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The Forum > Article Comments > The questionable merit of Australia's official support for a two-state solution to the Palestine conflict > Comments

The questionable merit of Australia's official support for a two-state solution to the Palestine conflict : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 14/10/2024

In Israel, more than twice as many people now do not support the two-state solution as support it (64% vs. 27%, respectively). In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, enthusiasm for the two-state solution was equally as low.

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The Albanese government support (irrelevant as it is) for a ‘two state solution' is crackers when neither of the two sides wants it. Israel is not likely to offer it ever again, and the other side just wants to wipe Israel and the Jews off the map. Total victory for Israel is the only way it is going to end.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 14 October 2024 8:04:31 AM
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Albanese's too indoctrinated with academic logic. These people don't want a solution in accordance with global common sense logic.

Albo should spend more time thinking how to get things back on track here instead of creating an unsolvable economic & social mess here ! He'd gain more popularity if he just handed Govt over to the Coalition till they go bad again as per usual.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 14 October 2024 8:26:47 AM
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It will affect Australia when we're paying $3 a litre for petrol when Iran controls gulf shipping. I just read that Biden has sent Israel 50,000 tons of US munitions in the last year. Therefore many of the 50,000 who died including children did so with the connivance of the US. Finishing on a low note Joe.

If there is no solution I presume the region will continue to lose 50,000 a year indefinitely. Half a million a decade. Along with thousands of homes and businesses. I wonder if a Trump victory would see that US arms flow stop since Iran seems to adhere to proportional response.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 14 October 2024 9:18:17 AM
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I wonder if Albanese and Wong have consulted their Western Sydney friends and Muslims in Labor seats on the two state system. It should have nothing to do with Australia, but Albanese and Wong are abusing foreign policy for the benefit of Labor.

Albanese is ignoring Israel and anti-Semitism while sucking up to Muslims. He did nothing to stop the anti-Semitic Opera House disgrace. He tried to counter the call for action by blathering about “Islamophobia”, which wasn't apparent at the event in question.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 14 October 2024 9:25:41 AM
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"There is no obvious negotiated quick fix-for the Israel-Palestine problem"

Correct. Therefore there should be a non-negotiable fix.

The 1967 war was between Israel and its surrounding Arab countries.
It had nothing to do with the so-called "Palestinians" that happened to be in between.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is otherwise archaic and practically over:
all Arab countries now want peace with Israel (Iran is not Arab),
which they no longer wish to destroy.

The only ones still wanting war, are Netanyahu (for personal reason) + the West-Bank Jewish-Messianic settlers
and Iran + its Islamic satellites.
Neither will negotiate.

The world, most importantly including the Arab countries, should therefore unite and simply order Israel to unconditionally withdraw to its pre-1967 border (and back that order with strong international troops if necessary), no if's or but's, while simultaneously making it clear to the so-called "Palestinians" that if they still trouble and unprovokedly terrorise Israel again in future even after gaining their land, then they will become fair-game and nobody (but Iran) will again come to their aid or blame Israel for killing them all.

Whether the "Palestinians" subsequently create their own independent state(s) or otherwise unite with Arab countries that agree to take them, will then be entirely their own business. Should they so wish, a deep (some 100 metres deep) and wide tunnel will then be constructed to freely connect the West-Bank with Gaza and/or Syria/Iraq.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 14 October 2024 10:17:21 AM
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