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The Net Zero lemmings rush : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 28/11/2023

Australia's ALP/Green government and their media mates are using subsidies, taxes and propaganda in a suicidal attempt to move the whole country to 82% 'renewable' energy.

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We know 82% is never going to happen. We know we are going to be pauperised. We know that politicians - and it is not just Labor - will not be punished for their arrogant stupidity.

Nor do we need ‘net’ anything. We simply need to get back to sanity - back to coal and gas, and no more silly bloody myths about carbon dioxide. Cheap energy, more production, and an end to globalisation and the United Nations.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 8:05:19 AM
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There weren't 8bn hominids walking around 40m years ago. Now we need a stable climate for water supply, food production and coping with extreme weather events. In prehistoric times the hominids must have either died or moved on but they never had newspapers to maintain a record.

There's no way Australia will get from 35% renewables to 82% in 7 years. Around 1975 it was about 25% renewables after the big hydro build. Given the MRET started in 2001 the current 35% isn't that impressive. That was backed by generous subsidies, took up the best wind sites and most who could afford solar panels got them. Think of it as the low hanging fruit so it gets harder from now on. I'd bet London to a brick in 2030 taxpayers will be maintaining big coal stations while conserving gas exports. Alas SMRs probably won't be available until after 2030.
Posted by Taswegian, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 8:57:20 AM
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Cash for clunkers will solve the problem.
Attack the poor where it least matters.
All praise to Albert Sneezy…everymans hero!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 9:26:37 AM
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If CO2 emissions was a real concern and I believe it is. Then we need to power the economy with a source that is both carbon free and will give the economy a huge boost and kill inflation dead in its tracks!

And here I'm referring to nuclear power as SMRs that can be connected to microgrids and power prices as low as 6 cents PKWH.

China has apparently perfected MS thorium and is looking for buyers of these reactors. We should be in the market for a few dozen and place them in similar situations as above. And reap the benefit of power prices as low or lower than 3 cents PKWH. Or use them as nuclear waste burners burning waste, we are paid annual millions to take.

These reactors will produce the miracle cancer cure, the alpha particle, bismuth 213 as a free nuclear decay product from thorium! And among other things, generate huge medical tourism.

You don't have to be a complete moron not to see the benefits of a transition to MSR thorium ASAP, but it has to help.

Bowen says nuclear is going nowhere! Why? Well, that down to the labor party and their rank stupidity and there asinine kow towing to the moribund antinuclear (stupidity personified) greens!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 28 November 2023 9:43:32 AM
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How is your superannuation looking? Australian super schemes are going to bankroll unreliable energy development in Europe because nobody in the area is stupid enough to do it. In jump stupid Australians, with other people's money.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 11:27:39 AM
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Lionel Lemming here, from Liberal Lemmings Liberation League.

It is well known, that we do not surge off of cliffs, that is just an unfortunate Disney story. Even if we did, there is no way, that we could begin to be as stupid, as Woke Albanese Labor.
Posted by Steve S, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 12:20:39 PM
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