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The Forum > Article Comments > UN non-support for Israel spawns worldwide network of Jew-haters > Comments

UN non-support for Israel spawns worldwide network of Jew-haters : Comments

By David Singer, published 8/11/2023

Using Instagram and Facebook and in some cases neither - demonstrations were held worldwide in 290 locations on 4 November and 50 locations on 5 November.

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The U.N., the unelected swine.

However, the perpetrators of the U.N. dictatorship, are the elected swine!

Maintain your dignity, Don’t vote!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 6:15:22 AM
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What the UN "needs to do" is bugger off, disband.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 6:28:49 AM
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David Singer is one of those who does not want to acknowledge the underlying reasons why Jews have been historically widely hated. Including noting around 100 instances over the last 1000 years where cities and countries have evicted them. ie The view some Jews have of themselves as God's chosen people - or for atheists just the "chosen ones" to the extent they regard it as acceptable to do dirty things to goyim or non Jews that is to their own advantage if think they can get away with it. This even sometimes includes to "stab in the back" someone who had helped them and thought they were friends. Having seen this first hand with people I knew, I am well aware of the all time classic. The state of Israel has largely developed - on stolen Palestinian land due to enormous amounts of aid from the United States. Yet during he Six Day War of 1967, its Zionist government ordered an attack against the unarmed surveillance ship. the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt. Obvious aim was to sink it quickly including killing crew of around 300, blame the Egyptians and have the US - which had been neutral enter the war against them. Fortunately its aim did not succeed. Was discovered but due to strong Jewish influence in the US, story was largely hushed up. Thanks to the Internet and declassification of military documents, is now easy to check out the sordid details. Anyway, seems to me that to overall reduce the problem of anti semitism which Jews who have done nothing wrong sometimes suffer from, what is needed is more properly targeted anti semitism against those who do things that makes others hate Jews. Sometimes regarding this, decent Jews are in the best position to act. Now regarding current behaviour by what amounts to the Criminal Apartheid Zionist Settler State in Occupied Palestine after a long festering sore against it has erupted, note how many Jews around the world are involved with protests against it.
Posted by mox, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 9:07:38 AM
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Not everyone who disagrees with Israel is a Jew hater! And quite disingenuous to label all who disagree with some of the Iraeli activities or polices is automatically a Jew hater!

That said, Irael retains the right to defend itself!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 November 2023 10:28:53 AM
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If standing up to people who think bombing thousands of innocent people is ok, then I'm happy to be called a Jew-hater and anti-semite.

Israel themselves writes the script.
Israel is dropping the bombs and its supporters criticise anyone who doesn't agree with Israels actions.
- Well I disagree.

If that's the price of standing up against the needless killing of tens of thousands of women, kids and elderly, I'll consider it a badge of honour.

You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting and defending the murder of children.

Oh and btw, "...the failure of the United Nations (UN) to cooperate with Israel by evacuating Gaza's children, women, the sick and the elderly to safe havens outside Gaza"
- Umm, that's a war crime - and you're supposed to be a lawyer?

Under Article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the 1998 ICC Statute, “the deportation or transfer [by the Occupying Power] of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside [the territory it occupies]”, constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts.
I doubt Netanyuhu will be issued with an ICC warrant like Putin was.

But Israel doesn't seem to have any problem with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Israel has been doing heinous stuff for years and uses a US veto and a bought and paid for US congress beholden to AIPAC to embolden itself with the impression that it can do whatever it wants, and is taken aback and blames everyone else when it can't have its way.

Israel turns Gaza into a giant cemetery, and somehow it's the UNs fault.
Israel is an apartheid child murdering terrorist state, and I hope the entire Israeli government faces Nuremberg type trials in an international court.

#warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #gazaholocaust
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 4:48:25 PM
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"We're going to kill you all!"
- maybe sounds a lil bit 'anti-Palestinian'?
How come 'anti-Palestinian' isn't a word too, seems unfair?
What's going on in Tel Aviv right now - Party!
Israeli children writing messages of hate on missiles
17 Israeli soldiers and 5 civilians rape an 11-year-old on an Israeli airbase

Who's raping who exactly?
I heard the IDF routinely rape Palestinian women and film it in order the get them to inform on others in fear of the video being released and being stoned to death.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 November 2023 5:03:04 PM
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