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The Forum > Article Comments > The shifting nature of journalism - it's being turned upside down > Comments

The shifting nature of journalism - it's being turned upside down : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 22/11/2024

The revelation that 'Deep Throat' was Mark Felt, an assistant director of the FBI at that time, arises another possibility - the Woodward and Bernstein were being used.

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This article exemplifies the dangers of the style of journalism it is trying to promote. It proposes - without any proof – that Mark Felt was an unsuspecting tool manipulated by the “Deep State” into leaking information as part of a plot to destroy the Nixon presidency. Hunter then goes on to list a conspiracy theorist’s smorgasbord of issues on which he claims the media has, wittingly or not, acted as promoters of malign, secret, state agendas.

Hunter says there has been a decline in the credibility of what he calls “legacy journalism”. Sadly, I think he’s right. But the decline in journalistic competence and ethics that has been both a cause and a consequence of that decline will not be remedied by so-called “independent media”, which don’t even pretend to adhere to traditional journalistic values of evidence, argument and balance.
Posted by Rhian, Friday, 22 November 2024 3:45:01 PM
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Journalism, particularly in Australia, has become opinionism for indoctrination propagators of Leftism !
Saw a piece by some commentator a few days ago who suggested that there's no Right or Left in politics however, there is an Up & Down with Labor et al being the Down category !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 25 November 2024 8:55:17 AM
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A recent US survey showed that traditional journalism as a group are among the least respected professions in the country, lower, if you can believe it, than Congress-critters.

Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, recently wrote..."We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be accurate. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second requirement."

And since the election, other left leaning media have seen a massive decline in readership/viewership. MSNBC are looking at ditching their more opinionated, less believed channels.

People are increasingly getting their news from social media and aligned sites - Facebook, Twitter and the like. The whole substack experiment seems to be working out and sites like Free Press, now with close on 1,000,000 subscribers and whole knows how many other readers, are leading the way in how succinct and unbiased media is delivered.

At the same time, we have podcasters like Joe Rogan, fiercely independent and unaligned, (although he did finally pump for The Don) gathering more followers than most mainstream TV shows. He sits and chews the fat for three hours with this or that guest, and the fans flock to the podcast in their millions.

Traditional media was suborned by tertiary educated activists who see their jobs as supporting a side rather than gathering and reporting the facts. And people are turning off in droves.

Australia is behind the US curve in these regards but we are on the same trajectory.

Of course, not all of this is for the good. Charlatans and activists disguised as truth tellers litter places like Youtube and we see quite a few people in just this little group drawn into those echo chambers and falling for all sorts of rubbish.

The trick, as always, is to find the gems and follow them until they prove to be otherwise. I have my dozen or so go to sites that I visit each day but also ensure that I regularly cast my net wider rather than get caught in the echo chamber
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 25 November 2024 3:15:07 PM
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Thanks Murray Hunter for the article/ essay very thought provoking...

The legacy media is being hollowed out and we are left with Marxist ideologues, this also happened with the union movement over many stages, most recently when Crean changed the voting rights of the unions within the ALP (Labor). Many intelligent people striving to improve themselves and advance their careers, see journalism as a dead end, so the profession is left with "also rans" and "mediocrity" maybe "media-ocrity". I suspect this is also true of university academia. I find the term "presstitute" to be a twisted juxtaposition, however it does seem to represent accurately the dirty nature of modern journalism.

The political landscape is not left/ right as per Wikipedia's article on Political Spectrum, despite many on the Woke/ Marxist side describing it as such for their own biased power. Also due to the "Overton Window" Left/ Right is not in a sense a quantitative objective measure as it changes with time and context, also often due to Marxist Academic Influencers/ Social Engineers/ Traitorist Propagandist's.

Where ever journalism is done, it needs have continuity of the profession, and service to society, otherwise perhaps it is essentially shock warfare against society, in the vein of Trotsky's Permanent Revolution and Gramsci's Cultural Hedgemony. Marxist Totalitarianism.

Concerningly Marxist Journalism has become global similar Socialist International organisations, dominating societies portfolios globally in particular contexts, crossing borders. Chinese Walls perhaps not Chinese, in Maoist sense. A warning to Traditionalist's that believe in strong borders, that ideologies will use cross border strategies to create economies of scale in the testing of strategy and tactics, ironically by Marxist people that often don't believe in free empirical social testing.

Marxist's in a sense believe power will solve all, like Libertarian's believe that money will solve all. Maybe this is Marxism's blind spot, they will always grab the power, just as Libertarian's will always grab the money. Socrates said those that seek power shouldn't have it. There is a difference between wisdom and intelligence. And there are some things that you can do, but shouldn't.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 14 December 2024 11:22:42 AM
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