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The Forum > Article Comments > Cancer: coping with a loved one's illness and subsequent death > Comments

Cancer: coping with a loved one's illness and subsequent death : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 21/2/2023

They say that money brings out the worst in people. It's probably also true that other peoples' illnesses do the opposite and tend to bring out the best in human nature.

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There is something to be said for poverty in the end; the public hospital system will kill you without mercy very quickly.

For the brave, here is a more humane method of dying as an alternative to plunder, which represents the private medical scorch, with its merciless extension of life beyond sensible limits.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 21 February 2023 9:15:34 AM
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Cancer. The C word brings with fear and dread. Yet one in three will likely succumb to some form of it while the miracle cancer cure, the alpha particle, bismuth 213 Is denied to us by politicians who say no to nuclear power.

Not just any nuclear power, but MSR thorium, the nuclear decay product of MSR thorium is the alpha particle, and miracle cancer cure, bismuth 213. Is attached to a cancer antibody and goes straight to the cancer cells killing them while not doing much susceptible harm to surrounding healthy cells. As found in well reported European clinical trials around 2006.

And efficacious against some very nasty death sentence cancers/children's cancers. And done in minutes in a day clinic with none of the usual side effects of chemotherapy.

The fact that some folk didn't believe powered flight was possible didn't stop the wright brothers from flying or others later breaking the "impossible" sound barrier.

Nor should ignorant disbelief from the anti-nuke brigade stop us from building our own MSR thorium power plants here, to apart from producing the world' cheapest power and carbon free power to boot.

As a spinoff, produce the miracle cancer cure bismuth 213. And medical tourism that could be worth annual billions to this cash strapped debt ravaged nation!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 21 February 2023 11:51:19 AM
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So sorry for your loss. At 79, I have watched many friends and relatives die from cancer and the side effects of treatment. I've done a lot of research especially that cancer is a metabolic disease; need to follow up more.
Posted by Francesca, Tuesday, 21 February 2023 9:26:51 PM
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Not sure about metabolic causes. Some cancers have a viral link and can be vaccinated against, like cervical cancer. And possibly the nasty facial cancer in the Tasmanian devil.

That aside, for more than half a century we've had the miracle cancer cure, the alpha particle, bismuth 213. And because it's essentially a waste product of MSR thorium nuclear power that's almost costless. And that puts the frighteners up the highly lucrative cancer industry earning billions worldwide from chemo and even more billions from palliative care.

And we dance to their tune while countless millions die unnecessary premature deaths every year. Men, women, boys and girls. Even some babes in arms dying from cancers we could but treat with bismuth 213, in minutes in day clinics.

Treatable millions die unnecessarily every year across the planet, I believe, because big pharma's profits must be preserved or increased annually! Chistian values? Bah humbug! It's profit before people!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 February 2023 7:38:09 AM
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