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Farewell, Your Majesty : Comments
By Lyn Allison, published 15/3/2006Thank you Queen Elizabeth, but now we are grown up we should be doing it on our own.
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Lyn, some of us have grown up. Sadly, you are not included in that group. When told of the existence of the Democrats in Australia, the queen was heard to remark: "Just what is it that they do?"
Posted by Sage, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 9:27:24 AM
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Another article that demonstrates Lyn Allison's unfitness to sit in the Senate. It is obvious that she has no understanding of how Australians feel about politicians. When she took her place in the Senate, notwithstanding that she was a committed republican, she swore or affirmed that she would be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty. She did that because the people have enacted, in section 42 of the constitution, that she must do this before she can take up her seat. And now she comes up with more of this republican tripe. How can we have any reliance on what she says? She mentions that the Queen, under section 59 of the constitution, can disallow any law within one year of the Governor-Generals assent. Has she any idea of the comfort that so many people gain from the fact that the Queen, either directly or through her representatives is standing by, ready to sack, and ready to disallow. Surely she doesn't think that the people trust politicians? What planet does she live on? We have just seen the NSW Parliament remove the oath of loyalty to the Queen, very quietly, without giving the people any say. Thank heavens it does not lie within the power of federal politicians to do the same. Watching the various politicians in Canberra swearing allfiance to the Queen is to me one of the main ethics tests we have available to assess them. When the committed republicans, including many in the government parties, take the oath, I can make a judgment as to whether they are bring truthful, honest and sincere, or whether they are lying in their teeth. And Allison wants to take this away! From a party that pretends to have ethics! Thank heavens the final decision lies with the people.
Posted by plerdsus, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:39:01 AM
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Senator Allison, as usual, blames the Prime Minister for the 1999 referendum on an Australian Republic. Waddle!
The referendum failed because of 1 simple reason. Instead of asking "Are you in principle in favour of a Republic?" and working from there, the referendum asked "Are you in favour of the PM appointing a President with un-codified, ceremonial only powers?" The good Senator overlooks the role of the Monarch. To defend the people. To defend us against unscrupulous business, corrupt politicians, and despotic laws. Sadly, these powers are seldom used and the media can fill the airwaves and papers with stories of corruption and con merchants. In this respect alone, the Monarch has failed us. Any Constitutional change must not be taken lightly. The Constitution sets up a framework in which business may operate in a free market, but regulated by Government for the benefit of the people. The writers of the Constitution perhaps saw themselves as "British" as Sen. Allison notes, but also in the forefront of their minds where the social and economic upheavals of the 1890's depression, where, and in particular the Senator's own electorate, business were demanding "freedom of employment contract" and "shoot to kill" were the order of the day. Sound familiar? Eastern Australia almost became a Marxist country! Perhaps the Senator should research more and write less. Posted by Narcissist, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:08:23 AM
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Lyn, Lyn, Lyn,
I'm a republican. Please listen to some simple words of wisdom that hopefully you might just understand. The Queen and the monarchy are NOT the issues that need your attention. They are not the issues that will strengthen the Democrats. Talk about the Labor party pressing the self destruct button... why copy them? The key points in our democracy that you need to rebuild your party around are: 1. Education - (See the 11 things I have listed here 2. Health - The public hospital system is near collapse in most states and there is a massive shortage of Drs. Nurses need the support of politicians 3. Mental Health - This is in total dissaray and needs intervention immediately 4. Work Place Reforms - Can you guys put forward better ideas 5. Media ownership... Will the Americans own all our media? 7. Infrastructure ... Rural and City, Enviroment, water, sustainable development etc. 8. National Debt ... Household debt 9. International Trade! International Competitiveness 10. War! War! War! - Should we be there? Put forward an exit strategy 11. Assisting our farmers 12. Tax Reform 13. Value adding in Australia... not overseas! 14. Selling the farm - How much of Australia are we prepared not to own? 15. The AWB scandal... and it's effect on our farmers and overseas trade. I could go on for ages. Australia will become a republic in the future, but it is not necessary for it to be done with undue haste. That's why it failed last time... Republicans were divided and conquered in their rush to change. Also to bring this up now is "a little bit rude" when the Queen is in Australia... Does it show a lack of manners? You said "I admire her diplomatic skill and ability to inspire confidence in her subjects" Don't just recognise it ... do it yourself! This article shows a lack of diplomatic skill! Please stick to core issues that affect families, the sick, the elderly, the underprivileged and business competitiveness. Posted by Opinionated2, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:35:55 AM
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What a contrast between two women. One, an unrepresentative politician, a loser and embittered whiner who blames everyone else for her failures, and tells us we didn’t know what we were doing when we gave the Government a majority in the Senate. The other, a gracious lady respected even by republicans, who tells us that what we do in regard to her thrown and a republic is entirely up to us.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 12:13:58 PM
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I think it is great that politicians are trying to guage public opinion through forums such as OLO - I wish that all our politicians were better informed.
I am constantly surprised by the lack of respect for our Head of State - even though I voted for a Republic the Queen is still our Head of State and should be respected as such until the situation changes. No politician has the right not to uphold our Constitution. When I became an Australian citizen I was given the choice whether or not to pledge allegiance to the Queen. As far as I am concerned no-one should be allowed to become an Australian citizen unless they are prepared to take on everything it encompasses. I also believe that the Queen herself is paving the way for Australia to become a republic. She has made reference to Australia 'coming of age' on several occasions. Time for the 'child' to go it alone but remembering that 'Mum' stills loves us. Posted by sajo, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 12:17:42 PM