesty, safe waste disposal and fiscal equity in a local uranium enrichment industry its something we can all-get-excited-about. Come-on-Aussie-come-on Posted by KAEP, Saturday, 17 June 2006 11:38:32 AM
The only solution is for people to take some responsibly for their future instead of living in hope their slave masters ( politicians) may some day speak the truth and act in the peoples interest instead of their vested corporate requirements.
Considering the vast majority of politicians have either bought their way into politics, or are there by stealth and the majority appear to be lawyers and accountants. We can well see why we are going down the gurlger under the auspices of these fools.
Until the people vote with their future in mind and not their short term hope and comfort, nothing will change. Considering the situation overseas, where they are racing towards alternatives, we have only ourselves to blame continuing to vote for the one party two faction options we have.