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The Forum > Article Comments > Imperial protectionism: US foreign policy for the middle class > Comments

Imperial protectionism: US foreign policy for the middle class : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 22/5/2023

Echoing yet another aspect of Trump's America First (not so, Sullivan would cry!) is the pursuit of an agenda favouring generous subsidies and, by virtue of that, imposing impediments on trade with partners.

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Crazy stuff.

So yawn, it’s now time to retool a decrepit US manufacturing industry, annihilated by greed forty years back, at the expense of the lower classes; not entirely the middle.

Politics is easy to follow, “copy and paste”.

And let’s not forget the crazy loonies, born with dollar notes for eye balls and their shift of US industry to Taiwan: How is that one working out, we need not ask!

The real question is, how do the vast majority of the population at the bottom of this toilet, escape from the grubs that facilitated our own demise?
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 May 2023 7:44:10 AM
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This author has his finger on the pulse. It’s a joy to read his articles.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 May 2023 7:51:02 AM
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Unlike the worker's paradise of China, "Friend" to all, like Australia?
Posted by Aspley, Monday, 22 May 2023 10:23:49 AM
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Post war America went through a period of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity! All based on Keynesian economics. And wartime production strategies.

Rural production was most profitable on the bent backs of, exploited beyond the pale, wetbacks, who as a rule, cost the farmer less than the cost of slaves. And as a rule, remain republican safe seats. Is there a connection?

Nostalgia is one thing, but facing unpalatable facts about the past, morality, integrity, honest objectivity, and our God-fearing selves, is another.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 22 May 2023 11:36:33 AM
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Dear Al.

The slave traders were Democrats from the Southern States.…it’s written into the US constitution.
Three fifths extra voting power for the slave owner.

So it’s actually the Democrats the problem, not the Republicans.

The Democrats of old, would roll over in their grave to witness the Democrats traditions overturned by the new anti-slavery rainbow equality breed, now in control of the party.

As the impoverishing policies of the Democrat elite, create an ever increasing underclass, the greater the case is made to support the Republican Party and Donald Trump, or his future look-alikes.

Democrats are doomed.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 22 May 2023 2:57:49 PM
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America is doomed more likely.

America needs new rail coast to coast and not 1700 derailments a year before it can even make it off the starting line.
After generations of exploiting the rest of the worlds hard labours in exchange for its ink and paper greenbacks it's getting exactly what it deserves.

This nation of capitalist greed shall live and die by it's capitalist greed.
- And the world may well end up a better place for everyone else in it when the gig is finally up
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 22 May 2023 4:20:20 PM
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