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The Forum > Article Comments > Biden: forget ceasefire – focus on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine > Comments

Biden: forget ceasefire – focus on Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine : Comments

By David Singer, published 7/6/2024

President Biden has misleadingly claimed that Israel has offered a roadmap leading to an enduring ceasefire in Gaza that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel's security, creates a better

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No.. you still don’t get it.

Iran is nuclear armed.

They are coming to get you!

A war of annihilation is unfolding.

This prevaricating BS is your death sentence …!
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 8 June 2024 9:56:34 AM
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I'm afraid you are the one who does not get it.

The refusal of the United Nations to discuss the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution since its publication on 8 June 2022 as a replacement for its own 2016 failed two-state solution embodied in UNSCR 2334 has led to Israel's enemies being emboldened to carrying out their threat to wipe Israel off the map.

Don't kid yourself - this will have terrible consequences for people wherever they might live.

The United Nations is actively pursuing a policy that ensures the continuation of conflict in the Middle East - not its resolution.

Don't complain as this disaster continues to unfold.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 8 June 2024 2:10:49 PM
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#Don't complain as this disaster continues to unfold#

I’m already complaining. Palestinians are undeserving of any concessions; the untouchables. The only good Palestinian is a dead one.
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 9 June 2024 11:21:51 PM
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You are going down a dangerous path lumping all the Palestinian Arabs living in Gaza as would be trouble makers, murderers, rapists and hostage takers.

Regrettably your thinking could indeed be shared by the 57 Islamic and Arab countries worldwide who have refused to offer any of Gaza's civilian population a safe haven until the Israel-Gaza war is ended and Gaza is rebuilt.

This could also be the thinking of the UN which has refused to move any of Gaza's civilian population to the safety of the 50 UNRWA camps located outside Gaza.

Tarring all Gazans with the same brush will ensure the perpetuation of 100 years of conflict between Arabs and Jews - not its resolution.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 10 June 2024 9:15:30 AM
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"They are coming to get you!"
If Iran wanted to put together a nuclear weapon and strike Israel Dad they can probably put something together within 2 weeks so I'm told;
And Israels missile defense is inadequate for the task of stopping it.
- But the good news is this, Iran doesn't want a war.

"Don't kid yourself - this will have terrible consequences for people wherever they might live."
- What do you mean David Singer that everyone in the world will suffer if Israel does not have it's way?

"The United Nations is actively pursuing a policy that ensures the continuation of conflict in the Middle East - not its resolution."
- You mean the nations of the world disagree and are fed up with Israel?

"Don't complain as this disaster continues to unfold."
- Israel is a genocidal terrorist state lead by maniacs and it reaps what it sowed.
I'm sitting back with my popcorn, occasionally offended by new and shameful atrocities committed.

- Israel has become a liability to the U.S.
It can't afford to fight multiple wars on several fronts and prepare for conflict with China.
The West is a crumbling empire which will sacrifice it's vassal states if necessary.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 10 June 2024 11:38:48 AM
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#Armchair Critic

You seem to have quickly forgotten that Gaza's civilian population are having to pay a high price for the Gaza Hamas-Government's decision to break a cease fire with Israel and invade Israel on 7 October 2023 committing murder, rape and hostage taking in Israel on a scale never-before experienced - and causing 150000 people to leave their homes that were deliberately burned and destroyed.

You show your true colours when you state: "Israel is a genocidal terrorist state lead by maniacs and it reaps what it sowed."
One Jewish State in the world existing on a piece of land one third the size of Tasmania as decided by the League of Nations 100 years ago - when the League of Nations created the Mandate for Palestine in 1922 - dividing Palestine between the Jews (23.1%) and the "existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" (76.9%) - which was preserved in article 80 of the UN Charter.

The UN however acts in flagrant violation of its own Charter pushing for an end to the long running Jewish-Arab conflict by creating a second Arab state - in addition to Jordan - in the territory contained in the Mandate.

At the same time the League of Nations was creating the Mandate for Palestine - it also created the Mandate for Mesopotamia and the Mandate for Syria and Lebanon - the remaining 99.99% of the territory lost by the Ottoman Empire in World War 1 and given to the Arabs for their self-determination.

Hamas's refusal to accept this territorial subdivision of the conquered Ottoman Empire territory - demanding all 100% with no Jewish State in any part of the remaining 0.01% - continues to fuel the demonic behaviour seen in Gaza's invasion of Israel on 7 October 2023.

Enjoy your popcorn - as you continue to revel in your Jew-hatred and your support for Hamas and the many other Arab terrorist groups world wide for whom 22 Arab states - including 76.9% of Palestine - is not large enough for their self-determination.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 10 June 2024 5:25:48 PM
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