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‘No’ to Covid amnesty : Comments

By Graham Young, published 30/1/2023

But the shift in balance turns up dilemmas in how to ensure something like this never happens again. One thing is certain, if we leave the same people in charge, it probably will.

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There should be no mercy given to the people who made such a horrible mess of Covid. But, the only people with the power to exact justice - but not the necessary courage - are the elected representatives who ducked their responsibilities and outsourced them to unelected bureaucrats, who turned out to NOT be the "experts" they claimed to be.

The worst people, the bad people, are in charge in 'modern Australia'. They can't be punished because the population will not get up and demand better people; they just keep voting for the same scum, who keep employing health bureaucrats who just scraped in a medical degree, who were not good enough at their trade to ply it in the more lucrative and valuable private sector where real experts are needed.

As for this 'Long Covid' nonsense touted by sham 'experts' to keep themselves in the public eye, real experts have deemed it to be a psychological malady, suffered mainly by women.

Phelps tried doctoring; tried politics. She would now be better off staying out of the public arena and hoping that her part in Covid hysteria was forgotten. As it is, she has just added hypocrisy to her CV.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 January 2023 9:31:05 AM
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I view the Covid epidemic in a similar light to the AIDS crisis in the '80's. At the time a new disease was killing people and officials around the world knew little about how or why, or how to stop or treat it. During the really dark days of the epidemic, 'experts' scrambled to find answers. During that process, mistakes were made and people died from the 'cure'. I bear no ill will to those 'experts'. They did the best they could under very difficult circumstances. And so it is today, exactly the same for those who scrambled to find answers during the Covid crisis.

If you are so pent up about making bureaucrats take responsibility for their actions (or inaction) I would like to see you go demand (just as vocally and viciously as you are doing here) that those responsible for Robodebt suffer the same punishment you are demanding of the Covid crisis.
Posted by Aries54, Monday, 30 January 2023 10:15:42 AM
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I'm sorry "Dr Young." But your Diagnoses is way off the mark. There were very few adverse reactions to the mR vaccines. And millions of oldies like oneself saved from a premature death.

I'm not afraid of dying but of not completing my work. Vaccines saved millions from smallpox, polio and many other killer pathogens.

Herd immunity may need several generations to take. As with smallpox. Indigenous populations were decimated by it and by contact with carrier, but immune Europeans.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 30 January 2023 10:59:14 AM
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Overeducated morons; like underage juveniles in the justice system; no penalty for any crime under murder, this lot got away Scott free from all responsibility, including murder one could argue.

So what sections of society actually pay for their crimes? Not the top end, not the bottom end but all those in the middle it would seem.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 30 January 2023 1:08:27 PM
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Just for every ones edification, here is the official Long Covid paper in Nature from about a week ago.
Posted by Anthony Bishop, Monday, 30 January 2023 1:14:42 PM
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I live in Victoria and I am grateful to the Premier's
response to COVID. I have had all four shots and feel
lucky that I did. I trusted our medical experts and
don't for one minute regret having done so. And I am
grateful that COVID testing is still going on for
overseas travellers coming to this country.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 January 2023 2:24:57 PM
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