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Hitler as the face of evil : Comments

By Mamtimin Ala, published 21/6/2024

When Hannah Arendt observed Adolf Eichmann at a trial in Jerusalem in 1963, she was aghast at witnessing an average German individual, a bureaucrat, appearing so ordinary and speaking so persistently to defend his position.

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Jesus! What a downbeat essay.

We should be more positive about Hitler. His Mum loved him - that's one, Aye!
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 21 June 2024 10:18:10 AM
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People who act like monsters in unusual times are rarely much different from the rest of us; in fact we could be one of them in similar circumstances.

We are already seeing “blind conformity to authority-the authority of totalitarianism”. Who knows how far it will go if our political class doesn't get its way! Australians were subjected to house arrest, police brutality and rubber bullets during Covid.

OK. So something of a far-cry from the extremes of WW2, and the extremes of current Communist China - now; but …..

‘Evil’: “profoundly immoral and wicked”. Plenty of that around in Australia and the rest of the West. Not to mention the others. How about the potential Jew-gassers allowed into this country by our morally bankrupt political class!

Hitler was one man who took Socialism and racism/anti-Semitism to an extreme. He would have died a frustrated old man had he not been aided and abetted by “normal people”. It's too easy to single out one person and keep banging on about him ad infinitum. And to use his name to describe people you don't like or just disagree with.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 21 June 2024 12:10:58 PM
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Talking about good and evil leads us nowhere.
Good and evil exist only in the actual words, and in your imagination.
They come about because the matter (material) around us moves and changes.
Sometimes from natural causes, and sometimes from man made causes.
Those changes mean the 'landscape' around us is different.
This might benefit us, or it might cause us loss.
Right there is our 'good' and 'bad' concept.
But either way, it is just a change taking place.
If it has a particularly bad effect, and is man made, we might call it evil.
But these are just names given to changes which take place.
And the reality is they are still just changes.
There is nothing inherently good or bad or evil in our world.
There is only change taking place.
Because we can reason, we should be able to decide which things benefit us?
And avoid those which cause disadvantage?
In this way we can plan and plot to make a smooth path through life.
And avoid stuff which is detrimental to our living in comfort.
We need to keep in mind though that that which benefits us will probably cause a disadvantage somewhere else.
When we clear land to grow crops, we de-house, and probably kill, thousands of other life forms.
So we need to discriminate when making our changes, and be careful and prudent at all times.
Just enough to sustain us, and no more.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 21 June 2024 6:25:23 PM
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I was sort of with the author Mamtimin Ala until he said "She welcomed the entry of mass non-white migrants into Germany and other EU countries as against 'the ideologies of white supremacy and privilege'".

At that point he lost credibility to me.

In a sense the Uyghur's are just trying to protect their own culture just like the German Prussian's were trying to do after WWI after they lost a large portion of their territory.

At different stages of history the Spanish, British, Russian cultures, etcetera removed what they considered foreign cultures from their borders. You could argue that the Christian Missionaries were devil agents of white privilege and colonialism or you could say that they were engaging in cultural exchange for common understanding and common-wealth. You could say that 'European Colonialism' was White Superiority and Supremacy but their technology was relatively objectively superior or more advanced.

You could say that the French Revolution was a seminal event of peace and democracy and brotherhood and equality or you could call it an orgy of blood.

Given that The West is one of the few cultures that cares about cultures struggling to defend themselves (The Uyghur's) it seems ironic that the author would try to deprocate their value to the world. The Marxist's see culture as slavery and class warfare (and blood) as the people rising out of slavery. The reality is that all civilizations are hierarchical- there is always a top dog in the pack- but even the top dog needs to understand the rules.

As Machiavelli observed there is a fundamental difference between the Roman/ European and Asian models of government. The Roman model has native governors and local traditional culture within the hierarchy whereas the Asian model is monolithic. Marxism seems more similar to the Asian model.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 June 2024 7:39:20 AM
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People who really only know what they've been indoctrinated with commenting on a reality they don't grasp is what caused so many to take up arms to their own detriment !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 22 June 2024 7:53:16 AM
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I don't know what his fellow Uyghurs think of this person, but he does nothing for me. When he or anyone else starts chuntering about 'white privilege' I write them off automatically. I would have thought that a Uyghur would have enough material to work with by way of Communist Chinese and the way those non-white privileged people treat his kind in China.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 22 June 2024 8:58:33 AM
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