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From balloons to AUKUS: the war drive against China : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 23/3/2023

Kishore Mahbubani is one to offer a bracing analysis in observing that China is hardly going to undermine the very order that has benefitted it.

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This peanut should go to live in China and write their propaganda for them, and leave us alone.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 March 2023 7:02:21 AM
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No..this author is smart and articulate. A very readable article loaded with truth and wisdom.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 March 2023 9:46:48 AM
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You are a crimson fool, Binroy. We do not want a war with China!

The animosity is all yours and directed against for daring to think that one day we may really need to defend these shores against a hostile. I mean, did a peaceful and democratic Ukraine believe she would be attacked for no good reason.

We are buying new subs to replace the Collins class. And nuclear powered because the cost of diesel is now prohibitive and because the range is too limited for our current strategic needs.

Please engage brain before putting mouth into gear and don't forget to take the meds!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 23 March 2023 11:15:06 AM
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The political elites in the Anglo-American empire think they are entitled to maintain a Unipolar world order at the expense of a new multipolar world order that is emerging, is multicultural and unstoppable. Australia's major political parties and leaders are heavily indoctrinated by the US and the UK. They are sliding into despotism. This scenario is challenged by Australians who reject dark money coming from the military industrial complex that is robbing Australia high and dry. China is a perfect excuse for massive theft of Australian treasure and new despotism.
Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Thursday, 23 March 2023 11:57:37 AM
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Kishore Mahbubani is well-respected and has an impressive CV, but the article Binoy links to is poor on logic and lacking evidence. History is not destiny, and the fact that China and India were for most of history the world’s largest economies is no guarantee they will be so again. History is littered with civilisations that dominated their regions of the world for a time, only to fade into obscurity.

China has been served well by the global rules-based order partly because it considers itself exempt from the rules. In trade, for example, China does not follow the rules on foreign investment, market access, technology transfer, support for state-owned enterprises, protection of intellectual property etc. It does not honour its trade agreement commitments and commercial contracts. Australian wine, barley, rock lobster and coal exporters will take some persuading that “the paradox about the world today is that even though the global rules based order is a gift of the west, China embraces it.”

So will the Government of the Philippines, whose successful legal action against China’s expansion in the South China Sea has in effect been ignored by China. And so will the Hong Kong residents who hoped China would honour its commitment to the free speech and the rule of law under “one country two systems”

A Lowy Institute analysis concluded that:

“China’s rhetorical deference to international law masks the more subversive consequence of its actions: redrawing the boundaries between law and politics in a way that overturns foundational parts of the global order from within. The future viability of international law’s authority will lie with the fate of the rules-based order, which will set the structure of power within which legally binding rules can operate.”

I find this analysis more persuasive than Mahbubani’s rather shallow assurances.
Posted by Rhian, Thursday, 23 March 2023 7:33:15 PM
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Well said Binoy....SPOT ON!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 March 2023 9:21:44 PM
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