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The Forum > Article Comments > United Nations climate policy has hijacked Australian population policy > Comments

United Nations climate policy has hijacked Australian population policy : Comments

By Stephen Saunders, published 6/10/2023

Captivated by the UN climate emergency, our smug ruling classes happily endorse Albanese’s regressive population-housing emergency.

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Hasn't the descriptor of "rascist" been marvellous for the destroyers of our country? It has proven to be very durable over the years and has permitted unfettered business for the liars and cheats of the political classes, big business and those who wish to destroy our country because of their own destructive ideologies. It has even been able to allow obviously contradictory policies to flourish such as net zero and third world population growth.
Thanks for the article Stephen
Posted by watersnake, Friday, 6 October 2023 8:22:51 AM
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Albanese appears to be a devotee of the church of green growth. He seems to think a few more windmills solves the problem of a lot more people. The trouble is the problems are staring us in the face. Not only do most of the new arrivals struggle to put a roof over their head they are also struggling with power bills, commuting costs and groceries.

ABC type pundits are complicit in this. With their laser focus on apparent historical grievances they fail to see the problems of high immigration right here and now.
Posted by Taswegian, Friday, 6 October 2023 11:11:02 AM
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It is all too late. The lunatics have been running the asylum for too long.

Just heard that the SA government is banning a Russian dance group from a 'multicultural' turnout in Adelaide because they might upset some Ukrainians who might attend the event.

That's what happens with all that diversity that is supposed to bring 'strength'.

Most people with any sort of life of their own have stopped caring. It's the only way to stay sane while the lunatics are running amok around you.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 6 October 2023 12:32:04 PM
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Ydes, and their energy policy!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 6 October 2023 7:50:20 PM
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I wrote yes, not ydes. A bug in the system methinks.

Anyway, on energy coal is now the most expensive option in the world! PKWH at 58 c3ents and rising. Gas not that much cheaper.

Far and away, nuclear is cheaper than renewables, coal, gas and oil. Uranium 6 cents PKWH, and MSR thorium less than 3 cents. the latter with huge medical upsides.

Both options able to be placed were existing coal fired stations are now or as close to the consumer as poss.

The latter the best option the former a stop gap temporary solution. the former giving the lowest industrial power prices in the world!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 7 October 2023 9:57:33 AM
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