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Howard's track record as second-longest serving PM : Comments

By Peter McMahon, published 18/5/2005

Peter McMahon asks what has John Howard done for Australia during his years as Prime Minister?

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Thanks Arjay for continuing to prove my point. All you can see is the economy - not exactly the big picture now is it? You happily ignore the deceit and the plundering of our infrastructure.

A passing reference to 'social cohesion' what do you mean by that? We have an ever widening gap between the haves and have nots.

The economy is an abstract concept.

I prefer to live in the real world where I acknowledge that our environment is being degraded, the cost of education is prohibitive to the many (I would not be able to gain my degree today), our health system will be eroded to a palid imitation of the USA's. Arjay never comments about any of this, just continues to rabbit on about the economy, failing to realise without a strong social infrastructure there is no economy.
Posted by Ringtail, Tuesday, 24 May 2005 7:49:24 AM
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Well said Ringtail, bugger the economy without a socialist safety net. Otherwise, the rung just keeps getting higher. I find it ludicrous that Peter C came out and told the "popular" media he was a working class man and then found out his salary was $224K+. I felt like starting my own little revolution! How obscene is that wage on a public purse! No one in his family has to worry about the GST on top of the utilities bill. Plus dentist, plus, plus, plus. He thinks that's real life. The mentality of this govt, is that if you can't provide for your kids, you're obviously wasting your money. The economy is working beaut at the top end of town, but the trickle down effect is pretty much like the drought. Only a drip here and there, jobs are moving off shore, public infrastructure is being white anted. etc. etc.Wait till he gets control of the senate. Then the contented "i'm alright Jacks" will start feeling the pinch. You'll have to tip the waitress for her to survive on dumbed down minimal rates, but only if you can still afford to take the family out for dinner.
Posted by Di, Tuesday, 24 May 2005 7:26:34 PM
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Ringtail,society and economy are but one.Money only represents human endeavour.The economy is as real as your sweat and endeavour you put into your job.The economy is real and as tangible as the roof over your head and the food in your stomach.

The working class are caught between big Govt and big business.They make deals that keep us on the work treadmill with little reward.

Big Govt expands with it's bureaucrats in the guise of protecting us,big business screws us through lower wages and reducing competition.

The biggest evil is our socialist state.It is both a lie and deception that chains us all to the treadmill of long work hours and high taxes.

John Howard has spent more money as a percentage of GDP than ever.I'm not really impressed with this trend,and hope they will see the light.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 25 May 2005 7:39:45 PM
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Agree with some things you say Arjay, but not all. I don't think this govt has any handle, ecomically, let alone socially with what's going on. To me, they are two different cakes on the table. No one seems to be benefiting from this govt unless they have a big business arse, so to speak. The rest of us are still in the mire. You don't have to be blind Freddy to figure out that this govt is trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. Otherwise, they'd be interested in looking at a social policy rather than abortion vs breeding, other than the nasty stuff at their back door such as detention. More will happen when Howard gets control of the senate.
Posted by Di, Wednesday, 25 May 2005 11:45:50 PM
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Thanks for your reply Arjay, I too agree with some of your post.

However, I see the economy as a malleable human construct - more something of the mind than something that can shelter you.

As such it can be changed more readily than our environment. Also it is only a part of our existence it is not the be all and end all. My kids giving me hug has nothing to do with the economy. By focusing only on economics you are missing the whole picture of life on this planet.

I agree with Di that we haven't seen anything yet - when Howard has full control of the senate - his track record is most inauspicious - so fasten your seat belts....... we'll find out just how dependent the economy is on the well being of society.

Posted by Ringtail, Thursday, 26 May 2005 7:51:08 AM
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