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The Forum > Article Comments > The dangers of stereotyping: critical lessons from the Uyghur genocide > Comments

The dangers of stereotyping: critical lessons from the Uyghur genocide : Comments

By Mamtimin Ala, published 28/6/2024

Drawing parallels from the Uyghur genocide, it is evident that the extreme form of the current anti-racism movement in the US is heading down a dangerous path, mirroring the tragic experiences of Uyghurs.

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Agonising BS:

Is this one written by mhaze?

Islamic terrorists are SIMPLY that, Islamic terrorists.

Stop excusing them!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 28 June 2024 3:25:05 PM
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and who has form encouraging islamists to do their dirty work for them?
Posted by mikk, Friday, 28 June 2024 7:31:49 PM
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Do you have any video footage of this claimed 'genocide'?
Do you have any proof it it whatsoever?

I'm pretty certain that if there's 5% of truth to it that the other 95% is just made up BS.
- And that 5% truth would be that the US stirred up Uighur Muslims to revolt (as America often likes to do) , and the Chinese put down that revolt, and the United States and it's bottomfeeder carp allies have been crying like little girls ever since...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 8:05:19 PM
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Seriously, America should really stop encouraging people to do stupid things that get them killed.
13000 Ukrainians dead or critically injured just last week.
... And on and on it goes.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 8:07:34 PM
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#13000 Ukrainians dead or critically injured just last week.#

And, anywhere between 25k and 35k depending on whose figures you believe, in the Gaza war alone, without huge potential increase in future clash with Lebanon and Iran.

Another unnecessary blood bath entirely due to irresponsible policy of the current Biden and past Obama US Administration.
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 30 June 2024 7:15:24 PM
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I think the real total of the Gaza war might be more closer to 150k to 200k.
I think there's an awful lot of rotting corpses under the rubble which remain uncounted.

As for Hezbollah and Northern Israel, I think it's actually quite amusing, in a 'I know it's war and war is horrible' kind of way.

The land theives had some of their stolen land taken from them.
This must be a real ego-deflater for the genocidal land stealing settlement building bully.

I hear at least three hundred thousand Israelis have packed up and hit the road.
I guess that's probably quite a few more Israelis that have left Israel than Palestinians they managed to exterminate.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 7:17:22 AM
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