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Paul Keating: The man we have to have : Comments

By James McConvill, published 22/6/2005

James McConvill argues Paul Keating was inspirational and still has time to make a come back as prime minister.

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This article gives a good indictation as to what is wrong with Australia. It has lost its soul. The article highlights the need for politicians to understand thast there is more to leading people than just making us comfortable economically. No politician of today articulates a vision for the future and so our society has become selfcentred.
Posted by cuddles, Thursday, 23 June 2005 9:16:24 AM
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I beg to differ.

Like James, I am the first in my family to attend univserity. I graduated from high school in 2002.

Howard is not an inspirational leader for me but Tony Abbott is. There you have a man with courage, will and a strong personality. What is lacking from Costello, and a lesser extent from Howard, are personal values. Young men and women need and embrace values exposed by senior leaders both on the left and right.

James, while you have Paul Keating I and a younger generation of concerned Australians can look to Abbott for inspiration and leadership.

PS. Com'mon you didn't really think that Keating's republic was inspiring did you?
Posted by tooRight, Thursday, 23 June 2005 2:03:32 PM
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I agree with the writer totally - Keating's own vision allowed young Australians like myself to believe in a nation that included one in which the young were valued and mobilised as participants. His decisions were openly based on building a future that was filled with opportunity at all levels -individual, regional, national and global.

They were exciting times, full of promise. Unfortunately Howard does not inspire the young - they are more often than not feeling disempowered, and at the mercy of political leaders rather than seeing themselves as a source of motivation for leaders as I believe Keating saw them.

I am surrounded by young people every day and hear them lament the lack of real empathy this government has for the challenges they face.Look no further than voluntary student unionism, the total disregard for the anti-war movement, the disgrace over the Kyoto Protocol, the joke that tells us the unemploment figures are down when huge amounts of our kids face a lifetime of insecurity in casual employment... dont think they don't notice. They just know this government does not listen or give them any choice over the direction of their country.

It is sorry time in history and how it has made my day to think of an Australia with Keating again at the helm - imagine how he would relish the challenges of global interconnectedness we now live with.
Posted by Coventry, Thursday, 23 June 2005 2:48:40 PM
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What did Paul keating call himself?"The Placebo Domdingo of Aust Politics" or something like that.Harold Holt has a better chance of a come back.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 23 June 2005 7:52:46 PM
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I've got to admit that not hearing the words, scumbag, spiv, question time has made for very boring parliamentary coverage...and who could forget this prophecy...(I WISH IT WASN'T)

"I do not want to hear any mealy mouthed talk from the Member for Benelong."
Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 23 June 2005 9:00:09 PM
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Arjay, yet another forum where I will be differing from your opinion, but don't take it personally. I had the good fortune to be working in a rather prominent union when Keating just won his "True Believers' election against John (Hewson). A walk in the park for him and rightly so. Keating addressed our National Conference and had just made the cover (prior to the election) of Rolling Stone magazine (how cool is that Little Johnny)! I got the intro, got the autographed mag, which is now framed, preserved and hanging proudly in my house. He was inspirational, he had the cojones and the vision to take us kicking and screaming into the 21st century, rather than the 1950s. whatever anyone can say about the economy and the interest rates, he was the only PM that was willing to go Mabo and deliver on it. A major step forward and for that alone, his report card has a gold star in my book. I don't think he would make a comeback, but god I miss him. Question time has never been the same!
Posted by Di, Thursday, 23 June 2005 11:13:44 PM
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Paul Keating - an inspiration!! Well, I guess to (very) few, but for all those people who lost their homes and had to pay sky high mortgage rates, I highly doubt they would want that vile person coming back to power in a million years.

I was only young when I saw news reports where farmers were being forced off their land because of Keating's terrible economics.

In my opinion the author's article only serves to represent the level of desperation reflected in the ALP at a Federal level. They are desperate for anyone to lead them out of the political wilderness and will even resort to grand delusions about Paul Keating as leader to do it!
Posted by Dinhaan, Friday, 24 June 2005 1:44:51 AM
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Paul Keating brought all that he had to Australian Politics

That all that he had was mediocre, third rate, envy based, sarcastic, puerile and steeped in the stagnating "leveller" politics of the socialist psuedo-thinkers was not his fault - it was all he was and could ever aspire to - unfortunately he dragged alot of people along on his crusade of disunity, divisiveness and derision -

I will conclude with 2 quotes -

one from Keating

"These are the same old fogies who doffed their lids and tugged the forelock to the British establishment" [of Aussie Tory supporters of Britain]

and one from dear Margaret Thatcher - who was a real statewoman (against whom both Keating and Hawke are just buffoons pailing into insignificance)

"Let our children grow tall, and some taller than others if they have it in them to do so."

The former quote conveys the churlish arrogance and envy most commonly associated with Keating and regularly reflected in his performances during parliamentary question time.

The second quote conveys much of what Keating lacked - a sense of real morality and value.

In essence - Paul Keating - someone with a lip so quick - no one noticed the lack of heart (until it was too late).
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 24 June 2005 1:40:14 PM
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Yes, but PK was a human being.
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 24 June 2005 6:25:30 PM
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Di, there is a lot to be said for the 1950's trust and work ethic.Your word was the bond of any contract with no legalise or threats of sueing.Those of the post war generations ,my parents and perhaps yours,were the most disciplined,self sacrificing generation we will have the priviledge to know.
Paul Keating was too self indulgent.His ego was bigger than than Ben Hur and he still believes he matters.To promote 19% super contributions by employers,shows that in the realm of small business,he has no idea.
I served Malcolm Fraser a Scotch in the early 1980's and felt diminished by his servile admonishments.He liked it neat with no ice.Met John Howard in 1992 at our local primary school in thongs ,shorts and T shirt and he showed real interest my family and my ambitions.There was no grand standing,it was just before the closing of voting and he had two minders ,it was surreal,they were alone seemingly with no friends in a safe Liberal seat.Yes it was the demise of John Hewson and I shook John Howard's hand and said "I may be shaking the hand of the next Prime Minister."John Howard was very humble and said"No way." It was a very emphatic nay.He was a very humble person yet articulate and engaging.There was no hint of Keating or Fraser arrogance.
Perhaps John Howard has changed a bit in terms of humility but he has given us more sustained economic growth than any period since the 1970's.How much prosperity did Paul Keating give us?
If you don't give the middle class a reason to get out of bed ,then anarchy and poverty will pervail
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 24 June 2005 10:34:20 PM
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Di, I'm with you! Paul Keating was a man for the times and for all the blame his government got at the time, financial disasters were a world event at the time. Usually governed by America's fallout!

And was it Arjah that mentions John Howard and humility is the same sentence. What an absolute joke, the man's pride and arrogance is palpable but what is even more alarming (be very alarmed!) is that the Australian public allowed a man without honesty or integrity to head of Government, yet again. When was the last resignation received from a politician due to the fact they were not doing their job properly?. From finance to immigration, Mr Howard as CEO of the Country has done a great disservice to Australians, both at home and on the international front? Mr Howard is very selective is his choices of the Masters he serves. Mr Bush is more important than Mr Hicks. Perhaps Mr Hicks should have been born more beautiful!
Posted by Choice, Saturday, 25 June 2005 10:06:35 AM
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Its quite obvious to me that those men who praise Howard type with one hand.
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 25 June 2005 11:49:52 AM
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Howard is shrewd enough to know that, back then, he lacked the 'stature' to appear arrogant and that an 'appearance' of humbleness would work well then.

Howard was and is our most 'professional' politician.

Keating was and remains our most visionary.

I miss his cutting wit, explicit honesty and statesmanlike style.
Posted by Trinity, Saturday, 25 June 2005 2:49:45 PM
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Can see where you're coming from Arjay, In 1992 Johnny had no reason to be anything other than humble. Yes, I do think Paul Keating was arrogant, and most politicians are, as much as artists are temperamental? Keating at one stage, when the global economy was ticking along nicely, was voted world's best treasurer, then made some mistakes as PM in a vastly rapidly changing and different economy. I'm not saying he was perfect, but dammit! he was out there and had vision in a lot of other things beside the economy. Which is what a good government should be about. Malcolm Fraser has become a bit more of an interesting person these days, he's almost more left than Labor, and is finally starting to sound like a human being. It's all in the hindsight, but yes, I do miss PK's rapier like wit. Even though he was arrogant, he was tempered it with humanity and had a great grasp of the big picture. Very easy to quote him out of context, but the changes he induced, both fiscally in the global arena and socially in Australia make us where we are today, rather than this stagnant govt, where I feel, we are rapidly going backwards in our social responsibilities, et al. It is and should be more than "the economy stupid".
Posted by Di, Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:23:48 PM
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This picture sez it all,
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:46:35 PM
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Thanks Rainier I really needed a good laugh. For those with Rainier's SOH take a look at the 'wisdom' of the man we are stuck with at:

Come back Paul - Australia needs you.
Posted by Trinity, Sunday, 26 June 2005 10:18:19 AM
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Trinity and Rainer,you can no more reduce John Howard to simplistic populist images of a racist lying opportunist than I can describe Paul Keating as the "Placebo Domdingo" of Aust. politics and be accurate.
The difference reguardless of spin and rhetoric is that John Howard and his Govt has both substance and ability when it comes to economic ability,and that is rub, that sticks in your collective gullets.The labor Party in terms of economic ability can't bat or bowl.Just look at Gough,Carmen Lawence in Victoria and Keating's recession we had to have.Historically Labor Govts cannot manage economies or the excesses of their own spending.This is the reality.

We need to pay politicians in power much more to get both more ability and motivation from them.For Peter Costello to be on a meagre $250,000.oo and the new boss of Telstra gets $15 million plus bonuses is an absolute joke.On average you get what you pay for ,and we are quibbling over the payment of and extra few million when they can stuff our entire economy?Gough didn't have a clue and nor did Keating!!We have paid the price of billions lost and more!!
Pay them a lot more,but if they stuff up,have a penality of reduced salary.We have to get away from this Public Service mentality of rewarding mediocrity.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 26 June 2005 8:22:26 PM
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You have it around the wrong way - $250,000 is hardly meagre. It is the is the $15 million plus that is inappropriate payment. If people were paid according to value to society then parents, carers and other social type workers would be at the top of the pyramid.

About the howard links - a laugh is priceless.

Feel welcome to post keating links - I'm democratic when it comes to a good joke.
Posted by Trinity, Monday, 27 June 2005 3:57:10 PM
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bob was marginally better pm, and chifley is always going to be hard to beat. the best treasurer ever? he'd make the top three in any fair assessment but so would costello. does keating stand above the current leaders? without a shred of doubt, and that applies to both sides of politics....if two right wing parties equal 'both sides of politics". today doublespeak rules and anything non-core is, well....just how stupid ARE people to expect anything other than a stilleto through the ribcage from honest john?

Do the current coalition members inspire me? some have what it takes, but the idealogy of others leaves me cold. tony abbott or phillip ruddock are never going to earn my vote.

who WOULD get my vote? on economic performance, nobody. the coalition have good numbers until you see they've achieved them at the expense of basic services for too many ordinary aussies.

On security matters. a close call..libs are too gung ho. sold us out to the septics AND the bloody chinese, f'chrissakes! this is UNHEARD OF in any history that I've read. whereas I just see that the alp hasnt anything to inspire me, either. this is a 'donkey'.

On civic matters the alp, by a wide, wide margin. The libs dont understand that its just no damn good if you 'save the farm' when nobody wants you to stay, nobody wants to do business with you at a price you can afford to pay, and the only reason they speak to you at all is because they want the patch of dirt under your feet. at least the alp under keating made me glad to be an aussie.

So, on balance, its the alp. but mainly because, currently, the libs just continue to look for ways to piss me off. Give me a leader and a leadership team that inspires me. Kim, ol buddy ol fella ol pal, some have got it, and some just dont. dont.

PLEASE come back paul. There are twenty million good reasons to come back. as never before, your country needs you.
Posted by omygodnoitsitsitsyou, Monday, 27 June 2005 4:52:05 PM
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Just keep recruiting people like Mark Lathem who will constantly tell you that Labor is a spent force.Gee wouldn't you want him on your side in the trenches with a bayonette near your back?At least Keating was a "faithful true believer",in what, no one is quite sure.
We have to pay our pollies more or continue to suffer the pain of their poor economic decisions.NSW is an absolute mess,yes just another Labor debacle.The list goes on!
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 27 June 2005 7:08:01 PM
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Federal Labour did not exactly leave Australia in a messy economic heap for the Libs to pick up in 96. They did not exactly have to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. It is all well and good to say we have better economic stability (for whom?) because PC has got the handle on the accountancy side of the firm and it looks good. However, GST wise, the most horrid bastardisation of taxation ever introduced, it is starting to crunch and separate the haves from the have nots (I am middle class and am constantly opening my utilities bills with wide eyed horror.) Not to mention the chainsawing IR changes ( I could have said whittling, but hey, I'm dramatic and pruning in June). Kiss Qantas, Telstra et al goodbye. Not to mention social services. As i said, there's a lot more to running a country than I'm alright Jack. I don't think the ALP is anywhere near perfect, but I'd rather eat Soylent Green than vote for what constitutes those in power in this century so far. The worm will turn
Posted by Di, Monday, 27 June 2005 9:22:35 PM
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This really is a fascinating forum, are Labor supporters so disillusioned with the talent on offer in their party they want to bring Paul Keating back.

He did lay a lot of groundwork for the economic position we are in now, but he also pissed a lot of people off with his arrogance.

The sentiments of people who want great inspirational politicians, such as James' yearning for Keating show how bereft some people are when it comes to role models.

Most people are just happy to get on with their own life, drawing inspiration from family and friends, rather than pollies.

Politicians should have less of an influence on our lives than more.

Next you will bloody want Gough to come back with his grand plans and even grander failures.

Steady as she goes Mr Howard.

Posted by the usual suspect, Wednesday, 29 June 2005 9:46:30 PM
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TUS, yes most people want to get on with their own lives and not have to draw inspiration from politicians (after all, we elect them to get on with governing our country so we can get on with our lives). Disillusioned yes, us labor supporters and rightly so, there's no bringing back Gough, Paul et al. I don't believe in recycling. (Kim) They were politicians for their time and were the ones that used their time well. But that doesn't mean to say that because the labor party is now a berefit wasteland of talent and vision that I should vote for a govt which has done too many things wrong. For all the people that think this govt has done well economically for the "mums, dads and battlers", just watch the IR space that will be unfolding. We are in for some interesting times ahead.
Posted by Di, Friday, 1 July 2005 11:33:09 PM
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Well, I should finish off with my dialogue between Julia and Mark.

Julia; Mark Werriwere you?

Mark: In terror gal.

Julia; You'll have to give up the grog Mark,your pancreas is
getting livered.There is just too much bile!

Mark: Pancreas my arse.I tried to crush the hand of that rodent and
he returns my bravado with and electoral flogging!

Julia; Why didn't you do something about Arcehi?

Mark: Didn't John abandon Arcehi?

Julia: It's Banda Arcehi,the capital!

Mark; Bandi Arcehi Aid.Is Bob going too?

Julia; Bob Geldorf?

Mark; No, Bob Carr, he's my only threat.Encourage Bob to fix their
infrastructure.I'll be in like Flynn.

Julia; We have to ride the great wave of of public generosity.

Mark; Soon army will come and wipe out all those who voted Liberal.

Julia; But it's already been,Thailand,Sri Lanka,Arcehi India!

Mark; No "The army."

Julia; The Salvos are already there!

Mark; No my army of Howard haters.We will rise up and smite them
down as predicted by Gough the Prophet!

Julia; We lost ,Mark.

Mark; Oh ,my panacea feels worse!How should I resign?

Julia; With deft brevity Mark!

Just for a lark,but I hope Mark and his ilk, finds reality,since it is we, the mere mortals that have to suffer their whims and fanticies with no outrageous fortune to comfort us in our immintent dotage.Gough began the rot and I wonder when it will stop.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 2 July 2005 12:13:20 AM
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Arjay, Fraffly suite!
Posted by Di, Saturday, 2 July 2005 12:43:45 AM
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Humour no less, I am impressed and had a good larf.


Anyone for Lindsay?
Posted by Trinity, Saturday, 2 July 2005 12:58:26 PM
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Posted by Rainier "Its quite obvious to me that those men who praise Howard type with one hand. "

And more obvious - those who criticise him usually do so with crayon - being denied sharp implements for want of risk to their own safety

TUS – agree with all you said – strange the real great politicians have two things in common
A – lack the razor sharp reposts associated with the likes of Whitlam and Keating (to say nothing of the verbose vulgarity of Latham)
B – Come from the Right wing of politics (eg John Howard and Margaret Thatcher)

Arjay – good beely laugh stuff…

Trinity – “Lindsay” – give the lad a change to get his seat warm before he gets the tanning - that’s assuming you are talking about Tanner and not Norma
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 3:54:26 PM
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Who is Lindsay Norma? Or is it Norma Lindsay? I honestly don't know.
Posted by anomie, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 4:32:01 PM
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It's a single handed typo.
Posted by Rainier, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 4:36:56 PM
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"It's a single handed typo."

Rainier - suberb - I tips me lid to you.
Posted by Trinity, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 4:43:12 PM
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Sigh of relief. Thought I was getting out of touch with popular culture.
Posted by anomie, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 4:46:15 PM
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"Banana republic", "recession we had to have", "arse-end of the world". Loved his sarcasm, admired his intellect, but in the end he was a weasels weasel - a King of weasels if you like. He was a smug little arrogant elitist with as much in common with the working man as Gough had with economic reality.
Rainier! You must be doing your typing with your nose!
Posted by bozzie, Tuesday, 5 July 2005 11:48:36 PM
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Bozzie, a "recession we had to have" will always beat a "non core" promise in my book.
Posted by Di, Friday, 8 July 2005 9:00:15 PM
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Col, thought you migh be interested in this -,,2-2006590676,00.html
Posted by Rainier, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 2:55:17 PM
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