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Unwelcome to country? : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 29/1/2024

As a result of the No vote, people have now become more confident in expressing dissent in respect of the excesses of political correctness, that surround Aboriginal affairs.

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Aboriginal claims of ownership of the land are based on the lie of "Always was. always will be." In actual fact it never was until about 65,000 years ago and even then, it was only gradually occupied by several different waves of migrant blacks.

The idea that there has always been good management of the land is also open to more than a little bit of argument. The disappearance of the megafauna being but one subject I could mention.

It is about time the unelected public servants who think up all this clap trap are called to account. I my youth, letters from public servants were signed "I remain sir, your most obedient servant, XXXXXXXX."
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 29 January 2024 9:24:44 AM
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it's not just lungfuls of acrid smoke that will invite ridicule but some of the other incongruities. An example is the inclusion of Torres Strait representatives in SA's mini voice to parliament.
Torres Strait is 2,800 km from Adelaide but the new members must have connections with one of several regions within SA. That would seem to mean a person with TS indigenous heritage but not SA is ineligible.

No doubt political correctness requires them to tack on TS in the title. I suggest Dravidian, Asian, Melanesian and Tasmanian aboriginal heritage would be more encompassing. As to the mini voice I suspect it will also be the subject of ridicule with daft proposals.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 29 January 2024 9:39:09 AM
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Are we one country or not?
Welcome to country is past its use by date IMHO.
I think the smoking ceremony is harmless and ranks with our, funeral dirge like, national anthem.
Posted by ateday, Monday, 29 January 2024 10:21:33 AM
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Hear, hear and well said Sir!

I completely agree with the sentiments of your article. There's no place for humbug nor reverse apartheid in Australia.

We are one, but we are many, and from many lands we come. I am, you are Australian.

Let's focus on what mostly unities us rather than the minutia that divides us. United we stand, divided we fall. Let's not fight each other, the real enemy is out there, not here.

No one living today can be made responsible for atrocities of the past/when cultures clashed.

This land and our place in it, has vastly improved due to white colonisation.

The past is a foreign country none can return to.

Let's just take the best of what our now multifaceted diverse cultures have to offer and just get on with our best efforts. And as we do, leave nobody behind. Be they black, white or brindle.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 29 January 2024 10:49:07 AM
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Painted people poncing around in a cloud of smoke, whacking sticks together and mumbling through their noses, is not an aboriginal tradition: it was INVENTED by Ernie Dingo and a mate in the 1970s. Aborigines usually fought with others coming onto their country. They didn't welcome them.

These ratbags claim to be invaded once - and they a clearly resent that. So, why the hell are they performing these ridiculous ceremonies in contradiction to their resentment of us being here in the first place!
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 January 2024 10:56:52 AM
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