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Cuba: the propaganda offensive : Comments

By Tim Anderson, published 15/3/2005

Tim Anderson argues Australia’s media is blinded by American anti-Castro propaganda.

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Any human rights abuses being perpetrated on the island of Cuba are occurring at Guantanamo under the control of that self professed purveyor of "Freedom & Democracy"The United States of America
I am not prepared to condemn Cuba for it's treatment of dissidents whilst the world accepts what the USA is perpetrating world wide in the name of 'regime change' to any country that dares to be different.
Posted by maracas, Tuesday, 15 March 2005 11:56:37 AM
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Here Here
Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 15 March 2005 3:26:39 PM
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"Any human rights abuses being perpetrated on the island of Cuba are occurring at Guantanamo under the control of that self professed purveyor of "Freedom & Democracy"The United States of America"

yeah, Sure....thats what everyone who escapes from Cuba say.
So how many people emmigrate from America to Cuba every year?
How many emmigrate from Cuba to America every year?
Guess Which total is bigger!

"I am not prepared to condemn Cuba for it's treatment of dissidents.."

Which is it? Does cuba mistreat dissidents or doesn't it? Make up your mind.

"...whilst the world accepts what the USA is perpetrating world wide in the name of 'regime change' to any country that dares to be different."

By your comments you seem to be supporting the concept that mere difference is the basis for the US's actions. This is a load of rubbish. I find it incredibly hypocritical of people trying to bash the US for its actions, and then refuse to condemn regimes that are far far worse. Get some perspective and grow up.
Posted by Grey, Wednesday, 16 March 2005 3:51:47 PM
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Quite a deal of 'Grey' area in that posting ......
If you care to read what I said you would be aware that I did NOT say cuba MISTREATS their dissidents.
If you knew what you were talking about you would also know that your hero George W. does not permit americans to visit Cuba nor does he allow foreigners to transit through the USA to visit Cuba.
If you developed an awareness of American foreign policy you would begin to understand that America consistently undermines and actively sabotages regimes which do not conform to US philosophy....
Cuba; Venezuela; Nicaragua;Haiti being the most recent.
You probably believe the US was justified in invading Iraq despite the irrefutable evidence to the contrary. If you must comment, Get your facts right.
Posted by maracas, Wednesday, 16 March 2005 4:45:28 PM
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Obviously you fail to grasp your own words.
When you say you are 'not prepared to condemn...whilst...'
You imply that there would be something to condemn if it wasn't for the greater/or more pressing issues involved in the 'whilst' portion of your statement.
Unless of course you feel that you are able to condemn something even though there is nothing wrong about it (I.e. you feel you can condemn Cuba's treatment of dissidents even though there was nothing wrong with that treatment). If you can perform the mental gymnastics to justify condemning something which you say has nothing wrong with it, then clearly, any position you hold is suspect

"you would also know that your hero George W. does not permit americans to visit Cuba nor does he allow foreigners to transit through the USA to visit Cuba."
Of course, and it is easy for Cuban's to emmigrate to the US too....
Such objectivity.
Lets make it simple...When people are travelling between the US and Cuba to escape their home country, which way are they going in almost every case known?

"If you developed an awareness of American foreign policy you would begin to understand that America consistently undermines and actively sabotages regimes which do not conform to US philosophy....
Cuba; Venezuela; Nicaragua;Haiti being the most recent. "
You mean if I looked at world politics through the anti-western drivel that permeats our leftist educators I would be brainwashed and spout idealistic drivel. Maybe when you show some balance in your opinions they will be valued by people other than left wingnuts.
I don't claim the US is perfect, but instead compare them to other nations in my judgement.

"You probably believe the US was justified in invading Iraq despite the irrefutable evidence to the contrary. If you must comment, Get your facts right."
Irrefutable evidence that you have no produced. And then you talk of facts...that is laughable.
If you would like to defend the position that freeing the people of iraq was not a suitable justification, feel free. It will show just how moral you are.
Posted by Grey, Wednesday, 16 March 2005 5:58:07 PM
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The hypocrisy and brutality of US administrations when it comes to Latin American politics is well known. As Tim pointed out, the Reagan Administration gave huge support to the Honduran and Guatemalan military as they conducted wars against their own population with a ferocity Saddam Hussein would be proud of. And now the Reaganite dinosaurs in the current Dick Cheney Administration in the US has the gall to berate Cuba.

HOWEVER (a big "however") Cuba under Castro IS a dictatorship and DOES suppress basic human rights. And it has a history of being vehemently anti-gay. While I believe this practice now has stopped, the regime used to lock up people suspected of being HIV positive in concentration camps.

Say what you like about the previous Batista regime, Castro is still a murderous thug. And many Cuban people would prefer to be unemployed in Miami than work in Havana with the secret police watching their every move. Castro's regime will hopefully go the same way as Apartheid South Africa or East Germany. For more information read The Black Book of Communism. Not a pretty picture.
Posted by DavidJS, Thursday, 17 March 2005 8:52:41 AM
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