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The Forum > Article Comments > So you want to save the environment: do you realise what it will take? > Comments

So you want to save the environment: do you realise what it will take? : Comments

By Ted Trainer, published 14/2/2023

According to the World Wildlife Fund it takes about 7 ha of productive land to provide for each Australian, so if all the 10 billion people expected by 2050 were to live as we do now we'd need around 70 billion.

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The links I am keen to look at in this article come up with a '404' message. Can you resolve this please.
Posted by merlin7, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 6:00:52 AM
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If we want to save the environment humans need to curb breeding & other frivolous activities !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:13:03 AM
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"Most people have no idea how far beyond sustainable ways we are, nor do they realise that the planet cannot be saved in or by affluent-consumer-capitalist society".

Who the hell said that? It's too wild a statement not to be attributed to the BS artist who made it.

Our society will cease to function without fossil fuels. This fact is already obvious in Europe, where the idiots have gone well beyond the pale with renewables fairy tales. The Australian Socialists and whatever the other crowd is calling themselves these days is going down the same path. Idiots!

Zero Emissions, electric cars, hydrogen, batteries; none of this crap is going to stand up.

"Most people have no idea of the huge magnitude of the reductions required".

No they do not. But do 'most people' know or care about anything but their immediate wants and desires these days? No, they do not. That’s why we have Socialist governments who don't give a damn about those complacent people.

Don't worry about the "poor countries".We don't even care about our own country. We will be one of the poor countries, the way we are going.

In the not too distant future, the survivors will be those who opt out of mainstream madness. Politics will no longer save us; in fact, it is politics and politicians that are doing us down.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:25:37 AM
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Hi individual,
No, I think they should stop the 200,000+ immigrants they're adding each year.
I read that Australia is already a water importer, and that we sell water bonds to multinationals like Coca-Cola for years in advance, ensuring their drink businesses water supplies.
(They sell the water back to us at a huge markup)

- And also, so that Coca-Cola can make quality products like Sprite Lemon+...
(Which is labelled on the bottle as unsafe for children)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:29:32 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"Our society will cease to function without fossil fuels. This fact is already obvious in Europe, where the idiots have gone well beyond the pale with renewables fairy tales. The Australian Socialists and whatever the other crowd is calling themselves these days is going down the same path. Idiots!

Zero Emissions, electric cars, hydrogen, batteries; none of this crap is going to stand up."

Well said. They're just locking western countries down with their WEF mainstream government narratives.
Apparently war and munitions production is perfectly fine for the environment, obviously things can't be that bad.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 8:34:52 AM
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Our PM evidently believes in green growth. We'll bring in thousands of family reunion refugees and they can maintain all the windmills so we can build houses for even more people on the remaining productive land. I think the reality check could be coming this decade ie by 2030. Right now there is plenty of water in the rivers and there is a jobs boom post Covid and from baby boomer retirements. In a few short years that could all change. El Nino will dry up the landscape, the workforce will stabilise, coal closures and expensive energy will halt industry. Swathes of people will be on rent subsidies.

I'm not sure about local food production. People want air freighted bananas (in Europe) and steak killed out of sight. I think by 2030 there will be massive discontent and frustration.
Posted by Taswegian, Tuesday, 14 February 2023 9:01:38 AM
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